
HTML Compressor and Minifier via PHP 5.3+

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HTML Compressor and Minifier


HtmlMin is a fast and very easy to use PHP5.3+ library that minifies given HTML5 source by removing extra whitespaces, comments and other unneeded characters without breaking the content structure. As a result pages become smaller in size and load faster. It will also prepare the HTML for better gzip results, by re-ranging (sort alphabetical) attributes and css-class-names.

Install via "composer require"

composer require voku/html-min

Quick Start

use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

require_once 'composer/autoload.php';

$html = '<html>\r\n\t<body>\xc3\xa0</body>\r\n\t</html>';
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();
echo $htmlMin->minify($html); // '<html><body>à</body></html>'


$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();

 * Protected HTML (inlince css / inline js / conditional comments) are still protected,
 *    no matter what settings you use.

$htmlMin->doOptimizeAttributes();                     // optimize html attributes 
$htmlMin->doRemoveComments();                         // remove default HTML comments
$htmlMin->doRemoveDefaultAttributes();                // remove defaults
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedAnchorName();             // remove deprecated anchor-jump
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedScriptCharsetAttribute(); // remove deprecated charset-attribute (the browser will use the charset from the HTTP-Header, anyway)
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromScriptTag();      // remove deprecated script-mime-types
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStylesheetLink(); // remove "type=text/css" for css links
$htmlMin->doRemoveEmptyAttributes();                  // remove some empty attributes
$htmlMin->doRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes();         // remove optional "http:"-prefix from attributes
$htmlMin->doRemoveValueFromEmptyInput();              // remove 'value=""' from empty <input>
$htmlMin->doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags();             // remove whitespace around tags
$htmlMin->doSortCssClassNames();                      // sort css-class-names, for better gzip results
$htmlMin->doSortHtmlAttributes();                     // sort html-attributes, for better gzip results
$htmlMin->doSumUpWhitespace();                        // sum-up extra whitespace from the Dom

Unit Test

  1. Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests.
composer install voku/html-min
  1. The tests can be executed by running this command from the root directory: