
Yo static webpage generator 4 less/sass and Bootstrap 3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to setup:

  1. Install Latest Node.js LTS Version: v6.11.0
  2. Install latest version of yo by command sudo npm install -g yo for Linux/Mac or npm install -g yo for Windows
  3. Clone repo and goto folder by command git clone --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/menangen/generator-site.git && cd generator-site
  4. Run setup npm install
  5. Link global generator into system sudo npm link for Linux/Mac or npm link for Windows


  • Use admin rights for Installation yo and only linking generator-site into your system (Windows or Mac)
  1. Create a new folder and run in terminal command like mkdir project && cd project
  2. For start generator in project folder and setup project: yo site
  3. Then you have to setup npm environment: npm install

How to use:

  1. Prepare folder by mkdir project && cd project
  2. Run generator by yo site

How to run tasks:

npm run build compile production build to dist/ npm run watch watch code and recompile pug and less/sass npm run serve open website in new window

Other watching tasks

npm run pug:watch npm run less:watch npm run js:watch

All JS frameworks like Vue.js or Preact.js is included by Rollup in compiled dist/js/bundle.js