
Traveller app, shows you the popular flight offers to different destinations

Primary LanguageSwift

Traveller app

shows you the popular flight offers to different destinations using Tequila API

Project specs

  • Xcode version 12.4
  • Cocoapods version 1.10.1


  • Alamofire version 5.2, Github
  • AlamofireImage version 4.1, Github

Running the app

  • Clone the repo
  • Run pod install inside the repo folder
  • Run Traveller.xcworkspace

API configuration

  • First I was using skypicker api but I notced that the docs says we highly recommend using tequila.kiwi.com
  • So I have upgraded the network layer to use tequila.kiwi.com

Implementation plan

you can find more about what is currently implemented and what could be added if we had more time, here

API key

  • You will need to create an account in Tequila portal here
  • Then you need to create a solution here
  • After visiting that solution you just created, in the Details section you would find the API key to use
  • you will need to create a Config file nammed Config.xcconfig in Traveller/Commons/Config.xcconfig
  • And add your API key in that file API_KEY = xxx
  • this file is local and won't be stored in the git repo, ignored in the .gitignore file


Popular flights flow

Popular flights screen different states


Normal flights loaded

Empty flights response

API errors

Location errors

Auth flow [not implemented just UI]