
Allows you to switch between Dark theme and Light theme in KDE


Theme Switcher app for pearOS

This app is made to switch between Light mode and Dark mode in pearOS and all NiceC0re based systems

Screenshots :)

Nice Screenshot


  • install gambas3 package
$ sudo apt-get install gambas3 -y

Installation steps

  • From repository:

    • add the pear repository to your sources.list file:
    echo 'deb [trusted=yes] https://archive.pearos.xyz/ nicec0re/' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    sudo apt update
    • install the theme switcher:
    sudo apt install theme-switcher
  • From Package:

    • Download the .deb package from Releases tab here, in GitHub
    • Install using gdebi/ dpkg
    $ sudo dpkg -i <path to downloaded deb file, or drag and drop>


    • From Terminal:
      • Open a terminal and type themesw
    • From Application Daskboard:
      • Search for Theme Switcher with the nice icon made by Andrei Muntean. All rights reserved to him.


  • This application is released under the Pear Public License v1. See LICENSE file for details