
Mend Renovate Documentation & Examples

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Mend Renovate Community and Enterprise Editions

This repository contains documentation, release notes and an issue tracker for Mend Renovate Community Edition (Renovate CE) and Mend Renovate Enterprise Edition (Renovate EE).


Please view the Markdown docs in this repository.


Mend Renovate CE/EE is distributed via GitHub's Container Registry under the mend GHCR namespace.


Use of Mend Renovate CE/EE is bound by Mend's Terms of Service. You can request a license key by submitting the form at https://www.mend.io/renovate-community/. License requests are processed semi-manually so please allow up to three working days to get your license key by email.

The documentation and examples in this repository are MIT-licensed.


Please see the docs/ and examples/ directories within this repository.