
Firefox New Tab replacement, showcase mendhak photos from Flickr.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firefox - New Tab Replacement with Flickr Photos

This is a basic Firefox extension that replaces the New Tab in Firefox, and displays an image from Flickr Explore, or a Flickr album of your choice.

You can choose the Photoset ID, Flickr Explore, and Photo Sizes in about:addons > Flickr Photos In New Tab > Preferences.

The Addon page is at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/mendhak-flickr-new-tab/

Microsoft Edge

The addon page is at: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/flickr-photos-in-new-tab/egfjehkbfaakmjnjkfgkkgpbadngnlff


In Firefox, open up about:debugging and click 'This Firefox'

Click 'Load Temporary Add-on...' and choose the manifest.json in this folder.


Zip up all needed files, but exclude git folder:

zip -r -FS ../firefox-mendhak-flickr * --exclude '*.git*'

Then upload to the Developer Hub page and wait for approval.