Python Code for abnormal detection or fault detection using SVDD.
- SVDD model for training dataset containing only positive training data. (SVDD)
- SVDD model for training dataset containing both positive training data and negative training data. (nSVDD)
- Multiple kinds of kernel functions.
- Visualization module including ROC curve plotting, test result plotting, and decision boundary.
- matplotlib
- cvxopt
- scipy
- numpy
- scikit_learn
Two types of SVDD models are built according to the following references:
[1] Tax D M J, Duin R P W. Support vector data description[J]. Machine learning, 2004, 54(1): 45-66.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from src.svdd import SVDD
from src.visualize import Visualization as draw
from data import PrepareData as load
# load banana-shape data
trainData, testData, trainLabel, testLabel = load.banana()
# kernel list
kernelList = {"1": {"type": 'gauss', "width": 1/24},
"2": {"type": 'linear', "offset": 0},
"3": {"type": 'ploy', "degree": 2, "offset": 0},
"4": {"type": 'tanh', "gamma": 1e-4, "offset": 0},
"5": {"type": 'lapl', "width": 1/12}
for i in range(len(kernelList)):
# set SVDD parameters
parameters = {"positive penalty": 0.9,
"negative penalty": 0.8,
"kernel": kernelList.get(str(i+1)),
"option": {"display": 'on'}}
# construct an SVDD model
svdd = SVDD(parameters)
# train SVDD model
svdd.train(trainData, trainLabel)
# test SVDD model
distance, accuracy = svdd.test(testData, testLabel)
# visualize the results
# draw.testResult(svdd, distance)
# draw.testROC(testLabel, distance)
draw.boundary(svdd, trainData, trainLabel)
- gaussian kernel function
- linear kernel function
- polynomial kernel function
- sigmoid kernel function
- laplacian kernel function
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from src.svdd import SVDD
from src.visualize import Visualization as draw
from data import PrepareData as load
# load banana-shape data
trainData, testData, trainLabel, testLabel = load.iris()
# set SVDD parameters
parameters = {"positive penalty": 0.9,
"negative penalty": 0.8,
"kernel": {"type": 'gauss', "width": 1/24},
"option": {"display": 'on'}}
# construct an SVDD model
svdd = SVDD(parameters)
# train SVDD model
svdd.train(trainData, trainLabel)
# test SVDD model
distance, accuracy = svdd.test(testData, testLabel)
# visualize the results
draw.testResult(svdd, distance)
draw.testROC(testLabel, distance)
- test result
- ROC curve