An assignment on developing a command line Course Registration System.
- Assignment_1.pdf: assignment document
- src: source code
- lib: setup data and jar of library used
- screenshots: screenshots of the program
- executable for unix based OS
- Run.cmd: executable for Windows
As soon as the program is launched, it reads the resource files to create course catalog, and registers all the dummy students
You as a student would enter your details to enter the system
Before registering a course (program menu option number 2), the pre-requisites of the course are checked. You must be registered for the pre-requisite courses to register for any course.
After registration, a warning is showed only if there are less than 8 students registered in the selected offering
All the course details, offering details, and occupancy details can be printed using program menu option number 4.
Refer to the screenshots to get an idea of the working of the program
Data required for Course Catalog is stored in lib/course_catalog.txt. Format of data is:
<course name>, <comma separated list of pre-requisite courses>
Data required for Course Offering is stored in lib/course_offerings.txt. Format of data is:
<course name>, <offering section number>, <offering maximum capacity>
Dummy students and their registration informations is stored in lib/dummy_students.txt. Format of data is:
<student name>, <student ID number>, <comma separated list of registered offering in the format <courseName-courseNumber-offeringSection>>
JDK version 1.7 or above is required to build and run this program.
Clone the repository on your machine, or download the zip file
Then follow the onscreen instructions
Student entering his/her details
Program menu options
Menu option 1: no search results
Menu option 1: search produced some results
Menu option 2: couldn't register as all registrations are full in this offering
Menu option 2: couldn't register as pre-requisites are not met
Menu option 2: successfully registered
Menu option 2: successfully registered but a warning is issued
Menu option 2: cannot register for more than 6 courses
Menu option 3: cannot de-register as registered courses has depedency
Menu option 3: successfully de-registered
Menu option 4: view the entire course catalog
Menu option 5: show all the registered courses for the current student
Menu option 6: exit the program