
An assignment on review of NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ENSF-611 Assignment 0


The goal of this lab is to review the numpy-pandas-matplotlib/seaborn toolchain.

You will practice loading data from file, manupulating the data in pandas DataFrame, inspect data in pandas DataFrame and visualize data with pandas, matplotlib and seaborn libraries.

What to do

  1. Review:

    • lab0-numpy.ipynb
    • lab0-pandas.ipynb
    • lab0-visualization.ipynb
  2. Download the auto mpg data set from UCI: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Auto%2BMPG

  3. Using auto mpg repeat steps in:

    • lab0-pandas.ipynb, save as lab0-pandas-auto_mpg.ipynb
    • lab0-visualization.ipynb, save as lab0-visualization-auto_mpg.ipynb

    where appropriate. Instead of gender, use origin. Instead of age, use mpg. Or other suitable variabales of your choice.

  4. (optional) Review lab0_chicken_prep.ipynb

  5. (optional) Complete lab0_chicken.ipynb

What to hand in

As described above, pandas, and visualization adapted to the auto mpg dataset in two files:

  • lab0-pandas-auto_mpg.ipynb
  • lab0-visualization-auto_mpg.ipynb

Commit changes to git with at least three (3) student commits.