Assignment on "Evading" Program Analysis Tools

The goal of this assignment is to embed a bug in a program that is hard for any of the program analysis tools to find. For details, please refer to the instruction file.


If you have Vagrant and VirtualBox properly installed, provisioning the VM should be as easy as vagrant up. However, the provisioning might take a while.

Package layout

    |-- main.c    // mandatory: the only code file to submit
    |-- input/    // mandatory: the test suite with 100% gcov coverage
    |    |-- <*>  //   test case name can be arbitrary valid filename
    |-- crash/    // mandatory: sample inputs that crash the program
    |    |-- <*>  //   sample name can be arbitrary valid filename
    |-- // optional: an explanatory note on the code and embedded bug


All commands in this section should be executed in the provisioned VM:

Run gcov

./workdir/ <path-to-package>

Run AFL++

./workdir/ <path-to-package>


./workdir/ <path-to-package>

Run SymCC

./workdir/ <path-to-package>