
TrustME Application

TrustME is a full-fledge blockchain application which serves trade partners to process their trade with a middleman is replaced by a smart contract and everything is settled on a single ledger. It is a decentralized platform that allows users to trade assets with each other in a secure and transparent manner. The platform is built on Ethereum and uses smart contracts to facilitate the exchange of assets.


mobile  screenshot

Built with

- Major languages: Solidity, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Next.js
- Technologies used: ESLint, Prettier, VSCode, Git, GitHub


- Node.js installed on local system
- yarn (Package Manager)
- npm ( Node Package Manager )
- Git and Github Account

Getting Started

To get a local copy of this application run the following steps:

  • Open terminal

  • Change to your desired directory then run the following:

    • run git@github.com:mengiefen/TrustMe-Settlements.git
    • cd TrustMe-Settlements/
    • run git switch dev
    • run yarn install
    • run yarn dev

How to setup the application

  • Open terminal

  • Change to your desired directory then run the following:

    • run git@github.com:mengiefen/TrustMe-Settlements.git
    • cd TrustMe-Settlements/
    • run git switch dev
    • run yarn install
  • create .env file on the root directory

  • populate created file with the following environment variables

    NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= your_contract_address
  • run yarn dev

How to use TrustMe

  • The first step to use the TrustMe Services is to connect with your wallet. You need to have an Ethereum web3 browser extension wallet services.
  • Get test goerli ether from https://goerlifaucet.com/
  • Get test tokens from Uniswap with this link:https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap. You can exchange test goerli ETH with UNI or any other tokens.
  • Then you can test the TrustMe Services to settle your test trade. It is Simple. Safe & Efficient.

Useful Links


👤 Nicolaes Tollenaar

👤 Gabriel Vince

👤 Rushikesh Jadhav

👤 Anmol Pokhrel

👤 Mengstu Fentaw

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.