
Implementation of "DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks" https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.13298

Primary LanguagePython


This project is the implementation of the DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks paper, that aims to replace multiplications in a neural networks with bitwise shift (and sign change).

[Paper] - [arXiv] - [Video] - [Presentation]

This research project was done at Huawei Technologies.

If you find this code useful, please cite our paper:

    author    = {Elhoushi, Mostafa and Chen, Zihao and Shafiq, Farhan and Tian, Ye Henry and Li, Joey Yiwei},
    title     = {DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {2359-2368}
Table of Contents


The main idea of DeepShift is to test the ability to train and infer using bitwise shifts. Main Concept of DeepShift

We present 2 approaches:

  • DeepShift-Q: the parameters are floating point weights just like regular networks, but the weights are rounded to powers of 2 during the forward and backward passes
  • DeepShift-PS: the parameters are signs and shift values DeepShift-Q DeepShift-PS

Important Notes

  • To train from scratch, the learning rate --lr option should be set to 0.01. To train from pre-trained model, it should be set to 0.001 and lr-step-size should be set to 5
  • To use DeepShift-PS, the --optimizer must be set to radam in order to obtain good results.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/mostafaelhoushi/DeepShift.git
  1. Change directory
cd DeepShift
  1. Create virtual environment:
virtualenv venv --prompt="(DeepShift) " --python=/usr/bin/python3.6
  1. (Needs to be done every time you run code) Source the environment:
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install required packages and build the spfpm package for fixed point
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. cd into pytorch directroy:
cd pytorch
  1. To list all the available options, you may run:
python <dataset>.py --help

where <dataset> can be either mnist, cifar10, imagenet.

When you run any training or evaluation script, you will have the model binary file as well as the training log in ./models/<dataset>/<arch>/<shift-type><shift-depth><weight-bit-width><desc> where:

  • <shift-type> is either shift_q if you pass --shift-type Q, shift_ps if you pass --shift-type PS, or shift_0 if you are running the default FP32 baseline
  • <shift-depth> is the number of layers from the start of the model that have been converted to DeepShift. This is determined by the shift-depth argument
  1. Now you can run the different scripts with different options, e.g., a) Train a DeepShift simple fully-connected model on the MNIST dataset, using the PS apprach:
    python mnist.py --shift-depth 3 --shift-type PS --optimizer radam
    b) Train a DeepShift simple convolutional model on the MNIST dataset, using the Q approach:
    python mnist.py --type conv --shift-depth 3 --shift-type Q 
    c) Train a DeepShift ResNet20 on the CIFAR10 dataset from scratch:
    python cifar10.py --arch resnet20 --pretrained False --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q 
    d) Train a DeepShift ResNet18 model on the Imagenet dataset using converted pretrained weights for 5 epochs with learning rate 0.001:
    python imagenet.py <path to imagenet dataset> --arch resnet18 --pretrained True --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --epochs 5 --lr 0.001
    e) Train a DeepShift ResNet18 model on the Imagenet dataset from scratch with an initial learning rate of 0.01:
    python imagenet.py <path to imagenet dataset> --arch resnet18 --pretrained False --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --optimizer radam --lr 0.01
    f) Train a DeepShift ResNet18 model on the CIFAR10 dataset from scratch with 8-bit fixed point activation (3-bits for integers and 5-bits for fractions):
    python cifar10.py --arch resnet18 --pretrained False --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --optimizer radam --lr 0.01 -ab 3 5

Running the Bitwise Shift CUDA & CPU Kernels

  1. cd into DeepShift/pytorch directroy:
cd DeepShift/pytorch
  1. Run the installation script to install our CPU and CUDA kernels that perform matrix multiplication and convolution using bit-wise shifts:
sh install_kernels.sh
  1. Now you can run a model with acutal bit-wise shift kernels in CUDA using the --use-kernel True option. Remember that the kernel only works for inference not training, so you need to add the -e option as well:
python imagenet.py --arch resnet18 -e --shift-depth 1000 --pretrained True --use-kernel True
  1. To compare the latency with a naive regular convolution kernel that does not include cuDNN's other optimizations:
python imagenet.py --arch resnet18 -e --pretrained True --use-kernel True



Train from Scratch

Model Original DeepShift-Q DeepShift-PS
Simple FC Model 96.92% [1] 97.03% [2] 98.26% [3]
Simple Conv Model 98.75% [4] 98.81% [5] 99.12% [6]

Commands to reproduce results:

  1. python mnist.py
  2. python mnist.py --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q
  3. python mnist.py --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam
  4. python mnist.py --type conv
  5. python mnist.py --type conv --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q
  6. python mnist.py --type conv --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam

Train from Pre-Trained

Model Original DeepShift-Q DeepShift-PS
Simple FC Model 96.92% [1] 97.85% [7] 98.26% [8]
Simple Conv Model 98.75% [4] 99.15% [9] 99.16% [10]

Commands to reproduce results (assumes you have run commands [1] and [2] in order to have the baseline pretrained weights):

  1. python mnist.py --weights ./models/mnist/simple_linear/shift_0/weights.pth --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --desc from_pretrained
  2. python mnist.py --weights ./models/mnist/simple_linear/shift_0/weights.pth --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam --desc from_pretrained
  3. python mnist.py --type conv --weights ./models/mnist/simple_conv/shift_0/weights.pth --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --desc from_pretrained
  4. python mnist.py --type conv --weights ./models/mnist/simple_conv/shift_0/weights.pth --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam --desc from_pretrained


Train from Scratch

Model Original [11] DeepShift-Q [12] DeepShift-PS [13]
resnet18 94.45% 94.42% 93.20%
mobilenetv2 93.57% 93.63% 92.64%
resnet20 91.79% 89.85% 88.84%
resnet32 92.39% 91.13% 89.97%
resnet44 92.84% 91.29% 90.92%
resnet56 93.46% 91.52% 91.11%

Commands to reproduce results:

  1. python cifar10.py --arch <Model>
  2. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q
  3. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam

Train from Pre-Trained

Model Original [11] DeepShift-Q [14] DeepShift-PS [15]
resnet18 94.45% 94.25% 94.12%
mobilenetv2 93.57% 93.04% 92.78%

Commands to reproduce results (assumes you have run command [11] for the corresponding architecture in order to have the baseline pretrained weights):

  1. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --weights ./models/cifar10/<Model>/shift_0/checkpoint.pth.tar --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15
  2. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --weights ./models/cifar10/<Model>/shift_0/checkpoint.pth.tar --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --opt radam --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15

Using Fewer Bits

Model Type Weight Bits Train from Scratch Train from Pre-Trained
resnet18 Original 32 94.45% [11] -
resnet18 DeepShift-PS 5 93.20% [13] 94.12% [15]
resnet18 DeepShift-PS 4 94.12% [16] 94.13% [17]
resnet18 DeepShift-PS 3 92.85% [18] 91.16% [19]
resnet18 DeepShift-PS 2 92.80% [20] 90.68% [21]

Commands to reproduce results (assumes you have run command [11] for the corresponding architecture in order to have the baseline pretrained weights):

  1. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 4 --opt radam
  2. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --weights ./models/cifar10/<Model>/shift_0/checkpoint.pth.tar --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 4 --opt radam --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15
  3. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 3 --opt radam
  4. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --weights ./models/cifar10/<Model>/shift_0/checkpoint.pth.tar --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 3 --opt radam --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15
  5. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 2 --opt radam
  6. python cifar10.py --arch <Model> --weights ./models/cifar10/<Model>/shift_0/checkpoint.pth.tar --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS -wb 2 --opt radam --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15


Accuracies shown are Top1 / Top5.

Train from Scratch

Model Original [22] DeepShift-Q [23] DeepShift-PS [24]
resnet18 69.76% / 89.08% 65.32% / 86.29% 65.34% / 86.05%
resnet50 76.13% / 92.86% 70.70% / 90.20% 71.90% / 90.20%
vgg16 71.59% / 90.38% 70.87% / 90.09% TBD

Commands to reproduce results:

  1. a) To evaluate PyTorch pretrained models: python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained True -e <path_to_imagenet_dataset> OR b) To train from scratch: python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained False <path_to_imagenet_dataset>
  2. python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained False --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --desc from_scratch --lr 0.01 <path_to_imagenet_dataset>
  3. python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained False --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --desc from_scratch --lr 0.01 --opt radam <path_to_imagenet_dataset>

Train from Pre-Trained

Model Original [22] DeepShift-Q [25] DeepShift-PS [26]
resnet18 69.76% / 89.08% 69.56% / 89.17% 69.27% / 89.00%
resnet50 76.13% / 92.86% 76.33% / 93.05% 75.93% / 92.90%
googlenet 69.78% / 89.53% 70.73% / 90.17% 69.87% / 89.62%
vgg16 71.59% / 90.38% 71.56% / 90.48% 71.39% / 90.33%
alexnet 56.52% / 79.07% 55.81% / 78.79% 55.90% / 78.73%
densenet121 74.43% / 91.97% 74.52% / 92.06% TBD
  1. python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained True --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type Q --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15 <path_to_imagenet_dataset>
  2. python imagenet.py --arch <Model> --pretrained True --shift-depth 1000 --shift-type PS --desc from_pretrained --lr 1e-3 --lr-step 5 --epochs 15 --opt radam <path_to_imagenet_dataset>

Using Fewer Bits

Model Type Weight Bits Train from Scratch Train from Pre-Trained
resNet18 Original 32 69.76% / 89.08% -
resNet18 DeepShift-Q 5 65.34% / 86.05% 69.56% / 89.17%
resNet18 DeepShift-PS 5 65.34% / 86.05% 69.27% / 89.00%
resNet18 DeepShift-Q 4 TBD 69.56% / 89.14%
resNet18 DeepShift-PS 4 67.07% / 87.36% 69.02% / 88.73%
resNet18 DeepShift-PS 3 63.11% / 84.45% TBD
resNet18 DeepShift-PS 2 60.80% / 83.01% TBD

Binary Files of Trained Models

Code WalkThrough

  • pytorch: directory containing implementation, tests, and saved models using PyTorch
    • deepshift: directory containing the PyTorch models as well as the CUDA and CPU kernels of LinearShift and Conv2dShift ops
    • unoptimized: directory containing the PyTorch models as well as the CUDA and CPU kernels of the naive implementations of Linear and Conv2d ops
    • mnist.py: example script to train and infer on MNIST dataset using simple models in both their original forms and DeepShift version.
    • cifar10.py: example script to train and infer on CIFAR10 dataset using various models in both their original forms and DeepShift version.
    • imagenet.py: example script to train and infer on Imagenet dataset using various models in both their original forms and DeepShift version.
    • optim: directory containing definition of RAdam and Ranger optimizers. RAdam optimizer is crucial to get DeepShift-PS obtain the accuracies shown here