This is an out-of-the-box nvim-dev
image (~1 min to build), contains almost everything you need like LSP-client (coc), LSP-server (ccls), file navigation (nvim-tree), search (greprip, telescope), copilot, git-integration, and other fancy stuffs.
We also maintain a single-file high-quality version in pure Lua to continuously integrate the ever-evolving nvim plugins init.lua
To build this nvim-dev
docker build -t nvim-dev:latest -f vim.Dockerfile .
Then create a development environment to code, build, and run:
docker run -itd --shm-size=16384m \
-v <your codebase>:<codebase mapping e.g.:/mnt/project> \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
nvim-dev:latest \
And attach to your nvim-dev
docker exec -it -e "TERM=screen-256color" <your container ID> /bin/bash