The 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) has been held on 20-24 May 2019 in Montreal, Canada. The ICRA 2019 is a flagship IEEE Robotics & Automation Society conference and will feature a premiere international venue for international robotics researchers.
This list is edited by PaopaoRobot, the Chinese academic nonprofit organization. Recently we will classify these papers by topics. Welcome to follow our github and our WeChat Public Platform Account ( paopaorobot_slam ).
index | paper title |
0007 | High-Fidelity Grasping in Virtual Reality Using Glove-Based System |
0008 | Self-Supervised Incremental Learning for Sound Source Localization in Complex Indoor Environment |
0016 | Unsupervised Out-Of-Context Action Understanding |
0031 | Aided Inertial Navigation - Unified Feature Representations and Observability Analysis |
0036 | Learning Wheel Odometry and IMU Errors for Localization |
0038 | Balance Map Analysis As a Measure of Walking Balance Based on Pendulum-Like Leg Movements |
0039 | A New Approach for an Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulated Motion Cueing Algorithm for an 8 DoF Full Motion Driving Simulator |
0041 | MH-iSAM2 - Multi-Hypothesis iSAM Using Bayes Tree and Hypo-Tree |
0047 | Singularity of Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Sagging Cables - Preliminary Investigation |
0049 | On the Combination of Gamification and Crowd Computation in Industrial Automation and Robotics Applications |
0055 | Locomotion Dynamics of a Miniature Wave-Like Robot Modeling and Experiments |
0060 | Deep Reinforcement Learning of Navigation in a Complex and Crowded Environment with a Limited Field of View |
0070 | Lifelong Learning for Heterogeneous Multi-Modal Tasks |
0073 | Trajectory Planning for a Tractor with Multiple Trailers in Extremely Narrow Environments - A Unified Approach |
0075 | Detection-By-Localization - Maintenance-Free Change Object Detector |
0078 | Living with a Mobile Companion Robot in Your Own Apartment - Final Implementation and Results of a 20-Weeks Field Study |
0082 | Improving Data Efficiency of Self-Supervised Learning for Robotic Grasping |
0085 | Design of a Modular Continuum Robot Segment for Use in a General Purpose Manipulator |
0090 | Linear Heterogeneous Reconfiguration of Cubic Modular Robots Via Simultaneous Tunneling and Permutation |
0095 | Visual SLAM - Why Bundle Adjust |
0109 | Analytic Collision Risk Calculation for Autonomos Vehicle Navigation |
0111 | Oriented Point Sampling for Plane Detection in Unorganized Point Clouds |
0114 | 1-Actuator 3-DoF Manipulation Using an Underactuated Mechanism with Multiple Nonparallel and Viscoelastic Passive Joints |
0116 | Critically Fast Pick-And-Place with Suction Cups |
0118 | Project AutoVision - Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System |
0120 | A Kalman Filter-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Time Synchronization and Localization in UWB Networks |
0122 | Pose Graph Optimization for Unsupervised Monocular Visual Odometry |
0123 | 3D Printed Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Intent Sensing for Hand Rehabilitative Exoskeletons |
0124 | Dual Refinement Network for Single-Shot Object Detection |
0126 | DeltaMag - An Electromagnetic Manipulation System with Parallel Mobile Coils |
0128 | Interactive Open-Ended Object Affordance and Grasp Learning for Robotic Manipulation |
0129 | Eagle Shoal - A New Designed Modular Tactile Sensing Dexterous Hand for Domestic Service Robots |
0131 | Uncertainty-Aware Path Planning for Navigation on Road Networks Using Augmented MDPs |
0143 | Dynamically-consistent Generalized Hierarchical Control |
0144 | Multi-Modal Geometric Learning for Grasping and Manipulation |
0148 | Online Continuous Mapping Using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces |
0150 | A Compliant and Precise Pneumatic Rotary Drive Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles in a Swash Plate Design |
0151 | Team-Based Robot Righting via Pushing and Shell Design |
0152 | Autonomous Latching System for Self-driving Robotic Boats |
0153 | Reshaping Particle Configurations by Collisions with Rigid Objects |
0155 | Learning to Capture a Film-Look Video with a Camera Drone |
0156 | Chance Constrained Motion Planning for High-Dimensional Robots |
0163 | Design and Experimental Validation of a 2DOF Sidestick Powered by Hyper-Redundant Magnetorheological Actuators Providing Active Feedback |
0165 | Robotic Endoscopy System (easyEndo) with a Robotic Arm Mountable on a Conventional Endoscope |
0170 | RoPose-Real - Real World Dataset Acquisition for Data-Driven Industrial Robot Arm Pose Estimation |
0174 | Analyzing Electromagnetic Actuator Based on Force Analysis |
0175 | Stiffness-Tuneable Limb Segment with Flexible Spine for Malleable Robots |
0179 | Door Opening and Traversal with an Industrial Cartesian Impedance Controlled Mobile Robot |
0180 | Improving Dual-Arm Assembly by Master-Slave Compliance |
0181 | Design and Testing of a New Cell Microinjector with Embedded Soft Force Sensor |
0185 | Design and Control of a Passively Morphing Quadcopter |
0190 | Closing the Sim-To-Real Loop - Adapting Simulation Randomization with Real World Experience |
0193 | Learning Ad-Hoc Compact Representations from Salient Landmarks for Visual Place Recognition in Underwater Environments |
0196 | An Actively Controlled Variable Stiffness Structure Via Layer Jamming and Pneumatic Actuation |
0204 | High-Speed Ring Insertion by Dynamic Observable Contact Hand |
0206 | Sensorless Force Control of Automated GrindingDeburring Using an Adjustable Force Regulation Mechanism |
0212 | A Variational Observation Model of 3D Object for Probabilistic Semantic SLAM |
0214 | Trust Regions for Safe Sampling-Based Model Predictive Control |
0215 | Velocity Constrained Trajectory Generation for a Collinear Mecanum Wheeled Robot |
0216 | Exploiting a Human-Aware World Model for Dynamic Task Allocation in Flexible Human-Robot Teams |
0222 | Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation Based on Precise Human Model |
0226 | eRTIS - A Fully Embedded Real Time 3D Imaging Sonar Sensor for Robotic Applications |
0233 | Personalized Online Learning and Classification of Whole-Body Motions Using Multiple Inertial Measurement Units |
0235 | Improving Incremental Planning Performance through Overlapping Replanning and Execution |
0239 | Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping |
0243 | Vibration Control for Manipulators on a Translationally Flexible Base |
0245 | Towards Learning Abstract Representations for Locomotion Planning in High-Dimensional State Spaces |
0246 | Online Object and Task Learning Via Human Robot Interaction |
0248 | I Can See Clearly Now - Image Restoration Via De-Raining |
0250 | Robots Learn Social Skills - End-To-End Learning of Co-Speech Gesture Generation for Humanoid Robots |
0251 | Fast Stochastic Functional Path Planning in Occupancy Maps |
0253 | Active Constraints for Tool-Shaft Collision Avoidance in Minimally Invasive Surgery |
0254 | A Defect Identification Approach of Operations for the Driving Element of Multi-Duty Parallel Manipulators |
0255 | Reconfigurable Network for Efficient Inferencing in Autonomous Vehicles |
0257 | A Linear-Complexity EKF for Visual-Inertial Navigation with Loop Closures |
0264 | Cannot Avoid Penalty Lets Minimize |
0268 | Streamlines for Motion Planning in Underwater Currents |
0274 | A Novel Reconfigurable Revolute Joint with Adjustable Stiffness |
0276 | Multi-Modal Generative Models for Learning Epistemic Active Sensing |
0280 | Generation of Stealth Walking Gait on Low-Friction Road Surface |
0284 | Improving Drone Localisation Around Wind Turbines Using Monocular Model-Based Tracking |
0286 | Hierarchical Depthwise Graph Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds |
0288 | Methodology of Designing Multi-Agent Robot Control Systems Utilising Hierarchical Petri Nets |
0291 | Scanning the Internet for ROS - A View of Security in Robotics Research |
0297 | Robotic Orientation Control of Deformable Cells |
0299 | Expectation-Maximization for Adaptive Mixture Models in Graph Optimization |
0306 | FMD Stereo SLAM - Fusing MVG and Direct Formulation towards Accurate and Fast Stereo SLAM |
0307 | Self-Supervised Surgical Tool Segmentation Using Kinematic Information |
0310 | Design and Formal Verification of a Safe Stop Supervisor for an Automated Vehicle |
0314 | Modeling and Planning Manipulation in Dynamic Environments |
0317 | Lidar Measurement Bias Estimation Via Return Waveform Modelling in a Context of 3D Mapping |
0320 | Fast Radar Motion Estimation with a Learnt Focus of Attention Using Weak Supervision |
0322 | Probably Unknown - Deep Inverse Sensor Modelling in Radar |
0326 | Rorg - Service Robot Software Management with Linux Containers |
0327 | Augmented Reality Assisted Instrument Insertion and Tool Manipulation for the First Assistant in Robotic Surgery |
0329 | Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning Using Robustified Controllers in Robotic Tasks Involving Complex Dynamics |
0331 | Kinematically Redundant (63)-Dof Hybrid Parallel Robot with Large Orientational Workspace and Remotely Operated Gripper |
0334 | The Robust Canadian Traveler Problem Applied to Robot Routing |
0335 | Trajectory-Based Probabilistic Policy Gradient for Learning Locomotion Behaviors |
0336 | Localization with Sliding Window Factor Graphs on Third-Party Maps for Automated Driving |
0337 | LineRanger Analysis and Field Testing of an Innovative Robot for Efficient Assessment of Bundled High-Voltage Powerlines |
0340 | DeepSignals - Predicting Intent of Drivers through Visual Attributes |
0341 | Structured Domain Randomization - Bridging the Reality Gap by Context-Aware Synthetic Data |
0343 | Nonlinear System Identification of Soft Robot Dynamics Using Koopman Operator Theory |
0345 | Visual Diver Recognition for Underwater Human-Robot Collaboration |
0352 | Dynamic Period-Two Gait Generation in a Hexapod Robot Based on the Fixed-Point Motion of a Reduced-Order Model |
0353 | Sensor-Failure-Resilient Multi-IMU Visual-Inertial Navigation |
0354 | Learning To Grasp Under Uncertainty Using POMDPs |
0355 | Enabling Identity-Aware Tracking Via Fusion of Visual and Inertial Features |
0357 | Autonomous Tissue Manipulation via Surgical Robot Using Learning Based Model Predictive Control |
0359 | Flying STAR a Hybrid Crawling and Flying Sprawl Tuned Robot |
0362 | A New Approach to Local Navigation for Autonomous Driving Vehicles Based on the Curvature Velocity Method |
0364 | Risk Averse Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning |
0366 | Predicting Vehicle Behaviors Over an Extended Horizon Using Behavior Interaction Network |
0367 | Who Takes What - Using RGB-D Camera and Inertial Sensor for Unmanned Monitor |
0368 | Radar-only ego-motion estimation in difficult settings via graph matching |
0371 | LookUP - Vision-Only Real-Time Precise Underground Localisation for Autonomous Mining Vehicles |
0373 | Efficient Obstacle Rearrangement for Object Manipulation Tasks in Cluttered Environments |
0374 | Bounded Collision Force by the Sobolev Norm |
0376 | Distortion-free Robotic Surface-drawing using Conformal Mapping |
0378 | Uncertainty Estimation for Projecting Lidar Points Onto Camera Images for Moving Platforms |
0380 | Surgical Instrument Segmentation for Endoscopic Vision with Data Fusion of CNN Prediction and Kinematic Pose |
0383 | Pneumatically Actuated Deployable Tissue Distension Device for NOTES for Colon |
0389 | Efficient Integrity Monitoring for KF-Based Localization |
0390 | SweepNet - Wide-Baseline Omnidirectional Depth Estimation |
0393 | Inkjet Printable Actuators and Sensors for Soft-bodied Crawling Robots |
0394 | Guaranteed Active Constraints Enforcement on Point Cloud-Approximated Regions for Surgical Applications |
0395 | 3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Two-Step Stereo Matching Method Assisted with Five Projected Patterns |
0397 | Learning from Extrapolated Corrections |
0399 | A New Robot Skating on Water Surface Intimating Water Striders Based on Flexible Driving Mechanism |
0405 | Assembly of Multilayered Hepatic Lobule-Like Vascular Network by Using Heptapole Magnetic Tweezer |
0408 | Dynamic Manipulation of Flexible Objects with Torque Sequence Using a Deep Neural Network |
0409 | Distant Vehicle Detection Using Radar and Vision |
0412 | Point Cloud Compression for 3D LiDAR Sensor Using Recurrent Neural Network with Residual Blocks |
0413 | Graduated Fidelity Lattices for Motion Planning under Uncertainty |
0417 | Multimodal Policy Search Using Overlapping Mixtures of Sparse Gaussian Process Prior |
0420 | Goal-Driven Navigation for Non-Holonomic Multi-Robot System by Learning Collision |
0421 | Designing an Accurate and Customizable Epidural Anaesthesia Haptic Simulator |
0423 | Asymmetric Local Metric Learning with PSD Constraint for Person Re-Identification |
0424 | Active Multi-Contact Continuous Tactile Exploration with Gaussian Process Differential Entropy |
0427 | Multi-View Picking - Next-Best-View Reaching for Improved Grasping in Clutter |
0428 | Exploiting Human and Robot Muscle Synergies for Human-In-The-Loop Optimization of EMG-Based Assistive Strategies |
0431 | Road Detection through CRF based LiDAR-Camera Fusion |
0434 | Real-Time Model Based Path Planning for Wheeled Vehicles |
0435 | Leveraging Temporal Reasoning for Policy Selection in Learning from Demonstration |
0442 | CartesIO - A ROS Based Real-Time Capable Cartesian Control Framework |
0445 | Incorporating End-To-End Speech Recognition Models for Sentiment Analysis |
0446 | Self-Modifying Morphology Experiments with DyRET - Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing |
0447 | Probabilistic Active Filtering for Object Search in Clutter |
0448 | Improving Keypoint Matching Using a Landmark-Based Image Representation |
0450 | Resolved Viscoelasticity Control Considering Singularity for Knee-Stretched Walking of a Humanoid |
0451 | Multimodal Spatio-Temporal Information in End-To-End Networks for Automotive Steering Prediction |
0452 | Online Multilayered Motion Planning with Dynamic Constraints for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
0456 | Robust 3D Object Classification by Combining Point Pair Features and Graph Convolution |
0465 | Visual Repetition Sampling for Robot Manipulation Planning |
0467 | Adding Cues to Binary Feature Descriptors for Visual Place Recognition |
0468 | Autonomous Cooperative Flight of Rigidly Attached Quadcopters |
0469 | A Novel Force Sensor with Zero Stiffness at Contact Transition Based on Optical Line Generation |
0475 | Performance Metrics for a Robotic Actuation System Using Static and Mobile Electromagnets |
0476 | Merging Position and Orientation Motion Primitives |
0477 | A Fast and Robust 3D Person Detector and Posture Estimator for Mobile Robotic Applications |
0481 | Energy Budget Transaction Protocol for Distributed Robotic Systems |
0485 | Position Control of Medical Cable-Driven Flexible Instruments by Combining Machine Learning and Kinematic Analysis |
0486 | Robot Localization Based on Aerial Images for Precision Agriculture Tasks in Crop Fields |
0487 | A Bio-Robotic Remora Disc with Attachment and Detachment Capabilities for Reversible Underwater Hitchhiking |
0494 | Disturbance Compensation Based Control for an Indoor Blimp Robot |
0499 | Automated Models of Human Everyday Activity Based on Game and Virtual Reality Technology |
0501 | Factored Contextual Policy Search with Bayesian Optimization |
0502 | Fabrication and Characterization of Muscle Rings Using Circular Mould and Rotary Electrical Stimulation for Bio-Syncretic Robots |
0504 | Learning Haptic Exploration Schemes for Adaptive Task Execution |
0506 | Every Hop Is an Opportunity - Quickly Classifying and Adapting to Terrain During Targeted Hopping |
0508 | Fast and Robust Initialization for Visual-Inertial SLAM |
0510 | Hydraulically-Actuated Compliant Revolute Joint for Medical Robotic Systems Based on Multimaterial Additive Manufacturing |
0520 | Bonnet - An Open-Source Training and Deployment Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Robotics using CNNs |
0521 | Robotic Control of a Multi-Modal Rigid Endoscope Combining Optical Imaging with All-Optical Ultrasound |
0522 | ScalableFusion - High-Resolution Mesh-Based Real-Time 3D Reconstruction |
0523 | EasyLabel - A Semi-Automatic Pixel-Wise Object Annotation Tool for Creating Robotic RGB-D Datasets |
0525 | Cell Injection Microrobot Development and Evaluation in Microfluidic Chip |
0527 | One-Shot Learning of Multi-Step Tasks from Observation Via Activity Localization in Auxiliary Video |
0531 | A Flexible Low-Cost Biologically Inspired Sonar Sensor Platform for Robotic Applications |
0532 | Tele-Echography Using a Two-Layer Teleoperation Algorithm with Energy Scaling |
0535 | Discontinuity-Sensitive Optimal Control Learning by Mixture of Experts |
0538 | Sliding Mode Momentum Observers for Estimation of External Torques and Joint Acceleration |
0540 | Enabling Technology for Safe Robot-Assisted Retinal Surgery - Early Warning for Unsafe Scleral Force |
0547 | Real-Time Intent Prediction of Pedestrians for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Via Spatio-Temporal DenseNet |
0549 | High-Precision Localization Using Ground Texture |
0551 | Approximate Probabilistic Security for Networked Multi-Robot Systems |
0552 | Actively Improving Robot Navigation on Different Terrains Using Gaussian Process Mixture Models |
0554 | State Estimation in Contact-Rich Manipulation |
0555 | On Parameter Estimation of Space Manipulator Systems with Flexible Joints Using the Energy Balance |
0556 | Needle Localization for Robot-Assisted Subretinal Injection Based on Deep Learning |
0561 | KO-Fusion - Dense Visual SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Kinematic and Odometric Tracking |
0563 | Deep Multi-Sensory Object Category Recognition Using Interactive Behavioral Exploration |
0564 | Online Adaptation of Uncertain Models Using Neural Network Priors and Partially Observable Planning |
0570 | A Parallel Low-Impedance Sensing Approach for Highly Responsive Physical Human-Robot Interaction |
0575 | Feasible Coordination of Multiple Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Mobile Vehicles with Various Constraints |
0576 | Deformation-based shape control with a multirobot system |
0579 | Kinematic Analysis of a 4-DOF Parallel Mechanism with Large Translational and Orientational Workspace |
0580 | ClusterNav - Learning-Based Robust Navigation Operating in Cluttered Environments |
0582 | Experimental Assessment of Plume Mapping Using Point Measurements from Unmanned Vehicles |
0584 | A New Overloading Fatigue Model for Ergonomic Risk Assessment with Application to Human-Robot Collaboration |
0587 | Safe Human Robot Cooperation in Task Performed on the Shared Load |
0588 | Studies on Positioning Manipulators Actuated by Solid Media Transmissions |
0589 | Learning Scene Geometry for Visual Localization in Challenging Conditions |
0591 | Robotic Joint Control System based on Analogue Spiking Neural Networks and SMA Actuators |
0593 | Robust Generalized Point Set Registration Using Inhomogeneous Hybrid Mixture Models Via Expectation Maximization |
0595 | CNN-SVO - Improving the Mapping in Semi-Direct Visual Odometry Using Single-Image Depth Prediction |
0598 | Model Based in Situ Calibration with Temperature Compensation of 6 Axis Force Torque Sensors |
0600 | Learning Robust Manipulation Skills with Guided Policy Search Via Generative Motor Reflexes |
0601 | Development of a Strain Gauge Based Disturbance Estimation and Compensation Technique for a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot |
0602 | Group Surfing - A Pedestrian-Based Approach to Sidewalk Robot Navigation |
0604 | Semiparametrical Gaussian Processes Learning of Forward Dynamical Models for Navigating in a Circular Maze |
0605 | A Lightweight Force-Controllable Wearable Arm Based on Magnetorheological-Hydrostatic Actuators |
0606 | Robotic Bronchoscopy Drive Mode of the Auris Monarch Platform |
0609 | Multi-Task Template Matching for Object Detection Segmentation and Pose Estimation Using Depth Images |
0611 | Synthesis of Real-Time Observers from Past-Time Linear Temporal Logic and Timed Specification |
0612 | Laparoscopy Instrument Tracking for Single View Camera and Skill Assessment |
0613 | Learning Action Representations for Self-supervised Visual Exploration |
0614 | Human-Inspired Balance Model to Account for Foot-Beam Interaction Mechanics |
0617 | A Practical Approach to Insertion with Variable Socket Position Using Deep Reinforcement Learning |
0619 | A Simple Adaptive Tracker with Reminiscences |
0620 | Ascento - A Two-Wheeled Jumping Robot |
0621 | EMG-Controlled Non-Anthropomorphic Hand Teleoperation Using a Continuous Teleoperation Subspace |
0622 | Non-Parametric Imitation Learning of Robot Motor Skills |
0623 | Data-Driven Gait Segmentation for Walking Assistance in a Lower-Limb Assistive Device |
0634 | Robustness to Out-Of-Distribution Inputs Via Task-Aware Generative Uncertainty |
0636 | Robust Object-Based SLAM for High-Speed Autonomous Navigation |
0637 | Intent-Uncertainty-Aware Grasp Planning for Robust Robot Assistance in Telemanipulation |
0638 | Design and Evaluation of an Energy-Saving Drive for a Versatile Robotic Gripper |
0641 | Controller Synthesis for Discrete-Time Hybrid Polynomial Systems Via Occupation Measures |
0644 | Recursive Bayesian Classi64257cation for Perception of Evolving Targets Using a Gaussian Toroid Prediction Model |
0646 | Support Surface Estimation for Legged Robots |
0647 | Fault-tolerant Flight Control of a VTOL Tailsitter UAV |
0648 | Recursive Integrity Monitoring for Mobile Robot Localization Safety |
0649 | A Four-Magnet System for 2D Wireless Open-Loop Control of Microrobots |
0651 | SpaceBok - A Dynamic Legged Robot for Space Exploration |
0652 | Characterizing the Effects of Reduced Gravity on Rover Wheel-Soil Interactions Using Computer Vision Techniques |
0654 | Learning-driven Coarse-to-Fine Articulated Robot Tracking |
0658 | A Scalable Framework For Real-Time Multi-Robot Multi-Human Collision Avoidance |
0660 | SuperDepth - Self-Supervised Super-Resolved Monocular Depth Estimation |
0661 | Dynamic Stepping on Unknown Obstacles with Upper-Body Compliance and Angular Momentum Damping from the Reaction Null-Space |
0663 | Generalized Controllers in POMDP Decision-Making |
0665 | A Heuristic for Task Allocation and Routing of Heterogeneous Robots while Minimizing Maximum Travel Cost |
0666 | Safe and Complete Real-Time Planning and Exploration in Unknown Environments |
0667 | Learning Primitive Skills for Mobile Robots |
0668 | Sound-Indicated Visual Object Detection for Robotic Exploration |
0669 | Visual Representations for Semantic Target Driven Navigation |
0670 | Online Learning for Proactive Obstacle Avoidance with Powered Transfemoral Prostheses |
0674 | Visual-Inertial Navigation - A Concise Review |
0677 | Improved A-Search Guided Tree Construction for Kinodynamic Planning |
0678 | Constrained Feedback Control by Prioritized Multi-Objective Optimization |
0679 | Uncertainty-Aware Data Aggregation for Deep Imitation Learning |
0681 | A GPU Based Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the Orientation Optimization Problem in 3D Printing |
0682 | Customizing Object Detectors for Indoor Robots |
0684 | Visual Guidance and Automatic Control for Robotic Personalized Stent Graft Manufacturing |
0685 | Deep Learning Based Motion Prediction for Exoskeleton Robot Control in Upper Limb Rehabilitation |
0689 | Algorithmic Resolution of Multiple Impacts in Nonsmooth Mechanical Systems with Switching Constraints |
0691 | Finding Divers with SCUBANet |
0693 | Non-Parametric Informed Exploration for Sampling-Based Motion Planning |
0694 | Coordinating Multi-Robot Systems through Environment Partitioning for Adaptive Informative Sampling |
0695 | Interaction-Aware Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Agents with Individual Goals |
0697 | Uncertainty-Aware Occupancy Map Prediction Using Generative Networks for Robot Navigation |
0699 | Real-Time Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation Using Asymmetric Annotations |
0700 | Illumination Robust Monocular Direct Visual Odometry for Outdoor Environment Mapping |
0702 | Experimental Validation of High-Efficiency Hydraulic Direct-Drive System for a Biped Humanoid Roboti 12 Comparison with Valve-Based Control System |
0703 | OffsetNet - Deep Learning for Localization in the Lung Using Rendered Images |
0704 | Optimal Path Planning for W-Regular Objectives with Abstraction-Refinement |
0705 | Semantic Predictive Control for Interpretable and Efficient Policy Learning |
0708 | Mini Cheetah - A Platform for Pushing the Limits of Dynamic Quadruped Control |
0716 | Orienting Oocytes Using Vibrations for In-Vitro Fertilization Procedures |
0717 | GEN-SLAM - Generative Modeling for Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping |
0720 | Adaptive Variance for Changing Sparse-Reward Environments |
0722 | Uncertainty Aware Learning from Demonstrations in Multiple Contexts using Bayesian Neural Networks |
0728 | Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot |
0730 | Learning Robust Manipulation Strategies with Multimodal State Transition Models and Recovery Heuristics |
0739 | Passive Dynamic Object Locomotion by Rocking and Walking Manipulation |
0742 | Informed Information Theoretic Model Predictive Control |
0743 | Exploiting Trademark Databases for Robotic Object Fetching |
0745 | Data Driven Inverse Kinematics of Soft Robots Using Local Models |
0746 | Integrity Risk-Based Model Predictive Control for Mobile Robots |
0747 | Online Estimation of Ocean Current from Sparse GPS Data for Underwater Vehicles |
0750 | Model-free Online Motion Adaptation for Optimal Range and Endurance of Multicopters |
0753 | The Importance of Metric Learning for Robotic Vision - Open Set Recognition and Active Learning |
0754 | Build Your Own Hybrid thermalEO Camera for Autonomous Vehicle |
0762 | Dynamic Obstacles Detection for Robotic Soil Explorations |
0764 | Reactive Walking Based on Upper-Body Manipulability - An Application to Intention Detection and Reaction |
0780 | Liability Ethics and Culture-Aware Behavior Specification Using Rulebooks |
0782 | A Comparison of CNN-Based and Hand-Crafted Keypoint Descriptors |
0783 | IN2LAMA - INertial Lidar Localisation and MApping |
0789 | Fast Instance and Semantic Segmentation Exploiting Local Connectivity Metric Learning and One-Shot Detection for Robotics |
0798 | Accurate Direct Visual-Laser Odometry with Explicit Occlusion Handling and Plane Detection |
0801 | Automated Cell Patterning System with a Microchip Using Dielectrophoresis |
0803 | Discrete Rotation Equivariance for Point Cloud Recognition |
0808 | Coverage Path Planning in Belief Space |
0816 | The Doctor will See You Now - Could a Robot Be a medical Receptionist |
0817 | Large-Scale Object Mining for Object Discovery from Unlabeled Video |
0821 | Flight Testing Boustrophedon Coverage Path Planning for Fixed Wing UAVs in Wind |
0822 | Mixed-Granularity Human-Swarm Interaction |
0824 | Handling Robot Constraints within a Set-Based Multi-Task Priority Inverse Kinematics Framework |
0826 | Generalization through Simulation - Integrating Simulated and Real Data into Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Autonomous Flight |
0827 | Improved Proximity Contact and Force Sensing Via Optimization of Elastomer-Air Interface Geometry |
0836 | Detect in RGB Optimize in Edge - Accurate 6D Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Industrial Parts |
0840 | A Reconfigurable Variable Stiffness Manipulator by a Sliding Layer Mechanism |
0841 | Echinoderm Inspired Variable Stiffness Soft Actuator with Connected Ossicle Structure |
0844 | A Friction-Based Kinematic Model for Skid-Steer Wheeled Mobile Robots |
0846 | Robust Object Grasping in Clutter Via Singulation |
0850 | OmniDRL - Robust Pedestrian Detection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning on Omnidirectional Cameras |
0851 | Safe Teleoperation of a Laparoscope Holder with Dynamic Precision but Low Stiffness |
0856 | Empty Cities - Image Inpainting for a Dynamic-Object-Invariant Space |
0857 | Spatiotemporal and Kinetic Gait Analysis System Based on Multisensor Fusion of Laser Range Sensor and Instrumented Insoles |
0860 | Semantic Mapping for View-Invariant Relocalization |
0862 | Robotic Forceps without Position Sensors Using Visual SLAM |
0864 | Manipulation Using Microrobot Driven by Optothermally Generated Surface Bubble |
0867 | Environment Driven Underwater Camera-IMU Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM |
0868 | Improving Collective Decision Accuracy Via Time-Varying Cross-Inhibition |
0871 | BLVD - Building a Large-Scale 5D Semantics Benchmark for Autonomous Driving |
0873 | Path Following Controller for Differentially Driven Planar Robots with Limited Torques and Uncertain and Changing Dynamics |
0875 | Solving Methods for Multi-Robot Missions Planning with Energy Capacity Consideration |
0878 | Improved Optical Flow for Gesture-Based Human Robot Interaction |
0879 | Plug-And-Play - Improve Depth Prediction Via Sparse Data Propagation |
0883 | Customized Object Recognition and Segmentation by One Shot Learning with Human Robot Interaction |
0887 | Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Super Twisting Controller for Position and Altitude Tracking of the Quadrotor |
0888 | Continuous Value Iteration (CVI) Reinforcement Learning and Imaginary Experience Replay (IER) for Learning Multi-Goal Continuous Action and State Space Controllers |
0890 | Gaussian Processes Model-Based Control of Underactuated Balance Robots |
0892 | Set-Based Inverse Kinematics Control of an Anthropomorphic Dual Arm Aerial Manipulator |
0893 | Optimization-Based Terrain Analysis and Path Planning in Unstructured Environments |
0894 | Designing a Personality-Driven Robot for a Human-Robot Interaction Scenario |
0897 | Dense 3D Visual Mapping Via Semantic Simplification |
0900 | Mobile Robotic Painting of Texture |
0903 | Redundant Perception and State Estimation for Reliable Autonomous Racing |
0904 | Diffraction-Aware Sound Localization for a Non-Line-Of-Sight Source |
0905 | Incremental Learning of Spatial-Temporal Features in Human Motion Patterns with Mixture Model for Planning Motion of a Collaborative Robot in |
0907 | Semi Supervised Deep Quick Instance Detection and Segmentation |
0908 | DFNet - Semantic Segmentation on Panoramic Images with Dynamic Loss Weights and Residual Fusion Block |
0911 | MoveIt Task Constructor for Task-Level Motion Planning |
0914 | Efficient Exact Collision Detection between Ellipsoids and Superquadrics via Closed-form Minkowski Sums |
0916 | SEG-VoxelNet for 3D Vehicle Detection from RGB and LiDAR Data |
0918 | Deep N-Shot Transfer Learning for Tactile Material Classification with a Flexible Pressure-Sensitive Skin |
0921 | Realizing Learned Quadruped Locomotion Behaviors through Kinematic Motion Primitives |
0923 | Sampling-Based Polytopic Trees for Approximate Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems |
0926 | A New Soft Fingertip Based on Electroactive Hydrogels |
0931 | Active Damping of Parallel Robots Driven by Flexible Cables Using Cold-Gas Thrusters |
0932 | Experiments with Human-inspired Behaviors in a Humanoid Robot - Quasi-static Balancing using Toe-off Motion and Stretched Knees |
0939 | Controllability Pre-Verification of Silicon Soft Robots Based on Finite-Element Method |
0946 | Passivity Based Control of Antagonistic Tendon-Driven Mechanism |
0947 | Experimental Demonstration of High-Performance Robotic Balancing |
0949 | Predicting the Layout of Partially Observed Rooms from Grid Maps |
0951 | Development of Informative Path Planning for Inspection of the Hanford Tank Farm |
0953 | Lazy Evaluation of Goal Specifications Guided by Motion Planning |
0954 | Semantic Mapping Extension for OpenStreetMap Applied to Indoor Robot Navigation |
0955 | Learning Discriminative Embeddings for Object Recognition On-The-Fly |
0956 | Spatio-Temporal Representation for Long-Term Anticipation of Human Presence in Service Robotics |
0957 | Adaptive H8734 Controller for Precise Manoeuvring of a Space Robot |
0959 | Vision-Based Teleoperation of Shadow Dexterous Hand Using End-To-End Deep Neural Network |
0963 | A Fleet of Miniature Cars for Experiments in Cooperative Driving |
0966 | Design and Analysis of a Miniature Two-Wheg Climbing Robot with Robust Internal and External Transitioning Capabilities |
0968 | Multirotor Dynamics Based Online Scale Estimation for Monocular SLAM |
0970 | UWBLiDAR Fusion for Cooperative Range-Only SLAM |
0973 | A Motion Planning Scheme for Cooperative Loading Using Heterogeneous Robotic Agents |
0975 | Energy Optimal Control Allocation in a Redundantly Actuated Omnidirectional UAV |
0977 | Versatile Reactive Bipedal Locomotion Planning through Hierarchical Optimization |
0979 | A Supervised Approach to Predicting Noise in Depth Images |
0991 | Practical Guide to Solve the Minimum-Effort Problem with Geometric Algorithms and B-Splines |
0996 | Learning from Transferable Mechanics Models - Generalizable Online Mode Detection in Underactuated Dexterous Manipulation |
0999 | Dynamic Hilbert Maps - Real-Time Occupancy Predictions in Changing Environments |
1001 | Soft Hands with Embodied Constraints - The Soft ScoopGripper |
1003 | Robot Communication Via Motion - Closing the Human-Robot Interaction Loop Underwater |
1006 | Streaming Scene Maps for Co-Robotic Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments |
1007 | Design and Implementation of Computer Vision Based In-Row Weeding System |
1008 | Learning Monocular Visual Odometry through Geometry-Aware Curriculum Learning |
1009 | Designing Worm-Inspired Neural Networks for Interpretable Robotic Control |
1011 | POSEAMM - A Unified Framework for Solving Pose Problems Using an Alternating Minimization Method |
1012 | A Novel Robotic Suturing System for Flexible Endoscopic Surgery |
1018 | Diagonally-Decoupled Direct Visual Servoing |
1019 | Formal Policy Learning from Demonstrations for Reachability Properties |
1020 | Knowledge Is Never Enough - Towards Web Aided Deep Open World Recognition |
1021 | Model-Based On-Line Estimation of Time-Varying Nonlinear Joint Stiffness on an E-Series Universal Robots Manipulator |
1026 | A Novel Multi-Layer Framework for Tiny Obstacle Discovery |
1027 | Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Learn High-Level Policies on the ATRIAS Biped |
1030 | Adaptive Critic Based Optimal Kinematic Control for a Robot Manipulator |
1036 | A Unified Framework for Mutual Improvement of SLAM and Semantic Segmentation |
1038 | Online Deep Learning for Improved Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Expert Knowledge |
1043 | Orientation-Aware Motion Planning in Complex Workspaces Using Adaptive Harmonic Potential Fields |
1045 | Leveraging Structural Regularity of Atlanta World for Monocular SLAM |
1046 | Adaptive Gait Planning for Walking Assistance Lower Limb Exoskeletons in Slope Scenarios |
1050 | Sleeve Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Antagonistically Actuated Joints |
1061 | Manipulability Optimization Control of a Serial Redundant Robot for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery |
1065 | 2D3D-MatchNet - Learning to Match Keypoints across 2D Image and 3D Point Cloud |
1066 | An Integrated Approach to Navigation and Control in Micro Underwater Robotics using Radio-Frequency Localization |
1070 | LSTM-Based Network for Human Gait Stability Prediction in an Intelligent Robotic Rollator |
1071 | An Extrinsic Calibration Tool for Radar Camera and Lidar |
1072 | Improving the Robustness of Visual-Inertial Extended Kalman Filtering |
1073 | ATLAS FaST - Fast and Simple Scheduled TDOA for Reliable Ultra-Wideband Localization |
1074 | Modal Dynamics and Analysis of a Vertical Stretch-Retractable Continuum Manipulator with Large Deflection |
1076 | Whole-Body Active Compliance Control for Humanoid Robots with Robot Skin |
1079 | Drift-Free Roll and Pitch Estimation for High-Acceleration Hopping |
1080 | Exploiting Environment Contacts of Serial Manipulators |
1081 | LVIS - Learning from Value Function Intervals for Contact-Aware Robot Controllers |
1086 | Visual Appearance Analysis of Forest Scenes for Monocular SLAM |
1088 | Decentralized Collaborative Transport of Fabrics Using Micro-UAVs |
1090 | Closed-Loop MPC with Dense Visual SLAM - Stability through Reactive Stepping |
1092 | Pedestrian Dominance Modeling for Socially-Aware Robot Navigation |
1094 | Robust Link Position Tracking Control for Robot Manipulators with Series Elastic Actuators Using Time-Delay Estimation |
1097 | Efficient Symbolic Reactive Synthesis for Finite-Horizon Tasks |
1099 | Optimal Leg Sequencing for a Hexapod Subject to External Forces and Slopes |
1100 | A Decentralized Heterogeneous Control Strategy for a Class of Infinitesimally Shape-Similar Formations |
1101 | Leveraging Contact Forces for Learning to Grasp |
1104 | One-To-Many Bipartite Matching Based Coalition Formation for Multi-Robot Task Allocation |
1105 | Energy-Aware Temporal Logic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots |
1113 | A Fault Diagnosis Framework for MAVLink-Enabled UAVs Using Structural Analysis |
1114 | SMT-Based Control and Feedback for Social Navigation |
1116 | Making Sense of Vision and Touch - Self-Supervised Learning of Multimodal Representations for Contact-Rich Tasks |
1117 | Four-Wheeled Dead-Reckoning Model Calibration Using RTS Smoothing |
1119 | A Multi-Modal Sensor Array for Safe Human-Robot Interaction and Mapping |
1126 | Real-Time Dense Mapping for Self-Driving Vehicles Using Fisheye Cameras |
1128 | Mechanical Fourier Transform Using an Array of Additively Manufactured Soft Whisker-Like Sensors |
1129 | RESLAM - A Real-Time Robust Edge-Based SLAM System |
1131 | Autonomous Sheet Pile Driving Robots for Soil Stabilization |
1133 | Search-Based 3D Planning and Trajectory Optimization for Safe Micro Aerial Vehicle Flight under Sensor Visibility Constraints |
1134 | Estimating Loads Along Elastic Rods |
1136 | Turning a Corner with a Dubins Car |
1138 | Design and Experiments for MultI-Section-Transformable (MIST) UAV |
1139 | Generating Adversarial Driving Scenarios in High-Fidelity Simulators |
1143 | Dense Surface Reconstruction from Monocular Vision and LiDAR |
1144 | A Distributed Predictive Control Approach for Cooperative Manipulation of Multiple Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems |
1145 | Goal-Oriented Object Importance Estimation in On-Road Driving Videos |
1147 | Estimating the Localizability in Tunnel-like Environments using LiDAR and UWB |
1148 | Networked Operation of a UAV Using Gaussian Process-Based Delay Compensation and Model Predictive Control |
1150 | Part Segmentation for Highly Accurate Deformable Tracking in Occlusions Via Fully Convolutional Neural Networks |
1151 | Dynamics Consensus between Centroidal and Whole-Body Models in Locomotion of Legged Robots |
1152 | Analysis of Robust Functions for Registration Algorithms |
1153 | Combined Task and Motion Planning under Partial Observability - An Optimization-Based Approach |
1156 | The Mechanics and Control of Leaning to Lift Heavy Objects with a Dynamically Stable Mobile Robot |
1157 | Asynchronous Network Formation in Unknown Unbounded Environments |
1158 | Improving Haptic Adjective Recognition with Unsupervised Feature Learning |
1168 | Modeling and Analysis of Motion Data from Dynamically Positioned Vessels for Sea State Estimation |
1169 | Prediction Maps for Real-Time 3D Footstep Planning in Dynamic Environments |
1173 | Depth Completion with Deep Geometry and Context Guidance |
1174 | Energy Optimization for a Robust and Flexible Interaction Control |
1176 | Learned Map Prediction for Enhanced Mobile Robot Exploration |
1180 | See and Be Seen -- Rapid and Likeable High-Definition Camera-Eye for Anthropomorphic Robots |
1184 | Coordinated Control of a Reconfigurable Multi-Vessel Platform - Robust Control Approach |
1185 | Real-time Teleoperation of Flexible Beveled-tip Needle Insertion using Haptic Force Feedback and 3D Ultrasound Guidance |
1186 | Detection and Tracking of Small Objects in Sparse 3D Laser Range Data |
1192 | A Miniature Suction-Gripper with Passive and Active Microneedle Arrays to Manipulate Peripheral Nerves |
1193 | Object Detection Approach for Robot Grasp Detection |
1198 | Internal Array Electrodes Improve the Spatial Resolution of Soft Tactile Sensors Based on Electrical Resistance Tomography |
1199 | Augmenting Action Model Learning by Non-Geometric Features |
1202 | How Shall I Drive Interaction Modeling and Motion Planning towards Empathetic and Socially-Graceful Driving |
1203 | Wormhole Learning |
1204 | DeepFusion - Real-Time Dense 3D Reconstruction for Monocular SLAM Using Single-View Depth and Gradient Predictions |
1205 | CELLO-3D - Estimating the Covariance of ICP in the Real World |
1207 | Quantum Computation in Robotic Science and Applications |
1209 | Safe 3D Bipedal Walking through Linear MPC with 3D Capturability |
1210 | Object Transfer Point Estimation for Fluent Human-Robot Handovers |
1211 | Real Time Dense Depth Estimation by Fusing Stereo with Sparse Depth Measurements |
1213 | Ambient Light Based Depth Control of Underwater Robotic Unit AMussel |
1223 | GPS-Denied UAV Localization Using Pre-Existing Satellite Imagery |
1224 | Night-To-Day Image Translation for Retrieval-Based Localization |
1225 | Coordinated Multi-Robot Planning While Preserving Individual Privacy |
1226 | Removing Leaking Corners to Reduce Dimensionality in Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability |
1230 | Crowd-Robot Interaction - Crowd-Aware Robot Navigation with Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1233 | Multi-View Reconstruction of Wires Using a Catenary Model |
1235 | Inferring Compact Representations for Efficient Natural Language Understanding of Robot Instructions |
1237 | Accurate and Efficient Self-Localization on Roads Using Basic Geometric Primitives |
1238 | Using Comanipulation with Active Force Feedback to Undistort Stiffness Perception in Laparoscopy |
1240 | ChainQueen - A Real-Time Differentiable Physical Simulator for Soft Robotics |
1245 | Adapting Everyday Manipulation Skills to Varied Scenarios |
1247 | Towards Fully Dense Direct Filter-Based Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry |
1248 | A Cane-Based Low Cost Sensor to Implement Attention Mechanisms in Telecare Robots |
1249 | Object Classification Based on Unsupervised Learned Multi-Modal Features for Overcoming Sensor Failures |
1251 | Magnetic-Field-Inspired Navigation for Quadcopter Robot in Unknown Environments |
1254 | Positioning Uncertainty Reduction of Magnetically Guided Actuation on Planar Surfaces |
1256 | Real-Time Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation for Quadcopters - Algorithm Speed-Up through Machine Learning |
1257 | Energy Tank-Based WrenchImpedance Control of a Fully-Actuated Hexarotor - A Geometric Port-Hamiltonian Approach |
1259 | Enhancing the Force Transparency of Time Domain Passivity Approach - Observer-Based Gradient Controller |
1262 | Combining Physical Simulators and Object-Based Networks for Control |
1264 | Effects of Foot Stiffness and Damping on Walking Robot Performance |
1265 | Adaptive Bingham Distribution Based Filter for SE(3) Estimation |
1267 | MID-Fusion - Octree-Based Object-Level Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM |
1269 | Tactile Mapping and Localization from High-Resolution Tactile Imprints |
1278 | Autonomous Exploration Reconstruction and Surveillance of 3D Environments Aided by Deep Learning |
1280 | A Clustering Approach to Categorizing 7 Degree-Of-Freedom Arm Motions During Activities of Daily Living |
1281 | CARA System Architecture - a Click and Assemble Robotic Assembly System |
1282 | IX-BSP - Belief Space Planning through Incremental Expectation |
1288 | Unsupervised Gait Phase Estimation for Humanoid Robot Walking |
1289 | Towards an Integrated Autonomous Data-Driven Grasping System with a Mobile Manipulator |
1291 | Towards Effective Tactile Identification of Textures Using a Hybrid Touch Approach |
1295 | An Energy-Shared Two-Layer Approach for Multi-Master-Multi-Slave Bilateral Teleoperation Systems |
1296 | Adaptive Motor Control and Learning in a Spiking Neural Network Realised on a Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Processor |
1298 | Using Variable Natural Environment Brain-Computer Interface Stimuli for Real-Time Humanoid Robot Navigation |
1299 | Deep Object-Centric Policies for Autonomous Driving |
1303 | Mitigating Energy Loss in a Robot Hopping on a Physically Emulated Dissipative Substrate |
1306 | Single-Shot Foothold Selection and Constraint Evaluation for Quadruped Locomotion |
1309 | Global Localization with Object-Level Semantics and Topology |
1311 | A Simple Electric Soft Robotic Gripper with High-Deformation Haptic Feedback |
1312 | Learning Latent Space Dynamics for Tactile Servoing |
1314 | Reconfigurable Motion Planning and Control in Obstacle Cluttered Environments under Timed Temporal Tasks |
1317 | Skill Acquisition Via Automated Multi-Coordinate Cost Balancing |
1318 | Robust Learning of Tactile Force Estimation through Robot Interaction |
1322 | Speeding up Iterative Closest Point Using Stochastic Gradient Descent |
1324 | Building a Winning Self-Driving Car in Six Months |
1327 | Obstacle-Aware Adaptive Informative Path Planning for UAV-Based Target Search |
1330 | Balancing Global Exploration and Local-Connectivity Exploitation with Rapidly-exploring Random Disjointed-Trees |
1333 | Neural Autonomous Navigation with Riemannian Motion Policy |
1334 | Dynamic Friction Model with Thermal and Load Dependency - Modeling Compensation and External Force Estimation |
1335 | HG-DAgger - Interactive Imitation Learning with Human Experts |
1336 | Generalized Orientation Learning in Robot Task Space |
1338 | Soft Robotic Glove with Integrated Sensing for Intuitive Grasping Assistance Post Spinal Cord Injury |
1339 | Development of a Low Inertia Parallel Actuated Shoulder Exoskeleton Robot for the Characterization of Neuromuscular Property During Static Posture and Dynamic Movement |
1340 | OVPC Mesh - 3D Free-Space Representation for Local Ground VehicleNavigation |
1342 | Coverage Control for Multiple Event Types with Heterogeneous Robots |
1343 | Feedback Motion Planning of Legged Robots by Composing Orbital Lyapunov Functions Using Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees |
1344 | Teaching Robots to Draw |
1347 | What Am I Touching Learning to Classify Terrain Via Haptic Sensing |
1348 | Egocentric Vision-Based Future Vehicle Localization for Intelligent Driving Assistance Systems |
1350 | Active Perception in Adversarial Scenarios Using Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1351 | 3D Control of Rotating Millimeter-Scale Swimmers through Obstacles |
1352 | Compound Micromachines Powered by Acoustic Streaming |
1356 | Contact-Driven Posture Behavior for Safe and Interactive Robot Operation |
1357 | Variable Damping Control of the Robotic Ankle Joint to Improve Trade-Off between Performance and Stability |
1358 | Multi-Robot Informative Path Planning with Continuous Connectivity Constraints |
1359 | UAV Pose Estimation Using Cross-View Geolocalization with Satellite Imagery |
1361 | Underwater Communication Using Full-Body Gestures and Optimal Variable-Length Prefix Codes |
1362 | Nonlinear Tire Cornering Stiffness Observer for a Double Steering Off-Road Mobile Robot |
1365 | Look No Deeper - Recognizing Places from Opposing Viewpoints under Varying Scene Appearance Using Single-View Depth Estimation |
1367 | Formalized Task Characterization for Human-Robot Autonomy Allocation |
1369 | A Self-Modulated Impedance Multimodal Interaction Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration |
1370 | Air-To-Ground Surveillance Using Predictive Pursuit |
1371 | Acting Is Seeing - Navigating Tight Space Using Flapping Wings |
1375 | Attention-Based Lane Change Prediction |
1376 | Modeling and Control of a Passively-Coupled Tilt-Rotor Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft |
1380 | GANVO - Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks |
1381 | Efficient Constellation-Based Map-Merging for Semantic SLAM |
1382 | Generative Deformation - Procedural Perforation for Elastic Structures |
1383 | Multimodal Semantic SLAM with Probabilistic Data Association |
1385 | Motion Scaling Solutions for Improved Performance in High Delay Surgical Teleoperation |
1386 | PointNetGPD - Detecting Grasp Configurations from Point Sets |
1389 | Design of Versatile and Low-Cost Shaft Sensor for Health Monitoring |
1395 | Complete and Near-Optimal Path Planning for Simultaneous Sensor-Based Inspection and Footprint Coverage in Robotic Crack Filling |
1399 | A Benchmarking Framework for Systematic Evaluation of Robotic Pick-And-Place Systems in an Industrial Grocery Setting |
1400 | A Generic Optimization Based Cartesian Controller for Robotic Mobile Manipulation |
1401 | A Multi-Sensor Next-Best-View Framework for Geometric Model-Based Robotics Applications |
1406 | Design Principles and Optimization of a Planar Underactuated Hand for Caging Grasps |
1407 | Compliant Limb Sensing and Control for Safe Human-Robot Interactions |
1408 | Visual Recognition in the Wild by Sampling Deep Similarity Functions |
1409 | Localization and Tracking of Uncontrollable Underwater Agents - Particle Filter Based Fusion of On-Body IMUs and Stationary Cameras |
1410 | Urban Swarms - A New Approach for Autonomous Waste Management |
1412 | Visual Localization at Intersections with Digital Maps |
1414 | Using Local Experiences for Global Motion Planning |
1415 | WISDOM - WIreless Sensing-Assisted Distributed Offline Mapping |
1419 | Tool Macgyvering - Tool Construction Using Geometric Reasoning |
1422 | Surfel-Based Dense RGB-D Reconstruction with Global and Local Consistency |
1423 | Voluntary Retreat for Decentralized Interference Reduction in Robot Swarms |
1426 | Working towards Adaptive Sensing for Terrain-Aided Navigation |
1428 | Locomotion Planning through a Hybrid Bayesian Trajectory Optimization |
1429 | ALMA - Articulated Locomotion and Manipulation for a Torque-Controllable Robot |
1430 | Shape Sensing of Variable Stiffness Soft Robots Using Electrical Impedance Tomography |
1431 | Dynamic Walking on Slippery Surfaces - Demonstrating Stable Bipedal Gaits with Planned Ground Slippage |
1434 | Robotics Education and Research at Scale - A Remotely Accessible Robotics Development Platform |
1438 | Automated Seedling Height Assessment for Tree Nurseries Using Point Cloud Processing |
1439 | Effort Estimation in Robot-Aided Training with a Neural Network |
1444 | An Algorithm for Odor Source Localization based on Source Term Estimation |
1445 | Multi-Object Search Using Object-Oriented POMDPs |
1447 | Simulated Annealing-Optimized Trajectory Planning within Non-Collision Nominal Intervals for Highway Autonomous Driving |
1448 | 3D Keypoint Repeatability for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot SLAM |
1455 | Inferring Robot Morphology from Observation of Unscripted Movement |
1458 | Characterizing Visual Localization and Mapping Datasets |
1459 | Automated Aortic Pressure Regulation in Ex Vivo Heart Perfusion |
1460 | Real-Time Robot-Assisted Ergonomics |
1461 | The Open Vision Computer - An Integrated Sensing and Compute System for Mobile Robots |
1462 | Sensor Coverage Control Using Robots Constrained to a Curve |
1466 | Controlling AeroBot - Development of a Motion Planner for an Actively Articulated Wheeled Humanoid Robot |
1467 | Efficient Humanoid Contact Planning Using Learned Centroidal Dynamics Prediction |
1473 | Distributed Multi-Robot Formation Splitting and Merging in Dynamic Environments |
1475 | Exploiting Bistability for High Force Density Reflexive Gripping |
1476 | Fabric Soft Poly-Limbs for Physical Assistance of Daily Living Tasks |
1486 | Multi-Agent Synchronization Using Online Model-Free Action Dependent Dual Heuristic Dynamic Programming Approach |
1487 | OpenRoACH - A Durable Open-Source Hexapedal Platform with Onboard Robot Operating System (ROS) |
1490 | Exact Modal Characterization of the Non Conservative Non Linear Radial Mass Spring System |
1491 | Evaluating Merging Strategies for Sampling-Based Uncertainty Techniques in Object Detection |
1494 | MVX-Net - Multimodal VoxelNet for 3D Object Detection |
1495 | Online Estimation of Geometric and Inertia Parameters for Multirotor Aerial Vehicles |
1496 | Dentronics - Review First Concepts and Pilot Study of a New Application Domain for Collaborative Robots in Dental Assistance |
1497 | A Framework for Self-Training Perceptual Agents in Simulated Photorealistic Environments |
1510 | Robust Execution of Contact-Rich Motion Plans by Hybrid Force-Velocity Control |
1514 | Discrete Layer Jamming for Safe Co-Robots |
1515 | 3D Path Planning from a Single 2D Fluoroscopic Image for Robot Assisted Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair |
1516 | Torque and Velocity Controllers to Perform Jumps with a Humanoid Robot - Theory and Implementation on the iCub Robot |
1517 | Continuous Control for High-Dimensional State Spaces - An Interactive Learning Approach |
1518 | Decentralized Formation Coordination of Multiple Quadcopters under Communication Constraints |
1519 | Stair Climbing Stabilization of the HRP-4 Humanoid Robot Using Whole-Body Admittance Control |
1521 | End-User Robot Programming Using Mixed Reality |
1527 | Multimodal Trajectory Predictions for Autonomous Driving Using Deep Convolutional Networks |
1529 | Adaptive Genomic Evolution of Neural Network Topologies (AGENT) for State-To-Action Mapping in Autonomous Agents |
1530 | Non-Gaussian SLAM Utilizing Synthetic Aperture Sonar |
1532 | Transfer Learning for Surgical Task Segmentation |
1535 | Admittance Control for Human-Robot Interaction Using an Industrial Robot Equipped with a FT Sensor |
1538 | Exploitation of Environment Support Contacts for Manipulation Effort Reduction of a Robot Arm |
1539 | Learning from Demonstration in the Wild |
1542 | Improving Grounded Natural Language Understanding through Human-Robot Dialog |
1545 | Design and Characterization of a Novel Robotic Surface for Application to Compressed Physical Environments |
1547 | External Wrench Estimation for Multilink Aerial Robot by Center of Mass Estimator Based on Distributed IMU System |
1549 | A-SLAM - Human-In-The-Loop Augmented SLAM |
1550 | Fast and Precise Detection of Object Grasping Positions with Eigenvalue Templates |
1551 | Steering Co-Centered and Co-Directional Optical and Acoustic Beams with a Water-Immersible MEMS Scanning Mirror for Underwater Ranging and Communication |
1552 | Mechanical Search - Multi-Step Retrieval of a Target Object Occluded by Clutter |
1554 | Unsupervised Learning of Assistive Camera Views by an Aerial Co-Robot in Augmented Reality Multitasking Environments |
1555 | Dynamic Channel - A Planning Framework for Crowd Navigation |
1557 | Maintaining Grasps within Slipping Bounds by Monitoring Incipient Slip |
1560 | 2D LiDAR Map Prediction Via Estimating Motion Flow with GRU |
1565 | Multi-Task Sensorization of Soft Actuators Using Prior Knowledge |
1567 | Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization |
1569 | Detecting Invasive Insects with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
1570 | Robotic Detection of Marine Litter Using Deep Visual Detection Models |
1572 | Memory Efficient Experience Replay for Streaming Learning |
1574 | Shape Memory Structures - Automated Design of Monolithic Soft Robot Structures with Pre-defined End Poses |
1576 | Learning Object Localization and 6D Pose Estimation from Simulation and Weakly Labeled Real Images |
1580 | Real-Time Planning with Multi-Fidelity Models for Agile Flights in Unknown Environments |
1582 | Safe Adaptive Switching among Dynamical Movement Primitives - Application to 3D Limit-Cycle Walkers |
1584 | A Simple but Robust Impedance Controller for Series Elastic Actuators |
1585 | Learning Motion Trajectories from Phase Space Analysis of the Demonstration |
1587 | Adaptive Control of Sclera Force and Insertion Depth for Safe Robot-Assisted Retinal Surgery |
1590 | A Rolling Flexure Mechanism for Progressive Stiffness Actuators |
1593 | Where Should We Place LiDARs on the Autonomous Vehicle - An Optimal Design Approach |
1594 | A Robust Tracking Controller for Robot Manipulators - Embedding Internal Model of Disturbances |
1596 | Adaptive Probabilistic Vehicle Trajectory Prediction through Physically Feasible Bayesian Recurrent Neural Network |
1597 | A Deployable Soft Robotic Arm with Stiffness Modulation for Assistive Living Applications |
1599 | Efficient Trajectory Planning for High Speed Flight in Unknown Environments |
1602 | Robust 3D Distributed Formation Control with Collision Avoidance and Application to Multirotor Aerial Vehicles |
1604 | Learning Probabilistic Multi-Modal Actor Models for Vision-Based Robotic Grasping |
1605 | What Lies in the Shadows Safe and Computation-Aware Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Intent-Aware Dynamic Shadow Regions |
1607 | Visual-Odometric Localization and Mapping for Ground Vehicles Using SE(2)-XYZ Constraints |
1608 | A Coordinate-Based Approach for Static Balancing and Walking Control of Compliantly Actuated Legged Robots |
1609 | UWStereoNet - Unsupervised Learning for Depth Estimation and Color Correction of Underwater Stereo Imagery |
1612 | A Competitive Algorithm for Online Multi-Robot Exploration of a Translating Plume |
1613 | Prospection - Interpretable Plans from Language by Predicting the Future |
1615 | Julia for Robotics - Simulation and Real-Time Control in a High-Level Programming Language |
1616 | Learning Quickly to Plan Quickly Using Modular Meta-Learning |
1620 | A Validated Physical Model for Real-Time Simulation of Soft Robotic Snakes |
1625 | Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Interaction Dynamics from Demonstrations |
1626 | A Unified Closed-Loop Motion Planning Approach for an I-AUV in Cluttered Environment with Localization Uncertainty |
1627 | A Data-Driven Predictive Model of Individual-Specific Effects of FES on Human Gait Dynamics |
1629 | A Framework for Robot Manipulation - Skill Formalism Meta Learning and Adaptive Control |
1630 | A Fuzzy Based Accessibility Model for Disaster Environment |
1631 | Approximate Stability Analysis for Drystacked Structures |
1632 | SqueezeSegV2 - Improved Model Structure and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Road-Object Segmentation from a LiDAR Point Cloud |
1634 | Video Object Segmentation Using Teacher-Student Adaptation in a Human Robot Interaction (HRI) Setting |
1636 | Depth Generation Network - Estimating Real World Depth from Stereo and Depth Images |
1638 | Vision-Based Control of a Quadrotor in User Proximity - Mediated vs End-To-End Learning Approaches |
1639 | Classifying Pedestrian Actions in Advance Using Predicted Video Of Urban Driving Scenes |
1640 | Turn-Minimizing Multirobot Coverage |
1641 | RoboCSE - Robot Common Sense Embedding |
1642 | Experimental Learning of a Lift-Maximizing Central Pattern Generator for a Flapping Robotic Wing |
1644 | Easily Deployable Underwater Acoustic Navigation System for Multi-Vehicle Environmental Sampling Applications |
1645 | Learning to Predict the Wind for Safe Aerial Vehicle Planning |
1646 | Residual Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control |
1648 | Stability Optimization of Two-Fingered Anthropomorphic Hands for Precision Grasping with a Single Actuator |
1649 | Open-Loop Collective Assembly Using a Light Field to Power and Control a Phototaxic Mini-Robot Swarm |
1650 | HD Map Change Detection with a Boosted Particle Filter |
1651 | Characterizing Architectures of Soft Pneumatic Actuators for a Cable-Driven Shoulder Exoskeleton |
1655 | Saltyi 12 A Domain Specific Language for GR(1) Specifications and Designs |
1657 | Online Walking Pattern Generation for Humanoid Robot with Compliant Motion Control |
1659 | A Novel Development of Robots with Cooperative Strategy for Long-Term and Close-Proximity Autonomous Transmission-Line Inspection |
1663 | Three-Dimensionally Maneuverable Robotic Fish Enabled by Servo Motor and Water Electrolyser |
1664 | Online Planning for Target Object Search in Clutter under Partial Observability |
1665 | The H3D Dataset for Full-Surround 3D Multi-Object Detection and Tracking in Crowded Urban Scenes |
1667 | Beauty and the Beast - Optimal Methods Meet Learning for Drone Racing |
1668 | Flappy Hummingbird - An Open Source Dynamic Simulation of Flapping Wing Robots and Animals |
1670 | Power-Minimizing Control of a Variable-Pitch Propulsion System for Versatile Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
1675 | Robotic Cutting - Mechanics and Control of Knife Motion |
1677 | Quantifying the Reality Gap in Robotic Manipulation Tasks |
1680 | Modeling and State Estimation of a Micro Ball-Balancing Robot Using a High Yaw-Rate Dynamic Model and an Extended Kalman Filter |
1681 | Decentralization of Multiagent Policies by Learning What to Communicate |
1682 | Yaw Torque Authority for a Flapping-Wing Micro-Aerial Vehicle |
1683 | Persistent Multi-Robot Mapping in an Uncertain Environment |
1684 | On the Role of Wearable Haptics for Force Feedback in Teleimpedance Control for Dual-Arm Robotic Teleoperation |
1685 | Optimized Jumping on the MIT Cheetah 3 Robot |
1686 | Spline Based Curve Path Following of Underactuated Snake Robots |
1688 | Localizing Discriminative Visual Landmarks for Place Recognition |
1690 | Energy Gradient-Based Graphs for Planning Within-Hand Caging Manipulation |
1692 | A Data-Efficient Framework for Training and Sim-To-Real Transfer of Navigation Policies |
1693 | Dynamic Risk Density for Autonomous Navigation in Cluttered Environments without Object Detection |
1694 | Robot Eye-Hand Coordination Learning by Watching Human Demonstrations - A Task Function Approximation Approach |
1697 | ROVO - Robust Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Wide-Baseline Wide-FOV Camera Systems |
1698 | Uncertainty-Aware Driver Trajectory Prediction at Urban Intersections |
1699 | FSMI - Fast Computation of Shannon Mutual Information for Information-Theoretic Mapping |
1700 | Adaptive View Planning for Aerial 3D Reconstruction |
1701 | Energy Efficient Navigation for Running Legged Robots |
1702 | A Constrained Control-Planning Strategy for Redundant Manipulators |
1704 | A Noninvasive Approach to Recovering the Lost Force Feedback for a Robotic-Assisted Insertable Laparoscopic Surgical Camera |
1705 | Analysis of 3D Position Control for a Multi-Agent System of Self-Propelled Agents Steered by a Shared Global Control Input |
1710 | Priority Maps for Surveillance and Intervention of Wildfires and Other Spreading Processes |
1712 | High-Bandwidth Control of Twisted String Actuators |
1715 | Parity-Based Diagnosis in UAVs - Detectability and Robustness Analyses |
1717 | Gaze-Based Context-Aware Robotic System for Assisted Reaching and Grasping |
1721 | Receding horizon estimation and control with structured noise blocking for mobile robot slip compensation |
1722 | Detection and Reconstruction of Wires Using Cameras for Aircraft Safety Systems |
1724 | Design of a Soft Ankle-Foot Orthosis Exosuit for Foot Drop Assistance |
1726 | Touching to See and Seeing to Feel - Robotic Cross-Modal Sensory Data Generation for Visual-Tactile Perception |
1728 | A Predictive Reward Function for Human-Like Driving Based on a Transition Model of Surrounding Environment |
1729 | Real-Time Multisensory Affordance-Based Control for Adaptive Object Manipulation |
1730 | Dense Tactile Force Estimation Using GelSlim and Inverse FEM |
1738 | Dynamic Traffic Scene Classification with Space-Time Coherence |
1739 | DMP Based Trajectory Tracking for a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot with Automatic Goal Adaptation and Obstacle Avoidance |
1742 | Design and Fabrication of Transformable Head Structures for Endoscopic Catheters |
1743 | Factored Pose Estimation of Articulated Objects Using Efficient Nonparametric Belief Propagation |
1745 | Open Loop Position Control of Soft Continuum Arm Using Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1746 | A Novel Robotic System for Finishing of Freeform Surfaces |
1747 | Learning Extreme Hummingbird Maneuvers on Flapping Wing Robots |
1748 | Proximity Human-Robot Interaction Using Pointing Gestures and a Wrist-Mounted IMU |
1750 | Distributed Radiation Field Estimation and Informative Path Planning for Nuclear Environment Characterization |
1751 | Non-Parametric Error Modeling for Ultra-Wideband Localization Networks |
1755 | Modeling Variable Curvature Parallel Continuum Robots Using Euler Curves |
1756 | Efficient Kinodynamic Multi-Robot Replanning in Known Workspaces |
1757 | Development of SAM - cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator |
1758 | Safe Reinforcement Learning with Model Uncertainty Estimates |
1760 | RCM-SLAM - Visual Localisation and Mapping under Remote Centre of Motion Constraints |
1762 | Improved Coverage Path Planning Using a Virtual Sensor Footprint - A Case Study on Demining |
1763 | Stanford Doggo - An Open-Source Quasi-Direct-Drive Quadruped |
1765 | Optimization-Based Human-In-The-Loop Manipulation Using Joint Space Polytopes |
1767 | Mixed Frame-Event-Driven Fast Pedestrian Detection |
1768 | Joint Learning of Instance and Semantic Segmentation for Robotic Pick-And-Place with Heavy Occlusions in Clutter |
1769 | Activity recognition in manufacturing: The roles of motion capture and sEMG+inertial wearables in detecting fine vs. gross motion |
1772 | Learning Motion Planning Policies in Uncertain Environments through Repeated Task Executions |
1774 | ModQuad-Vi - A Vision-Based Self-Assembling Modular Quadrotor |
1775 | Belief Space Planning for Reducing Terrain Relative Localization Uncertainty in Noisy Elevation Maps |
1778 | Feedback Control and 3D Motion of Heterogeneous Janus Particles |
1780 | The (Sensorized) Hand Is Quicker Than the Eye - Restoring Grasping Speed and Confidence for Amputees with Tactile Reflexes |
1782 | Hierarchical Optimization for Whole-Body Control of Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Humanoids |
1784 | Multi-Camera Visual-Inertial Navigation with Online Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration |
1786 | Stampede - A Discrete-Optimization Method for Solving Pathwise-Inverse Kinematics |
1787 | User-Guided Offline Synthesis of Robot Arm Motion from 6-DoF Paths |
1789 | Pose and Posture Estimation of Aerial Skeleton Systems for Outdoor Flying |
1790 | Domain Randomization for Active Pose Estimation |
1792 | Composition of Local Potential Functions with Reflection |
1793 | Context-Dependent Compensation Scheme to Reduce Trajectory Execution Errors for Industrial Manipulators |
1795 | Early Failure Detection of Deep End-To-End Control Policy by Reinforcement Learning |
1796 | The Phoenix Drone - An Open-Source Dual-Rotor Tail-Sitter Platform for Research and Education |
1797 | Effect of Mechanical Resistance on Cognitive Conflict in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration |
1799 | TREE - A Variable Topology Branching Continuum Robot |
1804 | Adjustable Power Modulation for a Leg Mechanism Suitable for Running |
1806 | A Rolling-Tip Flexible Instrument for Minimally Invasive Surgery |
1807 | Model-Free Optimal Estimation and Sensor Placement Framework for Elastic Kinematic Chain |
1808 | CoLo - A Performance Evaluation System for Multi-Robot Cooperative Localization Algorithms |
1810 | Real-Time Optimal Planning and Model Predictive Control of a Multi-Rotor with a Suspended Load |
1814 | Generation of Synchronized Configuration Space Trajectories of Multi-Robot Systems |
1815 | Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization Based on a Variable Smooth Contact Model and Successive Convexification |
1821 | Joint Kinematic Configuration Influence on the Passivity of an Impedance-Controlled Robotic Leg |
1822 | Deep Visuo-Tactile Learning - Estimation of Tactile Properties from Images |
1823 | Gesture Recognition Via Flexible Capacitive Touch Electrodes |
1825 | Visual Coverage Control for Teams of Quadcopters via Control Barrier Functions |
1826 | GuSTO - Guaranteed Sequential Trajectory Optimization Via Sequential Convex Programming |
1827 | Variational End-To-End Navigation and Localization |
1828 | Data-Driven Contact Clustering for Robot Simulation |
1830 | Improving Underwater Obstacle Detection Using Semantic Image Segmentation |
1832 | Identifying Feasible Workpiece Placement with Respect to Redundant Manipulator for Complex Manufacturing Tasks |
1834 | Offline Policy Iteration Based Reinforcement Learning Controller for Online Robotic Knee Prosthesis Parameter Tuning |
1837 | Adsorption Pad using capillary force for Uneven Surface |
1841 | Efficient Computation of Feedback Control for Equality-Constrained LQR |
1844 | Optimizing Vehicle Distributions and Fleet Sizes for Shared Mobility-On-Demand |
1849 | A Classification-Based Approach for Approximate Reachability |
1853 | Self-Supervised Learning for Single View Depth and Surface Normal Estimation |
1855 | Online Utility-Optimal Trajectory Design for Time-Varying Ocean Environments |
1856 | Interaction-Aware Multi-Agent Tracking and Probabilistic Behavior Prediction Via Adversarial Learning |
1858 | Design and Implementation of the CCRobot-II - A Palm-Based Cable Climbing Robot for Inspection on the Cable-Stayed Bridge |
1860 | Bioinspired Direct Visual Estimation of Attitude Rates with Very Low Resolution Images Using Deep Networks |
1862 | Reinforcement Learning on Variable Impedance Controller for High-Precision Robotic Assembly |
1867 | A Learning Framework for High Precision Industrial Assembly |
1869 | Propagation Networks for Model-Based Control under Partial Observation |
1870 | SLAMBench 3.0: Systematic Automated Reproducible Evaluation of SLAM Systems for Robot Vision Challenges and Scene Understanding |
1871 | Panthera - Design of a Reconfigurable Pavement Sweeping Robot |
1873 | Automatic Targeting of Plant Cells via Cell Segmentation and Robust Scene-Adaptive Tracking |
1874 | Workspace CPG with Body Pose Control for Stable Directed Vision During Omnidirectional Locomotion |
1879 | Rigid Body Motion Prediction with Planar Non-Convex Contact Patch |
1883 | Guaranteed Globally Optimal Planar Pose Graph and Landmark SLAM Via Sparse-Bounded Sums-Of-Squares Programming |
1885 | Weakly Supervised Recognition of Surgical Gestures |
1886 | WheeLeR - Wheel-Leg Reconfigurable Mechanism with Passive Gears for Mobile Robot Applications |
1887 | A Vacuum-Driven Origami Magic-Ball Soft Gripper |
1888 | A Dual-Bladder Buoyancy Engine for a Cephalopod-Inspired AUV |
1890 | Pavilion - Bridging Photo-Realism and Robotics |
1891 | Real-Time Monocular Object-Model Aware Sparse SLAM |
1895 | Development of a Multi-Level Stiffness Soft Robotics Module with Force Haptic Feedback for Endoscopic Applications |
1900 | Learning Behavior Trees from Demonstration |
1901 | Reinforcement Learning Meets Hybrid Zero Dynamics - A Case Study for RABBIT |
1903 | Rapid Inertial Reorientation of an Aerial Insect-Sized Robot Using a Piezo-Actuated Tail |
1905 | Visual Robot Task Planning |
1906 | Lift Your Leg - Mechanics of Running through Fluids |
1910 | Contact-based Navigation Path Planning for Aerial Robots |
1911 | Automatic Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Stationary and Moving Eyes with a Robotically-Aligned Scanner |
1913 | Steering a Multi-Armed Robotic Sheath Using Eccentric Precurved Tubes |
1914 | A Depth Camera-Based Soft Fingertip Device for Contact Region Estimation and Perception-Action Coupling |
1918 | Consolidated Control Framework to Control a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis Over Inclined Terrain Conditions |
1919 | Control of Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation System for Robotic Tele-Echography |
1920 | Multi-Robot Region-Of-Interest Reconstruction with Dec-MCTS |
1921 | A Robotic Cell for Multi-Resolution Additive Manufacturing |
1923 | Learning Deep Visuomotor Policies for Dexterous Hand Manipulation |
1924 | Comparing Physical and Simulated Performance of a Deterministic and a Bio-Inspired Stochastic Foraging Strategy for Robot Swarms |
1925 | Bayesian Optimization of Soft Exosuits Using a Metabolic Estimator Stopping Process |
1929 | A Fog Robotic System for Dynamic Visual Servoing |
1932 | GraspFusion - Realizing Complex Motion by Learning and Fusing Grasp Modalities with Instance Segmentation |
1933 | Towards Semi-Autonomous and Soft-Robotics Enabled Upper-Limb Exoprosthetics - First Concepts and Robot-Based Emulation Prototype |
1935 | A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Control of a Nature-Inspired Aerial Vehicle |
1937 | Tightly-Coupled Aided Inertial Navigation with Point and Plane Features |
1939 | Accounting for Part Pose Estimation Uncertainties During Trajectory Generation for Part Pick-Up Using Mobile Manipulators |
1942 | RaD-VIO - Rangefinder-aided Downward Visual-Inertial Odometry |
1946 | Beyond Point Clouds - Fisher Information Field for Active Visual Localization |
1947 | Underwater Terrain Reconstruction from Forward-Looking Sonar Imagery |
1950 | Investigating Design Elements of Companion Robots for Older Adults |
1953 | Flight Camera Action Using Natural Language and Mixed Reality to Control a Drone |
1954 | Deep Local Trajectory Replanning and Control for Robot Navigation |
1956 | Acquisition of Word-Object Associations from Human-Robot and Human-Human Dialogues |
1960 | Large-Scale Multi-Object Rearrangement |
1962 | Data-Efficient Learning of Morphology and Controller for a Microrobot |
1966 | Fast and in Sync - Periodic Swarm Patterns for Quadrotors |
1968 | Switched Topology for Resilient Consensus Using Wi-Fi Signals |
1969 | Learning Recursive Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling of Moving Targets Via Mobile Decentralized Sensors |
1971 | Priming Deep Pedestrian Detection with Geometric Context |
1972 | BaRC - Backward Reachability Curriculum for Robotic Reinforcement Learning |
1973 | Anytime Stereo Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices |
1977 | FastDepth - Fast Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems |
1978 | Predictive Collision Avoidance for the Dynamic Window Approach |
1979 | Simulating Emergent Properties of Human Driving Behavior Using Multi-Agent Reward Augmented Imitation Learning |
1980 | A Real-Time Interactive Augmented Reality Depth Estimation Technique for Surgical Robotics |
1981 | Vision-Based Automated Sorting of C. Elegans on a Microfluidic Device |
1987 | ChevBot i 12 an Untethered Microrobot Powered by Laser for Microfactory Applications |
1989 | Integral Backstepping Position Control for Quadrotors in Tunnel-Like Confined Environments |
1991 | A Floating-Piston Hydrostatic Linear Actuator and Remote-Direct-Drive 2-DOF Gripper |
1995 | An Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Tree-Like Vegetation |
1996 | Improved Generalization of Heading Direction Estimation for Aerial Filming Using Semi-Supervised Regression |
1998 | Neural Lander - Stable Drone Landing Control Using Learned Dynamics |
2000 | Interactive Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Via Recurrent Meta Induction Neural Network |
2003 | Are We Ready for Autonomous Drone Racing The UZH-FPV Drone Racing Dataset |
2005 | Force-Controllable Quadruped Robot System with Capacitive-Type Joint Torque Sensor |
2006 | Probabilistic Projective Association and Semantic Guided Relocalization for Dense Reconstruction |
2007 | Automatic Real-Time Anomaly Detection for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles |
2009 | Kinematic Constraints Based Bi-Directional RRT (KB-RRT) with Parameterized Trajectories for Robot Path Planning in Cluttered Environment |
2010 | Development of a Soft Power Suit for Lower Back Assistance |
2011 | Joint Inference of Physics-Based Tracking andForce Estimation in Planar Pushing |
2012 | Morphology-Specific Convolutional Neural Networks for Tactile Object Recognition with a Multi-Fingered Hand |
2013 | Hunting Drones with Other Drones - Tracking a Moving Radio Target |
2014 | Segmenting Unknown 3D Objects from Real Depth Images Using Mask R-CNN Trained on Synthetic Point Clouds |
2015 | A Pipe-Climbing Soft Robot |
2023 | UAVUGV Autonomous Cooperation - UAV Assists UGV to Climb a Cliff by Attaching a Tether |
2025 | A Multimodal Aerial Underwater Vehicle with Extended Endurance and Capabilities |
2030 | Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Planning for Autonomous Vehicles |
2036 | Soil Displacement Terramechanics for Wheel-Based Trenching with a Planetary Rover |
2038 | Sharing the Load - Human-Robot Team Lifting Using Muscle Activity |
2039 | Robot Object Referencing through Situated Legible Projections |
2040 | IceVisionSet - lossless video dataset collected on Russian winter roads with traffic sign annotations |
2044 | MRS-VPR - A Multi-Resolution Sampling Based Visual Place Recognition Method |
2045 | Integrated UWB-Vision Approach for Autonomous Docking of UAVs in GPS-Denied Environments |
2046 | Nitinol Living Hinges for Millimeter-Sized Robots and Medical Devices |
2051 | Real-Time Model Predictive Control for Versatile Dynamic Motions in Quadrupedal Robots |
2052 | Safe and Fast Path Planning in Cluttered Environment Using Contiguous Free-Space Partitioning |
2055 | Automatic Leg Regeneration for Robot Mobility Recovery |
2057 | Geometric Search Based Inverse Kinematics of 7-DoF Redundant Manipulator with Multiple Joint Offsets |
2058 | Model-Based Estimation of the Gravity-Loaded Shape and Scene Depth for a Slim 3-Actuator Continuum Robot with Monocular Visual Feedback |
2059 | Active Sampling Based Safe Identification of Dynamical Systems Using Extreme Learning Machines and Barrier Certificates |
2064 | Robust Area Coverage with Connectivity Maintenance |
2065 | REPLAB - A Reproducible Low-Cost Arm Benchmark for Robotic Learning |
2067 | An Interactive Scene Generation Using Natural Language |
2068 | Capillary Ionic Transistor and Precise Transport Control for Nano Manipulation |
2069 | Spatial Coverage without Computation |
2071 | A Fog Robotics Approach to Deep Robot Learning - Application to Object Recognition and Grasp Planning in Surface Decluttering |
2073 | Towards Robust Product Packing with a Minimalistic End-Effector |
2076 | Continuous Occupancy Map Fusion with Fast Bayesian Hilbert Maps |
2083 | Distributional Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Mixture of Gaussians |
2084 | Bridging Hamilton-Jacobi Safety Analysis and Reinforcement Learning |
2087 | Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Optimisation on Road Networks |
2088 | Task-Driven Estimation and Control Via Information Bottlenecks |
2090 | Compliant Bistable Gripper for Aerial Perching and Grasping |
2095 | Model Predictive Control of Ride-Sharing Autonomous Mobility-On-Demand Systems |
2098 | Cargo Transportation Strategy Using T3-Multirotor UAV |
2099 | Design and Experiments of a Squid-Like Aquatic-Aerial Vehicle with Soft Morphing Fins and Arms |
2100 | Using Geometric Features to Represent Near-Contact Behavior in Robotic Grasping |
2102 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of Perspective Aware Planning with Panoramas |
2103 | Nonlinear Orientation Controller for a Compliant Robotic Fish Based on Asymmetric Actuation |
2106 | User Centric Device Registration for Streamlined Workflows in Surgical Navigation Systems |
2108 | Lightweight Contrast Modeling for Attention-Aware Visual Localization |
2111 | Keyframe-Based Direct Thermali 12 Inertial Odometry |
2119 | Learning to Identify Object Instances by Touch - Tactile Recognition Via Multimodal Matching |
2120 | Manipulation by Feel - Touch-Based Control with Deep Predictive Models |
2121 | Feasibility Study of Robotic Needles with a Rotational Tip-Joint and Notch Patterns |
2125 | Development of a Novel Gait Rehabilitation Device with Hip Interaction and a Single DOF Mechanism |
2128 | Sensing Shear Forces During Food Manipulation - Resolving the Trade-Off Between Range and Sensitivity |
2139 | Self-Supervised Sparse-To-Dense - Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera |
2141 | Neural Network Pile Loading Controller Trained by Demonstration |
2143 | A Multi-Domain Feature Learning Method for Visual Place Recognition |
2150 | Learning to Write Anywhere with Spatial Transformer Image-To-Motion Encoder-Decoder Networks |
2154 | Human-Care Rounds Robot with Contactless Breathing Measurement |
2159 | Motion Planning for High-DOF Manipulation Using Hierarchical System Identification |
2161 | Beyond Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Ego-Motion Estimation |
2162 | Real-Time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping |
2167 | Azimuthal Shear Deformation of a Novel Soft Fiber-Reinforced Rotary Pneumatic Actuator |
2176 | In-Hand Object Scanning Via RGB-D Video Segmentation |
2178 | DSNet - Joint Learning for Scene Segmentation and Disparity Estimation |
2180 | Coverage of an Environment Using Energy-Constrained Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
2181 | ADAPS - Autonomous Driving Via Principled Simulations |
2183 | Navigating Dynamically Unknown Environments Leveraging past Experience |
2186 | Global Vision-Based Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Road Surfaces Using Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter |
2189 | Online Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using Policy Anticipation Network and Optimization-Based Context Reasoning |
2192 | Transferring Grasp Configurations Using Active Learning and Local Replanning |
2195 | A Hierarchical Framework for Coordinating Large-Scale Robot Networks |
2197 | A Data-Driven Approach for Fast Simulation of Robot Locomotion on Granular Media |
2198 | Planning Coordinated Event Observation for Structured Narratives |
2199 | Autonomous Laparoscopic Robotic Suturing with a Novel Actuated Suturing Tool and 3D Endoscope |
2201 | Motion Planning Templates - A Motion Planning Framework for Robots with Low-Power CPUs |
2203 | Using DP towards a Shortest Path Problem-Related Application |
2204 | DoS-Resilient Multi-Robot Temporal Logic Motion Planning |
2206 | Toward Lateral Aerial Grasping Manipulation Using Scalable Suction |
2207 | An Autonomous Loop-Closure Approach for Simultaneous Exploration and Coverage of Unknown Infrastructure Using MAVs |
2208 | Security-Aware Synthesis of Human-UAV Protocols |
2209 | Efficient Generation of Motion Plans from Attribute-Based Natural Language Instructions Using Dynamic Constraint Mapping |
2210 | Using Data-Driven Domain Randomization to Transfer Robust Control Policies to Mobile Robots |
2211 | Real-Time Vehicle Detection from Short-Range Aerial Image with Compressed MobileNet |
2219 | Online Plan Repair in Multi-Robot Coordination with Disturbances |
2223 | A Novel Laser Scalpel System for Computer-Assisted Laser Surgery |
2225 | Stable Bin Packing of Non-Convex 3D Objects with a Robot Manipulator |
2230 | Fast and Efficient Aerial Climbing of Vertical Surfaces Using Fixed-Wing UAVs |
2312 | Automated Abstraction of Manipulation Domains for Cost-Based Reactive Synthesis |
2317 | Geometric Interpretation of the General POE Model for a Serial-Link Robot Via Conversion into D-H Parameterization |
2321 | Spatial Change Detection Using Voxel Classification by Normal Distributions Transform |
2322 | The Foldable Drone - A Morphing Quadrotor that can Squeeze and Fly |
2334 | Probabilistic Appearance-Based Place Recognition Through Bag of Tracked Words |
2335 | Robust Pose-Graph SLAM Using Absolute Orientation Sensing |
2340 | Deconfliction of Motion Paths with Traffic Inspired Rules in Roboti 12 Robot and Humani 12 Robot Interactions |
2343 | Shallow-Depth Insertion - Peg in Shallow Hole through Robotic In-Hand Manipulation |
2344 | High-Speed Small-Deformation Catching of Soft Objects Based on Active Vision and Proximity Sensing |
2347 | Design Guarantees for Resilient Robot Formations on Lattices |
2348 | Resilient Active Target Tracking with Multiple Robots |
2349 | Self-Assembly Magnetic Chain Unit for Bulk Biomaterial Actuation |
2354 | Monocular Semantic Occupancy Grid Mapping with Convolutional Variational Encoder-Decoder Networks |
2355 | Effects of Different Hand-Grounding Locations on Haptic Performance with a Wearable Kinesthetic Haptic Device |
2358 | Sparse2Dense - From Direct Sparse Odometry to Dense 3D Reconstruction |
2359 | Robust low-overlap 3-D point cloud registration for outlier rejection |
2363 | Nanoliter Fluid Handling for Microbiology via Levitated Magnetic Microrobots |
2364 | Unified Representation and Registration of Heterogeneous Sets of Geometric Primitives |
2365 | Through-Water Stereo SLAM with Refraction Correction for AUV Localization |
2367 | CENTAURO - A Hybrid Locomotion and High Power Resilient Manipulation Platform |
2368 | Motion Planning Networks |
2372 | Towards Robot Interaction Autonomy - Explore Identify and Interact |
2373 | Hybrid Nonsmooth Barrier Functions with Applications to Provably Safe and Composable Collision Avoidance for Robotic Systems |
2375 | Design Optimisation of Sparse Sensing Array for Extended Aerial Robot Navigation in Deep Hazardous Tunnels |
2377 | Thermal Recovery of Multi-Limbed Robots with Electric Actuators |
2381 | Local Descriptor for Robust Place Recognition Using LiDAR Intensity |
2384 | It Would Make Me Happy If You Used My Guess - Comparing Robot Persuasive Strategies in Social Human-Robot Interaction |
2386 | Specifying Dual-Arm Robot Planning Problems through Natural Language and Demonstration |
2387 | Distributed Motion Tomography for Reconstruction of Flow Fields |
2388 | Adaptive Sampling and Reduced Order Modeling of Dynamic Processes by Robot Teams |
2389 | Safe and Efficient High Dimensional Motion Planning in Space-Time with Time Parameterized Prediction |
2390 | Decentralized Full Coverage of Unknown Areas by Multiple Robots with Limited Visibility Sensing |
2392 | Automated Laser Ablation of Motile Sperm for Immobilization |
2393 | Context-Aware Depth and Pose Estimation for Bronchoscopic Navigation |
2394 | Enhancing V-SLAM Keyframe Selection with an Efficient ConvNet for Semantic Analysis |
2400 | Dexterous Manipulation with Deep Reinforcement Learning - Efficient General and Low-Cost |
2401 | Learning to Drive from Simulation without Real World Labels |
2405 | Inertial Yaw-Independent Velocity and Attitude Estimation for High Speed Quadrotor Flight |
2408 | Regeneration of Normal Distributions Transform for Target Lattice Based on Fusion of Truncated Gaussian Components |
2410 | Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM |
2413 | End-Effector Pose Correction for Versatile Large-Scale Multi-Robotic Systems |
2414 | A Novel Efficient Big Data Processing Scheme for Feature Extraction in Electrical Discharge Machining |
2416 | End to End Learning of a Multi-Layered SNN Based on R-STDP for a Target Tracking Snake-Like Robot |
2418 | Go with the Flow - Exploration and Mapping of Pedestrian Flow Patterns from Partial Observations |
2419 | Energy-Aware Optimal Control of Variable Stiffness Actuated Robots |
2424 | A Gradual Refreshing Scheme to Improve Tool Utilization |
2425 | MetaGrasp - Data Efficient Grasping by Affordance Interpreter Network |
2426 | Field Deployment of a Plume Monitoring UAV Flock |
2428 | Chance-Constrained Collision Avoidance for MAVs in Dynamic Environments |
2429 | Toward Fingertip Non-Contact Material Recognition and Near-Distance Ranging for Robotic Grasping |
2431 | Trajectory Generation for Multiagent Point-To-Point Transitions Via Distributed Model Predictive Control |
2432 | PRIMAL - Pathfinding Via Reinforcement and Imitation Multi-Agent Learning |
2436 | Persistent and Robust Execution of MAPF Schedules in Warehouses |
2440 | Video-Based Prediction of Hand-Grasp Preshaping with Application to Prosthesis Control |
2441 | Color-Coded Fiber-Optic Tactile Sensor for an Elastomeric Robot Skin |
2442 | Shear-invariant Sliding Contact Perception with a Soft Tactile Sensor |
2444 | A White-Noise-On-Jerk Motion Prior for Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation on SE(3) |
2449 | Design of a Miniature Series Elastic Actuator for Bilateral Teleoperations Requiring Accurate Torque Sensing and Control |
2452 | Real-Time Surface Shape Sensing for Soft and Flexible Structures Using Fiber Bragg Gratings |
2456 | Application of a Redundant Haptic Interface in Enhancing Soft-Tissue Stiffness Discrimination |
2457 | Autonomous Parallelization of Resource-Aware Robotic Task Nodes |
2461 | Dense-ArthroSLAM - Dense Intra-Articular 3D Reconstruction with Robust Localization Prior for Arthroscopy |
2463 | A Unified Framework for the Teleoperation of Surgical Robots in Constrained Workspaces |
2464 | Cable-Less Magnetically-Driven Forceps for Minimally Invasive Surgery |
2468 | A Hand-Held Robot for Precise and Safe Pivc |
2469 | On the Development of Adaptive Tendon-Driven Wearable Exo-Gloves for Grasping Capabilities Enhancement |
2471 | A Variational Approach to Minimum Jerk Trajectories for Psychological Safety in Collaborative Assembly Stations |
2474 | The Role of Closed-Loop Hand Control in Handshaking Interactions |
2475 | Improved Human-Robot Collaborative Control of Redundant Robot for Teleoperated Minimally Invasive Surgery |
2476 | Object Centered Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulators with Remote Center of Motion Constraint |
2484 | 3D Image Reconstruction of Biological Organelles with a Robot-Aided Microscopy System for Intracellular Surgery |
2485 | Context-Aware Modelling for Augmented Reality Display Behaviour |
2486 | Optical Force Sensing in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery |
2487 | Contactless Robotic Micromanipulation in Air Using a Magneto-Acoustic System |
2488 | A Self-Adaptive Motion Scaling Framework for Surgical Robot Remote Control |
2489 | An Improved Control-Oriented Modeling of the Magnetic Field |
2492 | The Oxford Multimotion Dataset - Multiple SE(3) Motions with Ground Truth |
2493 | Asynchronous Spatial Image Convolutions for Event Cameras |
2496 | Learning to Predict Ego-Vehicle Poses for Sampling-Based Nonholonomic Motion Planning |
2498 | Pre-Grasp Sliding Manipulation of Thin Objects Using Soft Compliant or Underactuated Hands |
2499 | A Hand Combining Two Simple Grippers to Pick up and Arrange Objects for Assembly |
2502 | A Magnetically Steered Endolaser Probe for Automated Panretinal Photocoagulation |
2504 | Focal Loss in 3D Object Detection |
2505 | Towards Blended Reactive Planning and Acting Using Behavior Trees |
2506 | Design of a Compliant Mechanical Device for Upper-Leg Rehabilitation |
2508 | Autonomous Data-Driven Manipulation of Unknown Anisotropic Deformable Tissues Using Unmodelled Continuum Manipulators |
2510 | Tetherless Mobile Micro-Surgical Scissors Using Magnetic Actuation |
2512 | A Lightweight and Efficient Fully-Powered Knee Prosthesis with Actively Variable Transmission |
2515 | Capturing the Frictional State of a Soft Tactile Sensor Via Subtractive Color Mixing |
2516 | Mechanical Framework Design with Experimental Verification of a Wearable Exoskeleton Chair |
2517 | Vision-Based Online Learning Kinematic Control for Soft Robots Using Local Gaussian Process Regression |
2518 | Towards Robot-Assisted Photoacoustic Imaging - Implementation Using the da Vinci Research Kit and Virtual Fixtures |
2523 | Disturbance-Observer-Based Compliance Control of Electro-Hydraulic Actuators with Backdrivability |
2525 | Long-Stroke Rolling Diaphragm Actuators for Haptic Display of Forces in Teleoperation |
2526 | Fluidic Elastomer Actuators for Haptic Interactions in Virtual Reality |
2530 | Design and Implementation of a Two-DOF Robotic System with an Adjustable Force Limiting Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation |
2531 | An Autonomous Exoskeleton for Ankle Plantarflexion Assistance |
2533 | Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth and Ego-Motion Using Multiple Masks |
2534 | A Microrobotic System for Simultaneous Measurement of Turgor Pressure and Cell-Wall Elasticity of Individual Growing Plant Cells |
2535 | On the Similarities and Differences among Contact Models in Robot Simulation |
2537 | Light-Weight Whiskers for Contact Pre-Contact and Fluid Velocity Sensing |
2538 | Rendezvous Planning for Multiple AUVs with Mobile Charging Stations in Dynamic Currents |
2539 | UVDAR System for Visual Relative Localization with Application to Leader-Follower Formations of Multirotor UAVs |
2540 | On-Line 3D Active Pose-Graph SLAM Based on Key Poses Using Graph Topology and Sub-Maps |
2541 | Event-Based Direct Camera Tracking from a Photometric 3D Map Using Nonlinear Optimization |
2545 | Low-Latency Visual SLAM with Appearance-Enhanced Local Map Building |
2552 | Experimental Comparison of Visual-Aided Odometry Methods for Rail Vehicles |
2554 | Iteratively Reweighted Midpoint Method for Fast Multiple View Triangulation |
2555 | Sizing the Aortic Annulus with a Robotised Commercially Available Soft Balloon Catheter - In Vitro Study on Idealised Phantoms |
2558 | Endoscope Force Generation and Intrinsic Sensing with Environmental Scaffolding |
2559 | Unified Motion-Based Calibration of Mobile Multi-Sensor Platforms with Time Delay Estimation |
2561 | Towards Robotic Feeding - Role of Haptics in Fork-based Food Manipulation |
2562 | Near-Optimal Path Planning for a Car-Like Robot Visiting a Set of Waypoints with Field of View Constraints |
2563 | Optimal Proactive Path Planning for Collaborative Robots in Industrial Contexts |
2564 | Vision-Based Control and Stability Analysis of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot |
2565 | A Novel Skin-Stretch Haptic Device for Intuitive Control of Robotic Prostheses and Avatars |
2568 | Passive Task-Prioritized Shared-Control Teleoperation with Haptic Guidance |
2570 | Robot-Based Training for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment |
2571 | Data-Driven Haptic Modeling of Normal Interactions on Viscoelastic Deformable Objects Using a Random Forest |
2573 | Degenerate Motion Analysis for Aided INS with Online Spatial and Temporal Sensor Calibration |
2574 | Sparse Optimization of Contact Forces for Balancing Control of Multi-Legged Humanoids |
2579 | Efficient Micro Waveguide Coupling Based on Microrobotic Positioning |
2580 | Coordinated control of spacecrafts attitude and end-effector for space robots |
2581 | Theres No Place Like Home - Visual Teach and Repeat for Emergency Return of Multirotor UAVs During GPS Failure |
2583 | Towards a Generic Diver-Following Algorithm - Balancing Robustness and Efficiency in Deep Visual Detection |
2584 | Haptic Inspection of Planetary Soils with Legged Robots |
2585 | Central Pattern Generators Control of Momentum Driven Compliant Structures |
2586 | Rover-IRL - Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Soft Value Iteration Networks for Planetary Rover Path Planning |
2587 | Experimental Evaluation of Teleoperation Interfaces for Cutting of Satellite Insulation |
2588 | A Truly Redundant Aerial Manipulator System with Application to Push-And-Slide Inspection in Industrial Plants |
2589 | Human Gaze-Driven Spatial Tasking of an Autonomous MAV |
2594 | 3-PSR Mechanism Design Parameter Optimization and Low-Cost Method for Replicating Wave and Boat Motion |
2596 | Avoidance of Convex and Concave Obstacles with Convergence Ensured through Contraction |
2597 | An Adaptive Walking Robot with Reconfigurable Mechanisms using Shape Morphing Joints |
2601 | Learning Affordance Segmentation for Real-World Robotic Manipulation Via Synthetic Images |
2602 | Cloth Manipulation Using Random-Forest-Based Imitation Learning |
2606 | Modeling Grasp Type Improves Learning-Based Grasp Planning |
2609 | A Novel Rotating Beam Link for Variable Stiffness Robotic Arms |
2610 | Design and Fabrication of a 3D Printed Metallic Flexible Joint for Snake-Like Surgical Robot |
2611 | A Large-Deflection FBG Bending Sensor for SMA Bending Modules for Steerable Surgical Robots |
2612 | Differentially-Clutched Series Elastic Actuator for Robot-Aided Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation |
2613 | Combining a Bio-Inspired Reflexive Neuromuscular Controller with a Trajectory Controller for Active Lower-Extremity Gait-Assistive Devices |
2614 | Autonomous Flexible Endoscope for Minimally Invasive Surgery with Enhanced Safety |
2616 | Using Augmentation to Improve the Robustness to Rotation of Deep Learning Segmentation in Robotic-Assisted Surgical Data |
2618 | Pneumatically Attachable Flexible Rails for Track-Guided Ultrasound Scanning in Robotic-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy i 12 A Preliminary Design Study |
2620 | Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes - Validation of Adaptive Recovery in Robotic Space Operations |
2622 | Collision Detection for Industrial Collaborative Robots - A Deep Learning Approach |
2623 | Dynamic Primitives in Human Manipulation of Non-Rigid Objects |
2629 | Quasi-Direct Drive for Low-Cost Compliant Robotic Manipulation |
2631 | Getting Robots Unfrozen and Unlost in Dense Pedestrian Crowds |
2634 | Direct Relative Edge Optimization a Robust Alternative for Pose Graph Optimization |
2635 | Learning to See the Wood for the Trees - Deep Laser Localization in Urban and Natural Environments on a CPU |
2637 | Modeling Perceptual Aliasing in SLAM Via Discrete-Continuous Graphical Models |
2642 | New Automated Guided Vehicle System Using Real-Time Holonic Scheduling for Warehouse Picking |
2643 | Efficient Autonomous Exploration Planning of Large Scale 3D-Environments |
2645 | Deep Reinforcement Learning Robot for Search and Rescue Applications - Exploration in Unknown Cluttered Environments |
2647 | Acausal Approach to Motion Cueing |
2648 | A Robotic Microscope System to Examine TCR Quality against Tumor Neoantigens - A New Tool for Cancer Immunotherapy Research |
2649 | A Multi-Vehicle Trajectories Generator to Simulate Vehicle-To-Vehicle Encountering Scenarios |
2652 | Explicit Model Predictive Control of a Magnetic Tethered Capsule |
2653 | A Sense of Touch for the Shadow Modular Grasper |
2654 | Super Dragon - A 10-m-long Coupled Tendon-driven Articulated Manipulator |
2655 | Bundled Wire Drive - Proposal and Feasibility Study of a Novel Tendon-Driven Mechanism Using Synthetic Fiber Ropes |
2656 | Soft Tactile Sensing - Retrieving Force Torque and Contact Point Information from Deformable Surfaces |
2657 | Robot Co-Design - Beyond the Monotone Case |
2660 | Optimal Stochastic Vehicle Path Planning Using Covariance Steering |
2664 | A Constraint Programming Approach to Simultaneous Task Allocation and Motion Scheduling for Industrial Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks |
2668 | Safe Navigation with Human Instructions in Complex Scenes |
2670 | ConFusion - Sensor Fusion for Complex Robotic Systems Using Nonlinear Optimization |
2675 | Task-Based Design of Ad-Hoc Modular Manipulators |
2683 | Flexible Collaborative Transportation by a Team of Rotorcraft |
2685 | Integrated Mapping and Path Planning for Very Large-Scale Robotic (VLSR) Systems |
2687 | A Comparison between Decentralized Local and Global Methods for Connectivity Maintenance of Multi-Robot Networks |
2689 | High-Bandwidth 3D Multi-Trap Actuation Technique for 6-DoF Real-Time Control of Optical Robots |
2690 | IPMC Monolithic Thin Film Robots Fabricated through a Multi-Layer Casting Process |
2691 | Caterpillar-Inspired Crawling Robot Using Both Compression and Bending Deformations |
2693 | AgriColMap - Aerial-Ground Collaborative 3D Mapping for Precision Farming |
2699 | Force-Based Heterogeneous Traffic Simulation for Autonomous Vehicle Testing |
2700 | Thermal Image Based Navigation System for Skid-Steering Mobile Robots in Sugarcane Crops |
2703 | Geometric Relation Distribution for Place Recognition |
2705 | Proprioceptive Localization Assisted by Magnetoreception - A Minimalist Intermittent Heading-Based Approach |
2706 | Incremental Visual-Inertial 3D Mesh Generation with Structural Regularities |
2709 | Hybrid Open-Loop Closed-Loop Control of Coupled Human-Robot Balance During Assisted Stance Transition with Extra Robotic Legs |
2710 | Shape Locking Mechanism of Flexible Joint Using Mechanical Latch with Electromagnetic Force |
2711 | Grasping Interface with Wet Adhesion and Patterned Morphology - Case of Thin Shell |
2713 | Comparison of Modeling Approaches for a Tendon Actuated Continuum Robot with Three Extensible Segments |
2714 | Contact-Event-Triggered Mode Estimation for Dynamic Rigid Body Impedance-Controlled Capture |
2715 | Relative Autonomy and Navigation for Command and Control of Low-Cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
2717 | Communication-Efficient Planning and Mapping for Multi-Robot Exploration in Large Environments |
2718 | Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning under Intermittent Measurements |
2719 | Compensation of Measurement Noise and Bias in Geometric Attitude Estimation |
2722 | Optimal Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Teach-And-Repeat |
2723 | Interaction Force Estimation Using Extended State Observers - An Application to Impedance Based Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics |
2724 | Autonomous Navigation for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles - Real-Time Experiments Using Computer Vision |
2726 | Optimization-Based Non-Impact Rolling Locomotion of a Variable Geometry Truss |
2728 | Multi-Rate Tracking Control for a Space Robot on a Controlled Satellite - A Passivity-Based Strategy |
2730 | Development of Performance System with Musical Dynamics Expression on Humanoid Saxophonist Robot |
2731 | Non-Destructive Robotic Assessment of Mango Ripeness Via Multi-Point Soft Haptics |
2732 | Control and Configuration Planning of an Aerial Cable Towed System |
2738 | Active Localization of Gas Leaks Using Fluid Simulation |
2744 | Capacitive Sensing for a Gripper with Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Film |
2745 | Classification of Household Materials Via Spectroscopy |
2747 | Precision Stationary Flight of a Robotic Hummingbird |
2751 | Four Wings - A New Insect-Sized Aerial Robot with Steering ability and Payload Capacity for Autonomy |
2752 | Benchmarking Resilience of Artificial Hands |
2754 | Circular and Concentric Formation of Kinematic Unicycles |
2755 | Point-Based Policy Synthesis for POMDPs with Boolean and Quantitative Objectives |
2757 | Dynamic Manipulation of Gear Ratio and Ride Height for a Novel Compliant Wheel Using Pneumatic Actuators |
2758 | CHiMP - A Contact Based Hilbert Map Planner |
2759 | From Pixels to Percepts - Highly Robust Perception and Exploration Using Deep Learning and an Optical Biomimetic Tactile Sensor |
2760 | Control from the Cloud - Edge Computing Services and Digital Shadow for Automation Technologies |
2761 | Learning to Serve - An Experimental Study for a New Learning from Demonstrations Framework |
2762 | Imitating Human Search Strategies for Assembly |
2764 | Bayesian Active Learning for Collaborative Task Specification Using Equivalence Regions |
2765 | Combining Imitation Learning with Constraint-Based Task Specification and Control |
2772 | Compliant Four Degree-Of-Freedom Manipulator with Locally Deformable Elastic Elements for Minimally Invasive Surgery |
2773 | Modular FBG Bending Sensor for Continuum Neurosurgical Robot |
2774 | Motion Control of Cable-Driven Continuum Catheter Robot through Contacts |
2775 | Ways to Learn a Therapists Patient-Specific Intervention - Robotics vs Telerobotics-Mediated Hands-On Teaching |
2783 | Vision-Based High Speed Driving with a Deep Dynamic Observer |
2790 | Accelerated Inference in Markov Random Fields Via Smooth Riemannian Optimization |
2793 | Reinforcement Learning in Topology-Based Representation for Human Body Movement with Whole Arm Manipulation |
2795 | DispSegNet - Leveraging Semantics for End-To-End Learning of Disparity Estimation from Stereo Imagery |
2800 | Long-Term Occupancy Grid Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks |
2801 | Deep Metadata Fusion for Traffic Light to Lane Assignment |
2803 | Modeling Design and Test-Bench Validation of a Semi-Active Propulsive Ankle Prosthesis with a Clutched Series Elastic Actuator |
2804 | Torque-Based Balancing for a Humanoid Robot Performing High-Force Interaction Tasks |
2806 | Design of Anti-Skid Foot with Passive Slip Detection Mechanism for Conditional Utilization of Heterogeneous Foot Pads |
2807 | Humanoid Robot HRP-5P - an Electrically Actuated Humanoid Robot with High Power and Wide Range Joints |
2810 | Learning from humans how to grasp - a data-driven architecture for autonomous grasping with anthropomorphic soft hands |
2811 | Robot Self-Calibration Using Multiple Kinematic Chains - A Simulation Study on the iCub Humanoid Robot |
2812 | Online Gait Transitions and Disturbance Recovery for Legged Robots via the Feasible Impulse Set |
2815 | Frequency-Aware Model Predictive Control |
2817 | Trajectory Optimization for Wheeled-Legged Quadrupedal Robots Using Linearized ZMP Constraints |
2819 | Demonstration-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning of Control Policies for Dexterous Human-Robot Interaction |
2820 | Where Should I Walk Predicting Terrain Properties from Images Via Self-Supervised Learning |
2821 | Jointly Learning to Construct and Control Agents Using Deep Reinforcement Learning |
2823 | Compensation of Environmental Influences on Sensorized-Forceps for Practical Surgical Tasks |
2826 | Miniaturization of Multistage High Dynamic Range Six-Axis Force Sensor Composed of Resin Material |
2827 | Towards the Design of Robotic Drivers for Full-Scale Self-Driving Racing Cars |
2830 | Fast Online Segmentation of Activities from Partial Trajectories |
2833 | Reconstructing Human Hand Pose and Configuration using a Fixed-Base Exoskeleton |
2834 | Activity Recognition for Ergonomics Assessment of Industrial Tasks with Automatic Feature Selection |
2835 | Augmented Reality Predictive Displays to Help Mitigate the Effects of Delayed Telesurgery |
2838 | Development of a Novel Force Sensing System to Measure the Ground Reaction Force of Rats with Complete Spinal Cord Injury |
2839 | Miniature Robotic Tubes with Rotational Tip-Joints As a Medical Delivery Platform |
2840 | Swarm Aggregation without Communication and Global Positioning |
2842 | Body Lift and Drag for a Legged Millirobot in Compliant Beam Environment |
2844 | Retrieval of Magnetic Medical Microrobots from the Bloodstream |
2845 | Reconsidering Six-degree-of-freedom Magnetic Actuation Across Scales |
2846 | Dynamic Modeling and Gait Analysis for Miniature Robots in the Absence of Foot Placement Control |
2847 | RoboScallop - A Bivalve Inspired Swimming Robot |
2849 | Exploiting Symmetries in Reinforcement Learning of Bimanual Robotic Tasks |
2850 | Multimodal Bin Picking System with Compliant Tactile Sensor Arrays for Flexible Part Handling |
2852 | Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial Localization and 3D Rigid-Body Target Tracking |
2858 | Tree Search Techniques for Minimizing Detectability and Maximizing Visibility |
2861 | Training a Binary Weight Object Detector by Knowledge Transfer for Autonomous Driving |
2864 | Learning to Drive in a Day |
2866 | Iteratively Refined Feasibility Checks in Robotic Assembly Sequence Planning |
2867 | INFORA - A Novel Inflatable Origami-Based Actuator |
2869 | Toward Grasping against the Environment - Locking Polygonal Objects against a Wall Using Two-Finger Robot Hands |
2873 | Multi-Process Fusion - Visual Place Recognition Using Multiple Image Processing Methods |
2874 | A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Extract Finite Planes from 3-D Laser Scans |
2877 | Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction |
2879 | Two-Stage Transfer Learning for Heterogeneous Robot Detection and 3D Joint Position Estimation in a 2D Camera Image Using CNN |
2881 | Fully Automated Annotation with Noise-Masked Visual Markers for Deep Learning-Based Object Detection |
2882 | PedX - Benchmark Dataset for Metric 3D Pose Estimation of Pedestrians in Complex Urban Intersections |
2883 | Learning Pose Estimation for High-Precision Robotic Assembly Using Simulated Depth Images |
2885 | Distinguishing Refracted Features Using Light Field Cameras with Application to Structure From Motion |
2886 | Effective Visual Place Recognition Using Multi-Sequence Maps |
2888 | Inferring 3D Shapes of Unknown Rigid Objects in Clutter through Inverse Physics Reasoning |
2890 | Bi-Directional Value Learning for Risk-Aware Planning under Uncertainty |
2891 | Collision Avoidance of Arbitrarily Shaped Deforming Objects Using Collision Cones |
2893 | A Hybrid Approach of Learning and Model-Based Channel Prediction for Communication Relay UAVs in Dynamic Urban Environments |
2894 | Probabilistic Completeness of RRT for Geometric and Kinodynamic Planning with Forward Propagation |
2897 | On the Impact of Uncertainty for Path Planning |
2900 | Learning Navigation Behaviors End to End with AutoRL |
2901 | Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Dynamics Via Coordinated Sampling-Based Expansion Guided by Multi-Agent Search |
2903 | Multi-Vehicle Close Enough Orienteering Problem with BA(c)zier Curves and Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles |
2905 | Fast Heuristics for the 3D Multi-Goal Path Planning based on the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods |
2906 | Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization Using Orthogonal Collocation |
2909 | Continuous Signed Distance Computation for Polygonal Robots in 3D |
2910 | Mid-Air Conflict Avoidance and Recovery - An Acceleration-Based Approach for Unmanned Aircraft |
2911 | Energy-Efficient Coverage Path Planning for General Terrain Surfaces |
2916 | On-Policy Dataset Synthesis for Learning Robot Grasping Policies Using Fully Convolutional Deep Networks |
2917 | A Model-Free Extremum-Seeking Approach to Autonomous Excavator Control Based on Output Power Maximization |
2919 | Comparing Task Simplifications to Learn Closed-Loop Object Picking Using Deep Reinforcement Learning |
2920 | Position Estimation of Multiple Robots - Provable Practical Approximation Algorithm |
2922 | Vision-Based Dynamic Control of Car-Like Mobile Robots |
2924 | Autonomous Exploration of Complex Underwater Environments Using a Probabilistic Next-Best-View Planner |
2926 | Learning Long-Range Perception Using Self-Supervision from Short-Range Sensors and Odometry |
2927 | Play Me Back - A Unified Training Platform for Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery |
2928 | Designing Prototyping and Testing a Flexible Suturing Robot for Transanal Endoscopic Micro-Surgery |
2929 | A Compact Dental Robotic System Using Soft Bracing Technique |
2930 | Simultaneous Localization and Layout Model Selection in Manhattan Worlds |
2932 | Improving the Performance of Auxiliary Null Space Tasks via Time Scaling-Based Relaxation of the Primary Task |
2935 | General Hand-Eye Calibration Based on Reprojection Error Minimization |
2938 | Continuous Task Transition Approach for Robot Controller Based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming |
2939 | Feasibility Analysis for Constrained Model Predictive Control Based Motion Cueing Algorithm |
2940 | Low-Cost Continuously Variable Strain Wave TransmissionUsing Gecko-Inspired Adhesives |
2942 | Magnetic Levitation for Soft-Tethered Capsule Colonoscopy Actuated with a Single Permanent Magnet - A Dynamic Control Approach |
2943 | VUNet - Dynamic Scene View Synthesis for Traversability Estimation Using an RGB Camera |
2944 | A Framework for On-Line Learning of Underwater Vehicles Dynamic Models |
2946 | Data Information Fusion from Multiple Access Points for WiFi-Based Self-Localization |
2948 | Robust Attitude Estimation Using an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter |
2949 | Adapting Semantic Segmentation Models for Changes in Illumination and Camera Perspective |
2950 | Accurate and Efficient Seafloor Observations with Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Theory and Experiments in a Hydrothermal Vent Field |
2953 | Task-Based Control and Design of a BLDC Actuator for Robotics |
2954 | Pedestrian Motion Model Using Non-Parametric Trajectory Clustering and Discrete Transition Points |
2956 | Overpressure Compensation for Hydraulic Hybrid Servo Booster Applied to Hydraulic Manipulator |
2957 | Learning a State Transition Model of an Underactuated Adaptive Hand |
2959 | The SlothBot - A Novel Design for a Wire-Traversing Robot |
2960 | Task-Specific Manipulator Design and Trajectory Synthesis |
2961 | Adaptive Control of Aerobatic Quadrotor Maneuvers in the Presence of Propeller-Aerodynamic-Coefficient and Torque-Latency Time-Variations |
2965 | Development and Experimental Validation of Aerial Vehicle with Passive Rotating Shell on Each Rotor |
2967 | High-Performance Continuous Hydraulic Motor for MR Safe Robotic Teleoperation |
2969 | Incorporating Safety into Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives |
2970 | Learn Fast Forget Slow - Safe Predictive Learning Control for Systems with Unknown and Changing Dynamics Performing Repetitive Tasks |
2971 | VPE - Variational Policy Embedding for Transfer Reinforcement Learning |
2974 | Fast and Continuous Foothold Adaptation for Dynamic Locomotion through CNNs |
2977 | Using Human Attention to Address Human-Robot Motion |
2978 | Bayesian Optimization for Whole-Body Control of High Degrees of Freedom Robots through Reduction of Dimensionality |
2980 | Keep Rollini 12 i 12 Whole-Body Motion Control and Planning for Wheeled Quadrupedal Robots |
2981 | Practical Resolution Methods for MDPs in Robotics Exemplified with Disassembly Planning |
2985 | 1-Day Learning 1-Year Localization - Long-Term LiDAR Localization Using Scan Context Image |
2988 | Walking Posture Adaptation for Legged Robot Navigation in Confined Spaces |
2992 | Robust Global Structure from Motion Pipeline with Parallax on Manifold Bundle Adjustment and Initialization |
2995 | Stable Torque Optimization for Redundant Robots Using a Short Preview |
2996 | Decoupled Control of Position and or Force of Tendon Driven Fingers |
2997 | Enabling Robots to Infer how End-Users Teach and Learn through Human-Robot Interaction |
2999 | Relationship between the Order for Motor Skill Transfer and Motion Complexity in Reinforcement Learning |
3005 | Scalable Closed-Form Trajectories for Periodic and Non-Periodic Human-Like Walking |
3007 | Wrinkled Soft Sensor with Variable Afferent Morphology |
3009 | Pellicular Morphing Surfaces for Soft Robots |
3013 | Resilient Task Planning and Execution for Reactive Soft Robots |
3014 | A Novel Variable Stiffness Actuator Based on Pneumatic Actuation and Supercoiled Polymer Artificial Muscles |
3016 | Feedforward Control of the Rate-Dependent Viscoelastic Hysteresis Nonlinearity in Dielectric Elastomer Actuators |
3017 | Design and Analysis of Pneumatic 2-DoF Soft Haptic Devices for Shear Display |
3018 | 3D Printed Ferrofluid Based Soft Actuators |
3019 | Morphing Robots Using Robotic Skins That Sculpt Clay |
3020 | Dynamic Morphological Computation through Damping Design of Soft Material Robots - Application to Under-Actuated Grippers |
3021 | Pre-Charged Pneumatic Soft Gripper with Close Loop Control |
3022 | Adaptive Update of Reference Capacitances in Conductive Fabric Based Robotic Skin |
3025 | A Novel Iterative Learning Model Predictive Control Method for Soft Bending Actuators |
3027 | Bio-Inspired Terrestrial Motion of Magnetic Soft Millirobots |
3030 | Calibration and External Force Sensing for Soft Robots Using an RGB-D Camera |
3031 | A Simple Tripod Mobile Robot Using Soft Membrane Vibration Actuators |
3033 | Soft Electrically Actuated Quadruped (SEAQ) i 12 Integrating a Flex Circuit Board and Elastomeric Limbs for Versatile Mobility |
3034 | Stiffness Control of Deformable Robots Using Finite Element Modeling |
3036 | Expanding Foam As the Material for Fabrication Prototyping and Experimental Assessment of Low Cost Soft Robots with Embedded Sensing |
3043 | Humani 12 Robot Collaborative Site Inspection under Resource Constraints |
3044 | Symmetric Subspace Motion Generators |
3045 | Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Closed-Loop Dynamic Control of Soft Robotic Manipulators |
3046 | Navigation Functions with Time-Varying Destination Manifolds in Star Worlds |
3047 | Continuous-Phase Control of a Powered Kneei 12 Ankle Prosthesis - Amputee Experiments across Speeds and Inclines |
3048 | Dynamic Point-To-Point Trajectory Planning Beyond the Static Workspace for Six-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots |
3049 | Periodic Trajectory Planning Beyond the Static Workspace for 6-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots |
3050 | Geometric Calibration of Continuum Robots - Joint Space and Equilibrium Shape Deviations |
3051 | Multimodal Sensorimotor Integration for Expert-In-The-Loop Telerobotic Surgical Training |
3052 | Cable-Based Robotic Crane (CBRC) - Design and Implementation of Overhead Traveling Cranes Based on Variable Radius Drums |
3053 | Multirobot Reconnection on Graphs - Problem Complexity and Algorithms |
3054 | Computational Design of Robotic Devices from High-Level Motion Specifications |
3055 | A New Approach to Time-Optimal Path Parameterization Based on Reachability Analysis |
3056 | Force Impedance and Trajectory Learning for Contact Tooling and Haptic Identification |
3057 | Fundamental Actuation Properties of Multirotors - Force-Moment Decoupling and Fail-Safe Robustness |
3058 | Toward Controllable Hydraulic Coupling of Joints in a Wearable Robot |
3059 | An Analytical Loading Model for N-Tendon Continuum Robots |
3060 | A Biomimetic Radar System for Autonomous Navigation |
3061 | Decentralized Trajectory Tracking Control for Soft Robots Interacting with the Environment |
3062 | Tactile-Based Whole-Body Compliance with Force Propagation for Mobile Manipulators |
3063 | Efficient and Stable Locomotion for Impulse-Actuated Robots Using Strictly Convex Foot Shapes |
3064 | Continuum Robot Stiffness under External Loads and Prescribed Tendon Displacements |
3065 | Geometric Construction-Based Realization of Spatial Elastic Behaviors in Parallel and Serial Manipulators |
3066 | Fast Generic and Reliable Control and Simulation of Soft Robots Using Model Order Reduction |
3067 | Learning Task Priorities from Demonstrations |
3068 | Humanoid Dynamic Synchronization through Whole-Body Bilateral Feedback Teleoperation |
3069 | A Mechanics-Based Model for 3-D Steering of Programmable Bevel-Tip Needles |
3070 | On Optimal Pursuit Trajectories for Visibility-Based Target-Tracking Game |
3073 | VIKINGS - An Autonomous Inspection Robot for the ARGOS Challenge |
3074 | Coordinated Control of a Dual-Arm Space Robot |
3075 | Working with Walt - How a Cobot Was Developed and Inserted on an Auto Assembly Line |
3076 | The Task Motion Kit |
3077 | An Empirical Evaluation of Ten Depth Cameras for Indoor Environments |
3078 | Intuitive Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using a Passive Parallel Mechanism |
3079 | SMErobotics - Smart Robots for Flexible Manufacturing |
3080 | A Soft Modular End-Effector for Underwater Manipulation |
3081 | Radiological Monitoring of Nuclear Facilities Using the Continuous Autonomous Radiation Monitoring Assistance (CARMA) Robot |
3082 | Robot Foraging - Autonomous Sample Return in a Large Outdoor Environment |
3083 | Multimodal Aerial Locomotion - An Approach to Active Tool Handling |
3084 | The Playful Software Platform - Reactive Programming for Orchestrating Robotic Behavior |
3085 | Tele-MAGMaS - An Aerial-Ground Co-Manipulator System |
3086 | Pictobot - A Cooperative Painting Robot for Interior Finishing of Industrial Developments |
3087 | Better Teaming Through Visual Cues - How Projecting Imagery in a Workspace Can Improve Human-Robot Collaboration |
3088 | A Lower-Back Robotic Exoskeleton - Industrial Handling Augmentation Used to Provide Spinal Support |
3089 | A Smart Companion Robot for Heavy Payload Transport and Manipulation in Automotive Assembly |
3090 | Walking and Running with Passive Compliance - Lessons from Engineering a Live Demonstration of the ATRIAS Biped |
3091 | Teleoperated In-Situ Repair of an Aeroengine |
3092 | Online Multilayered Motion Planning with Dynamic Constraints for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles |
3102 | LineRanger Analysis and Field Testing of an Innovative Robot for Efficient Assessment of Bundled High-Voltage Powerlines |
3103 | Adjustable Power Modulation for a Leg Mechanism Suitable for Running |
3104 | Development and Experimental Validation of Aerial Vehicle with Passive Rotating Shell on Each Rotor |
3105 | Robotic Orientation Control of Deformable Cells |
3106 | Towards Robust Product Packing with a Minimalistic End-Effector |
3107 | Contactless Robotic Micromanipulation in Air Using a Magneto-Acoustic System |
3108 | Gesture Recognition Via Flexible Capacitive Touch Electrodes |
3109 | Deconfliction of Motion Paths with Traffic Inspired Rules in Roboti 12 Robot and Humani 12 Robot Interactions |
3110 | The Role of Closed-Loop Hand Control in Handshaking Interactions |
3111 | Soft Robotic Glove with Integrated Sensing for Intuitive Grasping Assistance Post Spinal Cord Injury |
3112 | Shape Sensing of Variable Stiffness Soft Robots Using Electrical Impedance Tomography |
3113 | Adaptive Control of Sclera Force and Insertion Depth for Safe Robot-Assisted Retinal Surgery |
3114 | Eagle Shoal - A New Designed Modular Tactile Sensing Dexterous Hand for Domestic Service Robots |
3115 | Classification of Household Materials Via Spectroscopy |
3116 | Multi-Robot Region-Of-Interest Reconstruction with Dec-MCTS |
3117 | Learning Scene Geometry for Visual Localization in Challenging Conditions |
3118 | Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction |
3119 | Efficient Symbolic Reactive Synthesis for Finite-Horizon Tasks |
3120 | Combined Task and Motion Planning under Partial Observability - An Optimization-Based Approach |
3121 | Making Sense of Vision and Touch - Self-Supervised Learning of Multimodal Representations for Contact-Rich Tasks |
3122 | Deep Visuo-Tactile Learning - Estimation of Tactile Properties from Images |
3123 | Variational End-To-End Navigation and Localization |
3124 | Closing the Sim-To-Real Loop - Adapting Simulation Randomization with Real World Experience |
3125 | Drift-Free Roll and Pitch Estimation for High-Acceleration Hopping |
3126 | Robust Learning of Tactile Force Estimation through Robot Interaction |
3127 | Shallow-Depth Insertion - Peg in Shallow Hole through Robotic In-Hand Manipulation |
3128 | Pre-Grasp Sliding Manipulation of Thin Objects Using Soft Compliant or Underactuated Hands |
3129 | Design and Control of a Passively Morphing Quadcopter |
3130 | Search-Based 3D Planning and Trajectory Optimization for Safe Micro Aerial Vehicle Flight under Sensor Visibility Constraints |
3131 | Fast and in Sync - Periodic Swarm Patterns for Quadrotors |
3132 | Distributed Multi-Robot Formation Splitting and Merging in Dynamic Environments |