Motion Planning Discrete Planner

Run tests:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev  #install C++ boost library
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 


Graph representation

Convert each 2D x-y coordinates to 1D index. Each proper index is considered as one node.

Optimal planner

Implement A* algorithm. Use fibonacci heap from C++ boost library to store f-values of each node. Use Manhattan distance as the heuristic measurement.

Random planner

Use queue to maintain max_step_number of nodes which are also stored in another unordered_set. At each move, check whether children nodes are in unordered_set.

Complecity analysis:

Number of free nodes in the 2D grids: |V|, Number of edges between free nodes: |E|.

Optimal planner

Time: O(|V|) + O(|V|log|V|) + O(|V|) + O(1)O(|E|) = O(|E| + |V|log|V|).

space: O(|V|^2).

Random planner

Time: O(max_step_number).

space: O(max_step_number^0.5).


Seven different grids patterns are set up to test the planners. Please see main.cpp to check the details. As long as there exists shortest paths, Astar is gauranteed to find one. If max_step_number is larger than the grids size, the random planner is more likely to find a path but not gauranteed. With the decrease of max_step_number, the random planner is less likely to find a path.