

supported python version 3.5

Environment Ubuntu 16.04

To run the repo successfully on Mac or Windows, you have to modify the system calls and shell scripts to meet your environment.

Open command run:

sudo sh ./installation.sh


For cross validation, run

python3 cross_validation.py 10

Notice that this cross validation takes days on a laptop. And the script can be resource demanding, it's better to run it on a lab machine.

For the following two steps, you have to run:

python3  generate_sentence_embedding_file.py

to get the splited train validation data in sentence embedding form first. (if you already run cross_validation, this step is not required since train valid split are preformed ten times on cross validation)

if you quit from cross validation, clean save folder before running the following python files.

to train the model, run

python3  train.py

to test the model, run

python3  evaluate.py data/pkl_test_data

a output.txt file will be generated after excuting evaluate.py.

Directly run evaluate without training:

You can open the link


Download the zip file put it on root of the project and then run

sh  directly_run.sh

then run

python3  evaluate.py data/pkl_test_data

How do we get the data

Data Cleaning:

  • Raw Data: Go to https://archive.org/details/stackexchange to download christianity.stackexchange.com.7z, the Posts.xml in it is our data. One can find out the format of Posts.xml from readme.txt from the same website.
  • Word Embedding Source: Go to https://github.com/stanfordnlp/GloVe to download glove.42B.300d.zip, which contains word-to-vector table.
  • Cleaning: Run CS498HS_final_project/data_cleaning.py. Change the path of glove.42B.300d.txt and Posts.xml to where you put the file, or put them in CS498HS_final_project directory.
  • If one don't want to go through the cleaning part, word_dict_pkl (word embedding dictionary for words shown in raw data) can be found at here, load the file to CS498HS_final_project/resource folder since generate_sentence_embedding_file.py call the file at that place