
Count Genshin Impact Artworks/Fanarts by Characters on Pixiv/统计Pixiv上各角色同人图数量

Primary LanguagePython


Count Genshin Impact Artworks/Fanarts by Characters on Pixiv/统计Pixiv上各角色同人图数量



For more visulized result, please visit 简体中文介绍


Use Python and Requests to Count Artworks of Genshin Impact Characters, and visualization using Matplotlib.


0.Please use you cookie and put it into headerPixiv1,headerPixiv2,headerPixiv3,headerPixiv4 etc. 48391678422421_ pic

0.And then modify List headerPixiv and sleepTime. 48401678422558_ pic

1.Run main.py

This may take hours because Pixiv dose not welcome creeper, it may block a user's cookie for several minutes, and that is why you may need a few cookies.

Note: main.py can read its generated file(statistics.PandoraWork, plain text) and continue running from the character you suspended.

main.py need language files, the source code from




Korean and


If you want to update Characters List, please store these source code as 'en','zh-tw','ja','ko' and 'main'.

Note: on 简体中文, the order of 刻晴(Keqing) adn 七七(Qiqi) is wrong.

2.Run visualization.py

if you just wann to see the results, just download the PNG files, no need to run main.py and visualization.py.


Why need more than one cookies?

Becasue Pixiv does not welcome creeper, it will block one cookie if it send many connections in a short period of time for a few minutes.

What is rawData and what does checkRawData.py do?

rawData is the full content that Pixiv responses, you need to change storeRawData=False into storeRawData=True in main.py if you want to keep rawData.

These Raw Data will be stored into 'rawData' finder.

And you need to write your own checkRawData.py to satisfy your requirement.