Pinned Repositories
BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
Update model for ICTV2022
This script is designed to process single-cell sequencing data by reading multiple FASTA files, combining them, aligning the sequences, calculating a similarity matrix, performing clustering, and saving the results. The script uses Clustal Omega for sequence alignment and scikit-learn for clustering.
transfer from gene naming to KEGG_ID
This project calculates and identifies significant induction events between host MAGs and corresponding phages based on log-transformed abundance values. It is intended for microbial ecology studies where phage activity is monitored under various conditions.
RPKM calculation_through python
This python script can extract the desired sequence with a specific name from your fasta file
mengyuan09876's Repositories
This script is designed to process single-cell sequencing data by reading multiple FASTA files, combining them, aligning the sequences, calculating a similarity matrix, performing clustering, and saving the results. The script uses Clustal Omega for sequence alignment and scikit-learn for clustering.
transfer from gene naming to KEGG_ID
This project calculates and identifies significant induction events between host MAGs and corresponding phages based on log-transformed abundance values. It is intended for microbial ecology studies where phage activity is monitored under various conditions.
RPKM calculation_through python
This python script can extract the desired sequence with a specific name from your fasta file