
Encrypted message passing between to BBC Micro:bits over bluetooth.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Encrypted message passing between to BBC Micro:bits over bluetooth.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running.


  1. Yotta
  2. Git (Only if you are cloning the repository)


  1. Clone the repository and cd into the directory. (Just cd into it if you acquired by other means)
$ git clone https://gitlab.uwe.ac.uk/a2-miljau/morseus.git
$ cd morseus
  1. Build the project with yotta
$ yt build
  1. Copy the hex output into the Micro:bit. Replace /run/media/$USERNAME/MICROBIT/ with the location your Micro:bit is mounted at.
cp build/bbc-microbit-classic-gcc/src/*-combined.hex /run/media/$USERNAME/MICROBIT/


When the microbit starts up:

  • On the Sender, press the Button A
  • On the Receiver, press the Button B

If the microbit was initialized as a Sender, you should see an arrow climbing up, indicating your selection. You will see an animation from the Receiver as well, except the arrow will point downwards.

To send data between the microbits, you'll have to hold down the Button A on the Sender for a designated period and then. When you are done entering the data for the character, you can press the Button B on the Sender to transmit the data over to the Receiver.

  • To add a dot/dit to the buffer, you can press the Button A and immediately let go. The screen will display a dot during this period.
  • When the screen changes to a dash/dah you can let go to add a dash to the buffer.

When Button B is pressed on the Sender, the screen will show a small animation indicating that the data is being transmitted. The Receiver will display the transmitted character on the LED display.

The supported characters are as follows:

a  .-
b  -...
c  -.-.
d  -..
e  .
f  ..-.
g  --.
h  ....
i  ..
j  .---
k  -.-
l  .-..
m  --
n  -.
o  ---
p  .--.
q  --.-
r  .-.
s  ...
t  -
u  ..-
v  ...-
w  .--
x  -..-
y  -.--
z  --..
0  -----
1  .----
2  ..---
3  ...--
4  ....-
5  .....
6  -....
7  --...
8  ---..
9  ----.
.   .-.-.-
,   --..--
:   ---...
?   ..--..
'   .----.
-   -....-
/   -..-.
(   -.--.
)   -.--.-
"   .-..-.
=   -...-
+   .-.-.
! ..--

Internal Workings

The internal buffer of the Sender can hold a limited amount of dits/dahs. This is to make sure that the value being transmitted fits into a single byte(less than 256). If the internal buffer is on the verge going over the limit, the Sender will initiate a transmission forcefully. To convert the morse code signal to an integer value, a binary tree representation of the morse code alphabet is used.

This is the binary tree that represents the morse code standard. Each left branch represents a dot and each right branch represents a dash.

The tree can be flattened according to a Breadth First Traversal. The exclamation marks represent special characters.


While it is not necessary to, I have chosen to use the position a character is in the above string instead its ASCII value to represent it during transmission.

After the more code signals that the user had entered have been converted into an integer value, a simple Caesar Cipher is applied to the value. The shift value being 42.

Packet Construction

There are 8 bytes in total in the packet payload itself. It is of fixed length. The packet is rather simple to construct.

Here are the details of each byte:

morse::ESC: Which is a special value in the morse alphabet I have displayed above. It takes the value 0x13(19).
shifted_value: This will be the value the user entered, shifted to the right by 42 places
parity: Whether or not the shifted value has even number of bits

The following bytes are made random so that no two packets holding the same
value looks the same.

morse::EOW: another special value which corresponds to: 0x49(69)


While the Caesar Cipher serves as a simple obfuscation method, it is simple to unravel. Therefore, a more reliable form of hiding the data is required. Thus an encryption cipher was required. I looked into several ciphers of the same family:

  1. TEA - Tiny Encryption Algorithm
  2. XTEA - eXtended TEA
  3. XXTEA - Corrected TEA

These were 3 very simple encryption algorithms that did not require too much processing or too much memory. These 3 algorithms were tiny as the names imply. I chose XXTEA because it is corrected version of its predecessors.

XXTEA, however, comes with a price. XXTEA can only work on blocks that are a multiple of 32 bits that are greater than or equal to 64 bits. This presented a problem. Since we are only sending a byte(8 bits), 56 of those bits would be completely wasted. I have chosen to use some byte for presentational purposes(header and footer) and one more byte for parity checks.

The remaining 4 bytes are just garbage data that is generated randomly within the microbit. This would actually help mitigate an attack where the attacker has access to a microbit running the program and reading the output.

If these random bytes were not filled, the values in those positions will always be an unchanging value, let's assume 0. Therefore, the packet for A will always be the same(even after encryption) no matter how many times you send it. The attacker can use this information to map out all the possible outputs on the for all the combinations and essentially create a device that can talk to a Receiver without even having to know the packet format.

However, if these 4 bytes are filled with random values, the chances of two packets for A being the same are 1 in 4294967296. Well, almost. Because the random number generator can only be so random the chances are probably higher than that.

A relevant excerpt from the documentation for uBit.random(int):

We use a simple Galois LFSR random number generator here, as a Galois LFSR is
sufficient for our applications, and much more lightweight than the hardware
random number generator built int the processor, which takes a long time and
uses a lot of energy.

KIDS: You shouldn't use this is the real world to generate cryptographic keys
though...  have a think why not. :-)                                                              


The data is transmitted over bluetooth using the radio module of the microbit. The packet looks like this:

0xAB: a marker byte
0xAB: Same as the header.


The Receiver would read the data, assure that the first byte is a 'marker byte' by comparing the value to 0xAB. If not, the Receiver will choose to ignore it.

The Receiver receives the packet and checks if the marker bytes are encapsulating the packet. Decryption occurs here as well, but only on the 8 bytes encapsulated within the marker bytes. After decryption, the first and last bytes are compared with the respective values. The obfuscated value is grabbed and its parity is compared with the parity byte present in the packet. Finally, the obfuscated value is then passed back through the Caesar cipher to get the original value.

The character corresponding to this value in the binary tree is then displayed on the screen. If any of the checks failed, a cross is displayed indicating that something went wrong.

State Diagram

The state diagram can be found here.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • David Wheeler, Roger Needham - XXTEA implementation