Computrized Maintainance Management System

We developed a website launched by a server and connected to A sql database to host a simple comutarized maintainace management system that can be used into any medical facilities as hospitals or clinics.

For more details check CMMS.pdf uploaded to the repository


Team Members

  • Asmaa Mahmoud
  • Salma Mohamed
  • Mohammed Almotasem
  • Marwa Abdullah
  • Menna Hamdy

The website introduces many features as:

  1. Add an equipment, employee and department.
  2. Calibrate, PPM, scrap or report for a certain equipment.
  3. Make a daily pass form.
  4. Search for any added equipment form.


We implemented the FRONT END by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript; DATABASE by using MYSQL and; BACKEND by using NODEJS.
