
Realtime chat app with rooms

Primary LanguagePython


Hands-on experience on network-based socket programming and practical implementation to put the protocol theories in perspective.

Team Members:

  1. Fady Tadrous
  2. Marwa Adel
  3. Mennatallah Hamdy
  4. Mohamed Omar
  5. Salma Hamza

Work Done

Virtual Kidney Clinic

The patient has two options

  1. Go Direct To Chat Room To Talk to the Doctor
  2. Answer Some Questions which help the patient to see if there is something to worry about or he should talk to a doctor “Machine Learning Used Here and we use RandomForest Classifier”

The doctor enters The username and password and directly go to the chat room

It’s a multi-client Socket Connection and any data the client enters from User Interface must go first to the server. Data used For Train our Model “https://www.kaggle.com/niteshhalai/chronic-kidney-disease”

Note Before running the code:

Change the path of the data in model.py -> Class

Model -> Function RandomForestModel -> Variable originalData

To run the code

Run server.py first

To Run as Client run main.py

“if you want 2 clients so run this file twice and etc”