
Build and deploy PHP applications via (S)FTP, with a simple command!

Primary LanguagePHP

GitHub Actions status

Mentosmenno2 SFTP Deploy

Build and deploy PHP applications via (S)FTP, with a simple command!


  • PHP 7.1+


Install this dependency with composer as dev-dependency.

composer require mentosmenno2/sftp-deploy --dev

Add the commands to the Composer scripts by adding this in the composer.json file.

"scripts": {
	"sftp-deploy" : [
	"deploy": [
		"@sftp-deploy deploy"


Use the init command to generate a configuration file. See the Commands section below.

Open the generated sftp-deploy.config.json file, and edit the properties following the specification below.

Configuration file properties

Property Type Default Description
builds_directory string "deployments" The path where the the build will be created. Relative to your project directory.
builds_use_subdirectory boolean true Will make a separate subdirectory inside the builds_directory for your build.
builds_keep_revisions integer 5 Revisions of builds to keep when cleaning up builds.
run_before [] string [] Commands to run before cloning your project from git
repo_url string / null null Repository url to use for cloning your project from git.
repo_clone_directory string "." Path to clone the repo in. Relative to the builds_directory (with subdirectory if enabled).
repo_checkout string "master" Default branch or tag to checkout when cloning the repo.
run_after [] string [] Commands to run after cloning your project from git.
deploy_directory string "." Directory to upload to (S)FTP. Relative to the builds_directory (with subdirectory if enabled).
sftp_adapter string "sftp" Options: sftp, ftp. Adapter to choose for deploying.
sftp_host string "example.com" (S)FTP host.
sftp_port integer 22 (S)FTP port. SFTP usually uses 22. FPT usually uses 21.
sftp_username string "username" (S)FTP username.
sftp_password string "password" (S)FTP password.
sftp_root string "/path/to/root" Path where files from deploy_directory should be placed. Absolute path from (S)FTP root.
sftp_passive boolean true Use a passive connection. Only works when ftp is selected as sftp_adapter.
sftp_ssl boolean true Use a SSL connection. Only works when ftp is selected as sftp_adapter.
sftp_ignore_passive_address boolean false Don't use passive address. Useful when connection is blocked by firewall. Only works when ftp is selected as sftp_adapter.
sftp_private_key_file string / null null Path to private key file. Absolute path. Only works when sftp is selected as sftp_adapter.
sftp_private_key_password string / null null Private key password. Only works when sftp is selected as sftp_adapter.
sftp_directory_permission integer 0755 Set directory permission of sftp_root.

You can also use a custom configuration file. To do so, you can specify your custom configuration file, using the config operand. If you do so, you should also change the current deploy command (see installation section), or create a new one.

"scripts": {
	"deploy": [
		"@sftp-deploy deploy -- --config=\"custom-config-filename.json\""


All commands can be run in the following way:

composer run sftp-deploy COMMAND_NAME


Generate a configuration file. This file will be called sftp-deploy.config.json.

composer run sftp-deploy init


Build the application.

composer run sftp-deploy build [checkout]


Argument Required Default Description
checkout No master The branch or tag you would like to checkout with git. Overwrites repo_checkout configuration parameter.


Build and deploy the application to a (S)FTP server.

Does these actions:

  • First builds your app with the build command.
  • Then deploys that build to the (S)FTP server.
  • Finally cleans up old builds with the cleanup command.
composer run sftp-deploy deploy [checkout]


Argument Required Default Description
checkout No master The branch or tag you would like to checkout with git. Overwrites repo_checkout configuration parameter.


Cleanup old builds.


  • This only works when builds_use_subdirectory is enabled in the configuration.
  • Keeps up to builds_keep_revisions intact. See configuration.
composer run sftp-deploy deploy


You are free to contribute on this project. I want this project to become better, just like you do.

If you want to contribute, please create a fork, and make a pull request.

Please note that your pull request needs to comply to these rules:

  • It has to contain a description of why it's required or uesful.
  • It has to contain a description of what the fix does.
  • If some code could be unclear for other developers, please add comments.
  • The code must pass the automatic Github action checks. You can test that locally by running composer run test.

Local installation

git clone git@github.com:mentosmenno2/sftp-deploy.git
composer install
composer dump-autoload

Code checks

Code must pass code checks to be used in this project.

composer run test

You can also let the code checker try to fix problems by itself.

Note: This only fixes common problems. You may need to still fix some yourself.

composer run fix