My configuration files, they use this script.
To track new files:
- Add them to the files variable in
- Run the script (this script creates symlinks to the dotfiles in the home directory)
Prezto is included as a submodule, to we need to create symlinks from that folder to the main zsh dir to do that run this:
for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/dotfiles/prezto/runcoms/^; do
ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
Tmux config needs Tmux Plugin Manager to work, to install it you need to run git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
(see TPM Docs
- Neovim configuration
- Tmux configuration
- Bash alias
- Git alias
- colorcheck prints strips of colors to the the terminal to check if they are displayed correctly
- tat creates a tmux session with the name of the current directory, if a session named like the current directory already exists, it will attach to it.