
Minimal boiler plate to generate a Rails 7 app

Primary LanguageShell


Minimal boiler plate to create a dockerized Ruby on Rails 7 application.

Clone the application

git clone https://github.com/betogrun/prelude.git your_application

# or

git clone git@github.com:betogrun/prelude.git your_application

Change the application name references

Change the application name on Dockerfile

WORKDIR /usr/src/your_application

Change the application name on docker-compose.yml

    build: .
    entrypoint: ./entrypoint-dev.sh
    command: bash -c "bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.dev -p 3000"
    tty: true
      - .:/usr/src/your_application

Generate the Rails project

Generate an application with Postgres database, esbuild and Tailwind CSS. Feel free to change the options, but keep in mind the next steps may be affected.

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps web bundle exec rails new . --force -d postgresql -j esbuild --css tailwind 
docker-compose run --rm web bundle add foreman --group "development, test"

Change the files ownership if you are using Linux.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .

Update the database configuration

Add the following content to config/database.yml default entry.

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  host: <%= ENV.fetch("DATABASE_HOST") %>
  username: <%= ENV.fetch("DATABASE_USER") %>
  password: <%= ENV.fetch("DATABASE_PASSWORD") %>
  # For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
  # https://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#database-pooling
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>

Create the database

docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rails db:create

Enable esbuild and Tailwind

Add the following content to package.json

"scripts": {
    "build": "esbuild app/javascript/*.* --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds",
    "build:css": "tailwindcss -i ./app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css -o ./app/assets/builds/application.css --minify"

Running the application

$ docker-compose up


Get the id for the web container

docker ps

Attach your terminal to the container

docker attach container_id