Welcome to GitHub Copilot Fundamentals 100!

A repository for all things GitHub Copilot Training - Fundamentals 100!

The GitHub Copilot Fundamentals 100 Workshop is designed for developers who want to gain foundational knowledge and practical skills in using GitHub Copilot.


Introduction to GitHub Copilot

  • What is GitHub Copilot: An introduction to GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered code completion tool developed by GitHub and OpenAI
  • Overview of features and capabilities: Includes an overview of Copilot’s ability to generate code suggestions, assist in code completion and improve developer productivity

Setting up GitHub Copilot

  • Installation and setup process: Instructions for installing and setting up GitHub Copilot on various platforms
  • Integration with IDEs and text editors: Guidance on integrating GitHub Copilot with popular integrated development environments based on used tech stacks (VS Code)

Basic Usage

  • Using GitHub Copilot for code completion: Exploring how developers can utilize Copilot for code completion, including accepting suggestions and incorporating them into code
  • Understanding how Copilot generates suggestions: Insights into the underlying mechanisms used by GitHub Copilot to generate suggestions based on context and user input

Navigating Copilot Suggestions

  • Multiple suggestions: Understanding how Copilot presents multiple suggestions for code completion and how to navigate through them
  • Selecting appropriate code suggestions: Techniques for evaluating the most suitable code suggestions provided by GitHub Copilot based on relevance and correctness

Best Practices

  • Understanding when to use Copilot: Guidelines for determining when GitHub Copilot is most beneficial / appropriate to use during the development process
  • Ensuring code quality: Strategies for maintaining code quality while leveraging GitHub Copilot’s suggestions
  • Overview of prompt engineering: Introduction to prompt engineering techniques to guide GitHub Copilot’s suggestions and improve the relevance / accuracy of generated code

This course contains 6 different lab sections all on the basics of how to use GitHub Copilot, lab handouts can be found in the SelfPacedLabs directory.

Lab Topics Are As Follows:

Lab 01 --> Experimenting with JavaScript AI Code Suggestions

Lab 02 --> Leverging Multiple Suggestions with GitHub Copilot

Lab 03 --> Generating ARM and Terraform code with GitHub Copilot Chat

Lab 04 --> Code Refactoring with GitHub Copilot

Lab 05 --> Creating Unit Test Functions with GitHub Copilot Chat

Lab 06 --> Generating Documentation With Inline GitHub Copilot