
Adds Object Oriented programming, bash C bindings and ncurses to BASH

Primary LanguageShell


bashUtils is a collection of (more or less) useful functions.

Sourcing the loader.sh script and running the loadBashUtils function will give you access to all functions described below.

NOTE: Some functions use global variables. Variable names starting with __CLASS or __INTERNAL should be avoided


Object Oriented BASH


# base.sh

class Base
    -- var

    :: print

    :: Base
    :: ~Base

Base::print() {
  msg1 "Base: var: '$($1 . var)'"

Base::Base() {
  msg1 "Constructing Base"
  $1 . var "Hello World"

Base::~Base() {
  msg1 "Destructing Base"
# vector.sh

class Vector Base # Start class definition
    -- x
    -- y
    -- z
    :: privateFunc

    :: Vector  # Constructor
    :: ~Vector # Destructor
    :: show
ssalc        # End class definition

# $1 is always a 'pointer' to this
Vector::Vector() {
  msg1 "Constructing $($1 classname)"

  $1 . x "$2" # Sets attr x to 0
  $1 . y "$3"
  $1 . z "$4"

Vector::~Vector() {
  msg1 "Destructing $($1 classname)"

Vector::privateFunc() {
  msg1 "PRIVATE echo: ${@:2}"

Vector::show() {
  msg1 "Vector '$($1 name)':"
  msg2 "X: $($1 . x)"
  msg2 "Y: $($1 . y)"
  msg2 "Z: $($1 . z)"
  $1 . privateFunc "Hello" "World" # Output: "PRIVATE echo: Hello World"
  $1 . print # In Base class
  # $1 . var # ERROR
# main.sh

Vector vec1 5 5 6
vec1 . show
#vec1 . privateFunc # ERROR: privateFunc is private
#vec1 . y 5         # ERROR: y is private
vec1 destruct
#vec1 . show        # Bash error: vec1: command not found

Object operators

Operator Description
. [func] [options] Calls [func] with [options]
. [attr] Prints value of [attr] to stdout
. [attr] [value] Sets [attr] to [value]
: [attr] [var] Stores [attr] in [var]
name Prints the object name to stdout
classname Prints the class name to stdout
hasFunc [func] Returns 0 if class has the function [func]
hasAttr [attr] Returns 0 if class has the attribute [attr]
isVisible [a/f] Returns 0 if the attribute / function is currently visible
destruct Destructs the object and runs the (optional) destructor

Bash Curses

bashUtils provides classes to read and parse the terminfo file for the current terminal and create ncurses like windows and mouse input.


The class bTermInfo is responsible for loading the terminfo file and setting the COLUMNS and LINES environment variables.

All parsed data can be accessed via <objectName> . <CapName>. All CapNames are listed in the terminfo manpage.

Methode Description
CONSTRUCTOR calls updateScreenSize and loadTIfile
updateScreenSize (re)sets the COLUMNS and LINES environment variables
loadTIfile (re)parses the terminfo file


The main / init class.

Methode Description
CONSTRUCTOR [TI] loads information from the [TI] bTermInfo object
hideCursor hides the cursor (default)
showCursor shows the cursor
append [child] appends a drawable [child] (needs draw methode)
draw draws all children
updateScreenSize runns the updateScreenSize from bTermInfo
startLoop [key] [mouse] [resize] starts the input loop; sends events to [key] [mouse] [resize] functions
stopLoop stops the input loop
getPos [x] [y] sets [x] and [y] to 1
getSize [width] [height] sets [width] and [height] to $CLOUMNS and $LINES
init saves current state; clears the window; enables mouse support
reset restores the terminal state before init

The key callback

Special key names are the CapNames from the terminfo manpage.

The mouse callback


Parameters Description
arg1 Pressed button (or "released")
arg2 X coordinate
arg2 Y coordinate


Button Description
MB1 Mouse button 1 (left click)
MB2 Mouse button 2 (middle click)
MB3 Mouse button 3 (right click)
WU Wheel up
WD Wheel down
REL ANY button (MB*) released


Base class for all objects

Methode Description
setColors [fg] [bg] sets the [fg] and [bg] color. Colors can be a string or "5;n" with n in [0,255]
setPos [posX] [posY] sets the absolute position
setPosRel [posX] [posY] sets the position relative to the parent object
setSize [width] [height] sets the size of the object
resizeFullscreen make the object cover the entire terminal
center centers the object vertically and horizontally
centerRel centers the object vertically and horizontally relative to the parent object
hide hides the object and all its children
show makes the object visible
append [child] appends a drawable [child]; normally called by a constructor
getPos [posX] [posY] saves the current position in the variables [posX] and [posY]
getSize [width] [height] saves the current size in the variables [width] and [height]
getColorSTR [fg] [bg] saves the current color strings in the variables [fg] and [bg]

bcWindow (bcBase object)

Methode Description
CONSTRUCTOR [parent] {x} {y} {w} {h} appends to [parent] and runs setPos {x} {y} and setSize {w} {h}
setShadow [color] [offX] [offY] sets color and offset of the shadow; offset 0 0 to disable
setBorder [borderSTR] sets a border (see borderSTR section); empty string for no border
setBorderNormal sets the default border string 1
setBorderThick sets the default border string 2
setBorderDouble sets the default border string 3
draw draws the window and all children

Note: all coordinates start with 1, 1. NOT 0, 0


Char Description
0 Upper Horizontal border
1 Lower Horizontal border
2 Left Vertical border
3 Right Vertical border
4 Upper left corner
5 Upper right corner
6 Lower left corner
7 Lower right corner
2           3
2           3
2           3

bcText (bcBase object)

Methode Description
CONSTRUCTOR [parent] {x} {y} appends to [parent] and runs setPosRel {x} {y}
setText [t1] ... [tn] sets the text. Replaces all args with "@@" with terminal escape sequences
draw draws the text and all children

list of attributes

  • off
  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • blink
  • inverse
  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

Bash C bindings

bashUtils provides a (base) class to create bindings for c-style functions and callbacks via c-style function pointers.

bashUtils uses a c program running in background to call the c functions. This program can be automatically generated with a simple function definition file (bind.def) in the binding root directory.

Short example:

class Bind1 BASHBinding # Inheriting everything from BASHBinding
    :: f1 # f1 is a c function

Bind1 binding /path/to/binding/source/root /path/to/an/empty/directory/for/FIFOs
binding . bbind_compile
binding . bbind_start

binding . f1 "arg1"
msg1 "Return value of c function f1: $OUT_0"

binding destruct

Setting BASH_BINDING_START_WITH_GDB to 'true' will start the program with gdb.

Here is a working example with a simple c lib.


WARNING To support c pointers bashUtils does some questionable casting!

(pointer -> size_t -> c string -> Your Script -> c string -> size_t -> pointer)

A pointer in BASH is represented as an unsigend integer (base 10) with the prefix \x01PTR. So it is theoretically possible to do pointer arithmetic in BASH!

Because bashUtils supports low level c pointes your script might be partialy responsible for memory management. You can even malloc and free memory in your script (if you write the binding)!

I strongly recommend to avoid pointers whenever possible and to NEVER modify a pointer in BASH!

Function definition file Syntax

This file is used to automatically generate the c program. It contains all information about the function pointer types and functions.

NOTE: The filename has to be bind.def.

Section 1: Config




subdir: [<name>] <path>
# Example:
subdir: [lib1] ./lib1

Adds the <path> CMake subdirectory and <path> to the include directories. It will also link the final program against <name>.

NOTE: This command assumes that <name> is a library added with the CMake command add_library!



includeDir: <path>
# Example:
includeDir: /ust/local/include

Adds <path> to the include directories.



include: <filename>
# Example:
include: lib1.h

Adds #include <filename> to the c file.

Section 2: Callback types [optional]

This section starts with the command beginCallback:.

Just copy and paste the typedef into this section (without the typedef keyword, argument names and the ';') All typedefs will be automatically resolved.

Every argument cancontain metadata (default: none). Metadata can be set inside | chars.

matadata Description
:<argnum> The Argument expects an array with the size of the arg index <argnum> (first arg is 0)

Section 3: Functions

This section starts with the command beginBinding:.

Just copy and paste the function prototypes into this section (without the argument names and the ';') All typedefs will be automatically resolved.

Every argument contains metadata (default: in). Metadata can be manualy set inside | chars.

matadata Description
FPTR The argument type is a function pointer defined in section 2
in Requires input from BASH
out Mainly for pointers. Will generate a OUT var for the pointer and the data in bash
:<argnum> The Argument expects an array with the size of the arg index <argnum> (return type is 0)
!<argnum> Same as :<argnum> but <argnum> can be an output only type (return)
DUMMY Wont be used to call the function but can be used as input for :<argnum>


void func( int *|<metadata goes here>| )
void func( int * |in out :2|, size_t )


Fuction Description
msg1 Log Info level 1
msg2 Log Info level 2
msg3 Log Info level 3
msg4 Log Info level 4
found Special msg for finding
found2 Special msg for finding (level 2)
warning Warning
error Error


ask() {} # 3 Args: <question> <default> <VAR>

Prints a question to stdout and reads a line from stdin

Parameter Type Description
question STR What to ask for
default ANY Default value (empty line)
VAR PTR Name of the destenation Var



printNumChar() {} # 2 Args: <char> <num>

Prints num times char


Prints logging message $*, a backtrace and exits


die_expected() {} # 2 Args: <expected> <wrong string>


argsRequired() {} # 2 Args: <expected args> <num args>

Dies if expected args != num args


fileRequired() {} # 2 Args: <filename> <error>

Test if file exists. When it does not it dies error=require or creates the file error=create


programRequired() {} # 1 Args: <program>

Test if program exists in path. When it does not it dies


assertEqual() {} # 2 Args: <value> <expected>


assertDoesNotContain() {} # 2 Args: <string> <substring>

dies if string contains substring



downloadFile() {} # 3 Args: <source> <output> <error>

Tries to download file source to output. On error: error=die: Program dies; else it prints a warning / error.

NOTE: this function requires wget


Config options can be read and set vie the CONFIG array


addToConfig() {} # 3 Args: <name> <default> <description>

Adds a config option


parseConfigFile() {} # 1 Args: <filenema>


generateConfigFile() {} # 1 Args: <filenema>

Thread Sync

Functions for thread synchronization. A thread can be locked with FIFOwait and unlocked from an other thread via FIFOcontinue.

NOTE: those functions create temporary FIOS! Make sure you are using an empty directory to avoid collisions.


FIFOwait() {} # 1 Args: <fifoname>


FIFOcontinue() {} # 1 Args: <fifoname>