- 1
Sketch 45.2 generate only Black color
#28 opened by euheny - 6
- 5
Multiple Palettes
#48 opened by custa1200 - 6
Using named colors
#43 opened by custa1200 - 0
- 4
text colors not getting populated
#44 opened by Raghav789 - 2
Request: HSLA Export
#40 opened by joaomag17 - 8
Sketch 53 support
#42 opened by abbrechen - 1
- 1
Generates invalid variable names
#39 opened by Vorror - 2
json format export?
#37 opened by nilshendriks - 1
Export Color not working
#30 opened by frankparadiso - 1
There are no colors on your Document color
#35 opened by MasamMahmood - 4
Add support to export as osx .clr file
#26 opened by lukaspili - 5
Broken in Sketch 44.1
#27 opened by giuseppebergman - 3
- 4
- 2
Support Sketch 45 plugin update system
#25 opened by bomberstudios - 1
Exported Sass variable names includes apostrophes
#24 opened by fiinix - 3
Prism not working in Sketch 42.
#21 opened by irpolarbear - 1
export to xml or java code not working in v.43
#22 opened by n8mills - 5
not working with sketch v43.2
#23 opened by n8mills - 1
not work! not work!
#18 opened by DopDrop - 5
Prism is not working
#17 opened by DopDrop - 22
Doesn't appear to work with 41 (35326)
#15 opened by StefanHinck - 8
Issue with Version 41.1 (35376)
#16 opened by joshrio - 6
Android export not as good as needed
#14 opened by DaRolla - 3
don't work on sketch 39.1
#12 opened by selcukyilmaz - 1
doesn't work with sketch 40.2
#13 opened by xlr8UX - 1
WCAG compliance
#9 opened by custa1200 - 2
omit duplicate colors
#10 opened by luiscobot - 6
- 5
- 2
Images aren't displaying
#6 opened by dlewand691 - 4
Unable to generate sass file
#2 opened by isratc - 6
Sketch Version 3.7.2
#3 opened by iGyver - 2
Color Renaming on Palette Regeneration
#1 opened by AshwinK - 5
Sketch Version 3.8.3 (29802)
#4 opened by MAJ3STIC