
Primary LanguageErlang


Build Status

This repository provides custom operators for the EMAS algorithm, which try to find Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences.


To run the project on your machine you need:

How to build the project

First you need to clone the repository:

> git clone https://github.com/ParaPhraseAGH/labs-emas.git
> cd labs-emas/

To build the project you should use the Makefile command:

> make deps

Which will download and compile all necessary dependencies and the project itself.

How to run the project

To start a VM where you can run the application, first make sure that you are in the main project's folder:

> cd labs-emas/

Then you can run:

> make shell

which will compile the sources and start the Erlang VM with appropriate flags.

To run the application you can type:

1> emas:start(mas_concurrent, 10000, [{genetic_ops, labs_ops}, {problem_size, 30}]).

which will start the algorithm. The word emas is the name of the main module of our usecase. The atom mas_concurrent defines the version of the program which will be used to execute the program. Currently you can choose from mas_concurrent, mas_hybrid, mas_skel and mas_sequential versions. The default problem size for emas is 100 and computing fitnesses for initial population can take a long time. When testing labs_ops operators appropriate (lower) values of problem_size are advised.

The second parameter is the expected time of execution in miliseconds and the third argument is a list of simulation properties that can be redefined from the command line. The default values are stored in ~/deps/mas/etc/emas.config file and can be freely edited. In this list we include a tuple with a name of the operators module.

Another list can be also provided as a starting argument:

3> emas:start(mas_concurrent, 10000, [{genetic_ops, labs_ops}, {problem_size, 30}], [{islands, 8}]).

which overwrites the parameters of the MAS framework. The list of properties and their default values can be found in the ~/deps/mas/etc/mas.config file and can be freely edited as well.

By default, the program will write all its results to stdout, so you can see if everything is configured correctly.