
Sequence Class for turning outputs (lights) on/off in a sequential manner.

Primary LanguagePHP

Sequence Light Control

Sequence Class for turning outputs (lights) on/off in a sequential manner.


  • traverseOn: Traverse provided addresses turning them ON one by one (delay before turning on next address)
  • traverseToggle: Traverse provided addresses turning one by one ON, then wait for offDelay, before turning one by one off again
  • traverseSkipBack: Traverse provided addresses. Go forward X times, then backwards Y times, before going fowards X times again. Repeat until end of addresses
  • allOnOff: Turn all provided addresses on, then off after provided delay. Repeat X times. Output can be left on the end of the loop
  • manyOn: Turn provided addresses on straight away (base method that the sequences use)
  • manyOff: Turn provided addresses off straigth away (base method that the sequences use)
  • on: Turn provided address on straight away (base method that the sequences use)
  • off: Turn provided address off straigth away1 (base method that the sequences use)