A docker image to run Packer
command line program with
Ansible provisioner support.
You can use this version with the following:
docker run <args> mdmansur/packer-ansible:latest <command>
Running a build:
The easiest way to run a command that references a configuration with one or more template files, is to mount a volume for the local workspace.
Running packer init
docker run \
-v `pwd`:/workspace -w /workspace \
-e PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH=/workspace/.packer.d/plugins \
mdmansur/packer-ansible:latest \
init .
We push images to .
- It uses packer light image as base.
FROM hashicorp/packer:$PACKER_VERSION
- It installs ansible and py-pip packages. It removes apk cache files.
RUN apk add --update --no-cache ansible py-pip \
&& rm /var/cache/apk/*
Pipeline CI
The pipeline is composed of the following jobs:
Lint: Uses Hadolint as Dockefile linter.
Build: Build image and upload it as an artifact, so the following jobs can use it.
Scan: Uses Trivy tool to scan vulnerabilities on docker image. The pipeline continue in case of error on this job. It's only informative.
Execution: It's a simple test that runs this docker image and assert that it returns the correct Packer version.
Push: Publish image on dockerhub. This job is only executed when a new project tag is published.