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Sustain Query Service

Sustain Query Service provides a gRPC server to execute MongoDB queries received from a gRPC client. An example of a gRPC client is provided for testing. The gRPC server uses a MongoClient instance to establish a connection to a mongo instance, running either as a mongos router in the case of a sharded cluster, or a mongod instance in the case of an unsharded replica set. The connection configuration is derived from src/main/java/resources/ file at compile-time.


Set Environment Variables

  • Create a new file from and update values.
  • Execute

To clean the project of any build-generated files:

  • $ make clean

To compile the project and generate the build/ directory:

  • $ make

Once the project is compiled and the build/ directory has been generated, you can start the gRPC server:

  • $ make server

Running a Single Test

./gradlew test --tests SustainServerTest.testExampleEchoQuery


To build and run a Docker container of this project:

  • $ docker build -t sustain-query-service .
  • $ docker run -it --name=sustain-query-service -p 50051 sustain-query-service


To build and run this project as a Kubernetes Deployment, connecting to a sharded cluster:

  • $ kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml