
What we can do with 100h in 100 days?

100-Hour Projects


What we can do with 100h in 100 days? I have a lot of ideas to explore, some are related to my work, some are meant to make myself cooler. I always stop at the end of the first hour.

This repository is designed to make some records of my progress. All projects should be time-oriented at the beginning. Later I may add other task-oriented projects. Some projects may take every other day.

I will spent 2 hours on average each day and make the records here. During these time, I should switch my phone to airplane mode and try to meet the flow. For all the projects, there should be clear goal.

Project 0: 100 push-up challenge

Do 100 push-ups each day along with this project.

Project 1: Read Effective Objective C 2.0

  1. Review what I learnt in the previous day.
  2. Complete at lease one item each day.
  3. If there is not enough time for a new item, I should try to reproduce what I thought.

Duration: 04/14/2020 - 05/02/2020 Actual time spent: ~20h

Project 2: Skateboarding

  1. Watch YouTube videos
  2. Play and practice outside except for rainy days.

Start from: 04/14/2020

Project 3: Read ComponentKit Document

Have a general understanding on ComponentKit. https://componentkit.org


  1. Learn about perfume.
  2. Learn about outfit.
  3. How to talk to people/mgr/coworkers.
  4. How to summarize and write down points during a talk.
  5. Photography.