
FORK of https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse

GDCC fork of IQSS/dataverse


This forks maintains an up-to-date branch of IQSS:master and IQSS:develop by using wei/pull

Feature Branches

  1. Containers: branch gdcc:develop+ct contains changes to create container images for Dataverse and Solr with Maven. It can be used for lot's of purposes regarding containers, using Docker, Podman, etc.

    It is automatically updated with the latest upstream develop branch. You can also see the differences and container related additions here

  2. Production containers: branch gdcc:master+ct is based on upstream stable branch. It will incorporate container related changes from develop+ct. This is done manually (no way to avoid this).

    Tagged container image releases will be built from this branch.

    To create/update the branch do the cherry picking:

    1. Switch to clean master+ct branch, based on latest upstream master (or from another tag release)
    2. Use git log master+ct...develop+ct ^develop --no-merges --oneline --cherry-mark --reverse. Revisit all changes to suffice
    3. Do the picking: git log master+ct...develop+ct ^develop --no-merges --oneline --cherry-pick --reverse --format=%h | xargs git cherry-pick
    4. Force push (as we rewrote history)

    (Maybe we can find a workaround for the forced pushes?)

To use the same for other branches, features etc, create a PR against .github/pull.yml and add some docs here.