OpenGL Practice in Haskell

This repository contains Haskell translations of programs from the OpenGL SuperBible Fourth Edition with minor modifications. All of these programs are found in the same executable. Simply pass the name of the desired program to the executable as a command line argument.

Programs include:

  • simple
  • glrect
  • glrectanimated
  • points
  • pointsz
  • lines
  • lstrips
  • linesw
  • lstipple
  • triangles
    • --cull - Cull surfaces.
    • --depth - Enable depth testing.
    • --outline - Only display wireframe of back surfaces.
  • star
    • --edgeFlag - Enables the edge flag which shows non-border lines.
  • scissor
  • stencil
  • atom
  • perspect
  • sphereworld