
A bundle of useless code.

Primary LanguageGo

#Library for personal go programming

This library contains a collection of functions for use of personal Go programming.

###1. readline.go

  • Type
type fileReader interface {
   	ReadString(byte) (string, error)
  • Function
func Readline(fileReader) chan string

###2. fileexists.go

  • Type

  • Function

func FileExists(string) bool

####4. countlines.go

  • Type

  • Function

func Countlines(f *os.File) uint64

####5. splitext.go

  • Type

  • Function

func SplitExt(s string) (name, ext string)

####6. trimnewline.go

  • Type

  • Function

func TrimNewLineByte(b []byte) []byte
func TrimRightWhiteSpaceByte(b []byte) []byte
func TrimNewLine(s string) string
func TrimRightWhiteSpace(s string) string