
quectel phone test

Primary LanguageC


QPtest is a standalone app to test LTE quectel EC2x modules(and maybe some other qualcomm modem), like in the pinephone. C++ and gtk2. You can test calls, sms, gps, network status, internet. The output goes to the status bar, some debug on the terminal.


Require alsa lib, alsaloop, qmicli, busybox udhcpc.
On arch:
sudo pacman -S alsa-lib alsa-utils libqmi busybox
On Debian, ubuntu:
sudo apt install libgtk-2-dev alsa-utils libasound2 libasound-dev libqmi-utils busybox

  • Get files
    git clone https://github.com/jackghg/qptest.git
  • Insert your mobile operator apn in the /qmi/qmic script
  • correct the variables in the 'variables to customize' section, on top of the source code; mostly devices name.
  • You may need to update the 'simple.script' file from busybox sources, /examples/udhcp/simple.script
  • Compile:
    g++ qptest.c -o qptest `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -lasound
  • The install script will copy some files but not qptest executable
    sudo ./install
  • Run as root:
    sudo ./qptest
  • On the first time you run qptest, click the 'First Run Setup' button and restart the modem/device.


  • Qptest could conflict with others modem managers
  • The 'First Run Setup' function can change some modem settings
  • Only the english sms characterset conversion is supported.
  • Using cellular telephony functions can spend money, depend on your mobile operator contract