
Simple S3 Go library, for babies

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Baby S3

This a simple interface to some common S3 tasks.

For example:

import (
    s3 "github.com/meowgorithm/baby-s3"

func main() {
    if err := s3.CreateBucket("my-cute-bucket"); err != nil  {
        fmt.Println("It didn't work :(", err)

    if err := s3.MakeBucketPublic("my-cute-bucket"); err != nil {
        fmt.Println("It didn't work. Weird :/", err)

    err := s3.UploadObject("my-cute-bucket", "some-bytes.txt", []byte("a few nice bytes"));
    err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Nope :(", err)

⚠️ For now, this library is in an alpha state and the API could change. If you have any thoughts about the API do let me know.

AWS Keys and Regions and Stuff

AWS loves it when you put settings in environment variables, so you'll need to do that to work with this library. Set the following:



This only dependency of this library is github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go. More details can be found in Gopkg.toml. If you use dep to manage your dependencies the AWS SDK will be installed automatically.
