
test variously on Spring Cloud Lab

Primary LanguageJava

  _____ ____  ____   ____  ____    ____         __  _       ___   __ __  ___        ___ ___  _____  ____ 
 / ___/|    \|    \ |    ||    \  /    |       /  ]| |     /   \ |  |  ||   \      |   |   |/ ___/ /    |
(   \_ |  o  )  D  ) |  | |  _  ||   __|      /  / | |    |     ||  |  ||    \     | _   _ (   \_ |  o  |
 \__  ||   _/|    /  |  | |  |  ||  |  |     /  /  | |___ |  O  ||  |  ||  D  |    |  \_/  |\__  ||     |
 /  \ ||  |  |    \  |  | |  |  ||  |_ |    /   \_ |     ||     ||  :  ||     |    |   |   |/  \ ||  _  |
 \    ||  |  |  .  \ |  | |  |  ||     |    \     ||     ||     ||     ||     |    |   |   |\    ||  |  |
  \___||__|  |__|\_||____||__|__||___,_|     \____||_____| \___/  \__,_||_____|    |___|___| \___||__|__|

This project includes the followings

Get Started


  • spring version compatibility
spring boot spring cloud
hubble 2.2.5.RELEASE Hoxton.SR3
calc 2.3.x Hoxton.SR10
latest 2.4.4 2020.0.2
  • Spring Cloud Netflix is placed into maintenance mode. doc
maintenance replacement
circuit breaker Hystrix Resilience4j
monitor Hystrix Dashboard / Turbine Micrometer + Monitoring System
load balancer Ribbon Spring Cloud Loadbalancer
api gateway Zuul 1 Spring Cloud Gateway
configuration Archaius 1 Spring Cloud Config


  • gradle build all services
# in root directory
> ./gradlew build 
  • docker compose build
> docker-compose --env-file .env up --build
  • request to services
> curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8000/bootiful-java/message'


Config First vs Discovery First

      # fail startup of a service if it cannot connect to the Config Server
      fail-fast: true
        # discovery-first
        enabled: true
        # config server id in service discovery
        service-id: configuration
  • docker-compose for discovery first test
    container_name: configuration
        condition: service_healthy

Auto Refreshing Config

Explain how to auto refresh configuration.


Container Environment

in case of docker network bridge, services register docker subnet IP address to service discovery (eureka). If api gateway and microservices are running on different hosts, api gateway cannot request to microservices.

# check eureka which IP address are registered.
> curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps'
    <port enabled="true">41429</port>

So, in this situation, set the docker network to host to use the host network directly.

> docker run -d --network host --name {container_name} {image}

Note that you can only use the host networking driver on Linux hosts, not Mac or Windows. Doc

The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not supported on Docker Desktop for Mac, Docker Desktop for Windows, or Docker EE for Windows Server.
