
🐟 Tunalog is a no-installation, easy-to-use blogging system written in Go.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A no-installation, easy-to-use blogging system written in Go—— Powered by SimpleMDE / SQLite3 / Gin / TocasUI


Getting Started

Launch with the -p :8123 argument if you want to change the port.


Using Docker

$ docker run --name tunalog -v tunalog:/var/lib/tunalog -p 8080:8080 yamiodymel/tunalog

Using on Linux

$ wget -c https://github.com/caris-events/tunalog/releases/latest/download/tunalog_linux_x64
$ ./tunalog_linux_x64

Using on Windows

  1. Download latest Tunalog: tunalog_windows_x64.exe

  2. Double-click the downloaded tunalog_windows_x64.exe file to run.



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   tunalog - A simple blogging system written in Golang ✨

   tunalog [global options] command [command options]


   reset-password  reset the password of a user, email address is required
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --port value, -p value  port to listen on (default: ":8080")
   --tls-key value         path to TLS key file
   --tls-crt value         path to TLS certificate file
   --help, -h              show help
   --version, -v           print the version

Using a self-signed TLS certificate

You can run Tunalog with a TLS certificate directly, without needing a reverse proxy.

# Ports under 1024 require `sudo` to run
$ ./tunalog_linux_x64 -p :443 --tls-key cert/server-key.pem --tls-crt cert/server.pem



The project was meant to be a simple side project, and may have strong opinions on accepting pull requests. But you can always fork it to make a better version 😎👍



  • twitter/twemoji - Default fish favicon because I was too lazy to draw one myself.
  • teacat/tocas - The UI used in the default theme and admin panel.
  • cznic/sqlite - For the CGO-free SQLite driver, making it easier to cross-compile Tunalog.
  • alpinejs/alpine - Minimal data-binding for a simpler post creation/edit form.

And Tunalog is inspired by Ghost Blog and WordPress.


❤️ Love from Taiwan

٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و Developed by Yami Odymel from Taiwan, along with the ❤️ from contributors. The source code is licensed under MIT. Feel free to use, share, or contribute. Tunalog is co-developed by Caris Events, part of Sorae & Co., Ltd.