
A group of HTML/CSS/JavaScript Inputs with on the fly validation

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

dotValidator is a group of HTML/CSS/JavaScript Inputs with on the fly validation. You can see a live demo at this location.

User validation requirements


Requires at least three characters


  • Checks for alphanumeric
  • Checks for a "@" symbol not at the start or the end of input
  • Checks for at least one "." symbol
  • At least 2 alpha characters after "." symbol

Phone Number

  • Checks for nine digits
  • Does not include hyphens in the count
    • 555-555-5555 is valid
  • Allows 10 digits if the first digit is "1"
    • 1-555-555-5555 is valid

Generic Number

Checks user input is a number. Forced in HTML5.

Date of Birth

Checks for a valid date

Forced in HTML5


Not an actual input. The data will be automatically pulled from Date of Birth. Compares todays today and calculates the age.

If age is 18 or older, age validated.


  • Check for a minimum length of 12 characters
  • Check for at least one symbol

Note that the password requirements are based on recent security research from Microsoft and Symnatec


  • Checks for minimum of five characters
  • Checks input is alphanumeric


  • Must be numerical
  • Must be five or 9 digits
  • 10 digits allowed is one is a hyphen
    • 12345-9806 is valid
  • Hyphen not allowed if exactly six digits
    • 12345- is not valid


General Usage

Link to the stylesheet.css and dotValid.js

Copy and paste the code from the html file for any inputs you wish to import.

Turning on and off the dotValidator

The inputs have an attribute:


Remove attribute or set to false if you don't want a specific input to have the validator.

Changing the size of the validator dot

In the stylesheet, find class "evo-c-validation-dot."

You can change the width and height here. If you want to keep the dot circular keep both width and height equal. Be aware you may also have to change the border-radius.

Changing the input size

The inputs will adjust to the size of their container. In most cases, you don't want to modify an input size directly.

Modify the container div, ideally by adding a new class.

If you want to modify the size of all inputs change values of class "evo-c-dotValidator-container".

Changing the dot validation colors

By default, the validation colors for the dots are:

  • No User Input

    • F2617A
  • Invalid Input

    • DBE69
  • Valid Input

    • 31E96B

These three variables are at the very top of the dotValid.js file.

Changing the values here will change them for every input.

Also be aware:

The dot color on page load is defined in the CSS class "evo-c-validation-dot" via the background-color.

By default it is equal to the "no user input" color.

If you change that, and you want the default color to be equal to the no input color, you'll have to change that value in CSS as well.

Using an External Library

To keep things lean and to allow drag and drop usage of dotValidator, the dotValid.js contains a small internal validation library.

If you prefer to use an external library the code is separated, via functions and comments, to make that process as easy as possible.

##Step One- Remove Internal Library

Neat the top of the dotValid.js file you'll see the following comment:


Just past the document halfway mark you'll see a similar comment:


To remove the internal library simply delete everything between these two comments.

##Step Two: Update Library References with Your Own Library

Directly below the code you just removed you'll see the following comment:

/*****validateMe sub functions- validation procedure via content type*****/

This section contains all references to the library, separated by input type.

For example:

inputCode.email = (function (targ)

For the email dotValidator.

Go through this section and remove any references to the internal library and replace them with your own.

All Internal Library References start with "validator."

So for example (Pay Attention to the Comments):

inputCode.email = (function (targ) {
    if (targ.value === "") {
        targ.nextElementSibling.style.backgroundColor = dotNoInput;
        //*****VALIDATOR REFERENCE BELOW******
    } else if (validator.isEmail(targ.value)) {
        targ.nextElementSibling.style.backgroundColor = dotValid;
    } else {
        targ.nextElementSibling.style.backgroundColor = dotInvalid;

Replace those references and you should be good to go!