
An Android app to find the nearest bus stops for public transportation services in Tanzania (Daladala)

Primary LanguageJava


An Android app to find the nearest bus stops for public transportation services in Tanzania (Daladala)


The application has several components interacting to provide reliable services:

  • MapBox API provides Tiling, Rendering, Matrix and Navigation Services
  • Google Places API provides location search services (I hope to build a custom search service in the future)
  • OSM Overpass API to search for nearest nodes on the map
  • Firebase Authentication handles user accounts and emailing services

Development Environment

  • Run and Tested on Android 8
  • Android Studio on Linux


  • Open the project in Android Studio, the dependencies will be fetched automatically by gradle.
  • Run the appliction


  • The application was made with the city of Dodoma as the case study
  • Searching for areas out of bound might yield unresonable and unexpected results
  • Endpoints to the server might be unreachable