Introduction: Well, this is a react native ready to use template structure. It comes with :
- React Native v.0.59.4
- React Native Navigation v2.15.0
- Redux 4.0.1
- Redux Saga 1.0.2
- Redux Immutable 4.0.0
- Reselect 4.0.0
- React Redux Tool compatibility
- Axios 0.18.0
- Immutable 4.0.0-rc.12
- React Native Animatable 1.3.2
Is it for beginner ? Yes a beginner and professional both can start with this boilerplate. But it is recommended to use default CLI to getting started with React Native.
How to start (Basic Setup)
- Clone repo first
git clone
- run
npm install
inside this repo folder. - Definitely you want to change the default project name. So don't worry you can use react-native-rename
- Inside screen folder you can create your screen (example Home is there)
- To use this screen in this application you need to first register that with react-native-navigation. To do so open
and import and add your screen like thisNavigation.registerComponent('About', () => require('../screens/About').default);
. If you want to use redux with this screen then you need some little bit modification. Instead of registerComponent you have to use registerComponentWithRedux.Navigation.registerComponentWithRedux('About', () => require('../screens/About').default, Provider, store);
If above steps are done then you are good to go in the next steps. - This boilerplate is like other RN app and also initially hit
first. You can change you initial screen here => {}).
Make sure you have little bit understanding of react-native-navigation or you can user this docs.
How to start (Advanced setup)
- If you want to use redux, saga, reselect with your application then you must follow this guide else you can skip this part.
- In this boilerplate you can use screen wise action,reducer, saga, reselect (Strongly recommended to have a look inside
). For example; If you need to create a screen named Gallery then you have to create a folderscreens/Gallery
and inside this you can create separate files index.js, saga.js,reducer.js etc (It's totally up to you) . If you have followed above steps then don't forget to include saga.js and reducer.js insidestore/sagas.js
otherwise your reducer and saga will not work. Go through the screens/Home folder example for better understanding.
Contribute This is an open source project. Any idea from you guys are always welcome. You are free to fork this repo and create a PR if you have done a good changes or have added new packages.