
Taught by DDM

Primary LanguagePython

Math6010 Graph and Networks

Taught by DDM in SJTU.

Three homeworks till now. Hw1 for greedy approach, Hw2 for derandomized approach, Hw3 for heuristic algorithm.

Follow the commands below to start.

git clone git@github.com:merak0514/Math6010.git
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Homework 3: Balanced graph partitioning, heuristic algorithm

Given a complete graph $G(V,E)$ with $|V|=2n$, and a mapping of cost $C:V\times{V}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$. Find a 2-partition of the graph, such that each partition has $n$ vertexes, while minimizing the capacity of edges cut. Edges cut denotes those edges with vertexes in different partitions.

$$\begin{aligned} min \quad &c(X_0,X_1) = \sum_{{u,v}\in E,u\in X_0,v\in X_1}cost(u,v)\newline s.t. \quad &V = X_0 \cup X_1 ,and \ |X_0| = |X_1| = n \end{aligned}$$

This is a NP-Complete problem. This homework is aiming at developing a heuristic algorithm.

python3 hw3/main.py

The following table shows comparison between heuristic algorithm and traversed algorithm:

Homework 2: Two-coloring of Kn, derandomized algorithm

Kn is a complete graph (a clique) with n nodes.

Theorem: There is a two-coloring of Kn with at most Cn4 * 2-5 monochromatic K4.

Write a program to find the solution, using the derandomization algorithm.

python3 hw2/main.py

There are three different solutions.


Visualization of the solution.


Homework 1: Minimum Dominating Set, a greedy approach

Write a program that finds the minimum dominating set of a graph using greedy approach.

python3 hw1/main.py

result gif