Trivia Game

Little bit about the solution:

  • Typescript
  • React hooks (+hooks based router)
  • Redux-saga for separation of concerns between business and UI logic
  • Can be easily adapted to multiple-choice questions
  • Flexible about the number of questions/diffiiculty (changed in config)
  • Proper support for session token with resetting (
  • Sagas integration tests with Jest
  • E2E tests with Cypress
  • Tooling best practices (Prettier, ESLint, Husky/Lint-staged)
  • Code splitting with Suspense wrapper
  • Error boundries (right now only with Class component)
  • JS bundle (black) and Chunk Loader (blue)
  • Preload Results screen (we preload on the last question)
  • Preload Quiz screen onMouseEnter on Start button


  • Load chunk (Quiz) and data (questions) at the same time - right now we just preload the Quiz screen, we can also preload the data if we want

Available Scripts

yarn install - Install dependencies
yarn start - Run project in development mode
yarn test - Run Jest tests (also yarn test:watch)
yarn test:e2e - Run Cypress E2E tests (also yarn test:e2:watch to open the browser)
yarn test:all - Run Jest and Cypress tests
yarn build - To build static version in /build folder
yarn deploy - Used to deploy production version on Netlify (demo)