
Async Python 3 library for Aduro Stove

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Async Python 3 library for Aduro Stove Async Python 3 library for Aduro Stove P4.

Aduro stove communicates via Wappsto API (documentation).

Wappsto portal can contain many devices, this API filters out those by Aduro, named Stove and that have product P1 [4EFA], since this is the only device I can verify.

All device entities, with their state, are returned by the API. Streaming is supported.

Login methodes: username and password or OAuth token.


pip install pyaduro


from aduro.client import AduroClient

await aduro_client.async_login(username,password)
# since Wappsto only uses session_id in API, get it after login
session_id = aduro_client.session_id
# then you can store it and skip login for future connections

Find stove

Returns list of stove ids found.

from aduro.session import AduroSession

aduro_session = AduroSession(session_id)
stove_ids = await aduro_session.async_get_stove_ids()

Get stove details

Returns object with stove details.

from aduro.session import AduroSession

aduro_session = AduroSession(session_id)
stove_ids = await aduro_session.async_get_stove_ids()

device_info = await aduro_session.aync_get_device_info(stove_ids[0])

Get all device entities and their states

Returns list of stove entities with all their details. async_get_state_value returns state value. Possible states for entity are Control (desired state and can be uptated when permission == w) or Report (current value for state and can not be updated). Entity can have both Control and Report state.

entities = await aduro.async_get_device_entities(stove.id)
for entity in entities:
    states = await aduro.async_get_state_value(entity.id)

Update state

To update state (with permission w).

bool success = await aduro.async_patch_state_value(state_id, value)