This Covid19 Italy dashboard provides an overview of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic in Italy. This dashboard is built with R using the Rmakrdown framework and can easily reproduce by others.
The input data for this dashboard are the covis19italy and coronavirus R packages (dev version). The data and dashboard are refreshed on a daily bases.
Data source
The raw data for the covid19italy package is pulled from Italy Department of Civil Protection, and the coronavirus package from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE)
- Dashboard interface - the flexdashboard package.
- Visualization - the plotly package for the plots and mapview package for the map
- Data manipulation - dplyr, and tidyr
- Tables - the DT package
Deployment and reproducibly
The dashboard was deployed to Github docs. If you wish to deploy and/or modify the dashboard on your Github account, you can apply the following steps:
- Fork the dashboard repository, or
- Clone it and push it to your Github package
- Here some general guidance about deployment of flexdashboard on Github page - link
For any question or feedback, you can either open an issue or contact me on Twitter.