Cartesian Controller Server that combines ROS2 and YARP for generic system teleoperation.
This project integrates YARP and ROS 2 to provide a Cartesian control server for robots. It enables communication with a YARP subdevide through its ICartesianControl interface, while allowing the robot's current position to be published and commands to be received via ROS 2 nodes.
The CartesianControlServerROS2 package is part of the cartesian-controllers repository. It acts as a bridge between YARP and ROS 2, providing real-time control and feedback for robotic systems. The server allows for the manipulation of the robot’s position, velocity, and force/torque, as well as gripper control.
- Direct control via YARP's ICartesianControl interface.
- ROS 2 integration for publishing robot states and receiving commands from ROS 2 nodes.
- Supports position, velocity, force/torque, and gripper control via dedicated callbacks.
- Fully configurable parameters such as command types and reference frames (base or TCP).
Clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:
~$ git clone
~$ cd cartesian-controllers
Ensure both YARP and ROS 2 are correctly installed and configured on your system.
This Cartesian Control Server was initially created to use BasicCartesianControl as a YARP subdevice from kinematics-dynamics. Please, see below proposed control arquitecture:
Block 1: /spacenav node from spacenav package which sends buttons state and linear and angular component of a SpaceMouse.
Block 2: /spacenav_device node from spacenav_device package that manage analogic data received and proccess data according three control modes: Twist (command velocities to TCP), Pose (command positions to TCP) and Wrench (command forces to TCP).
Block 3: Current Cartesian Control Server ROS 2 which is able to communicate to other ROS 2 nodes and wrap a YARP subdevice (BasicCartesianControl).
Block 4: Joint control from cartesian control applying Inverse Kinematics solver 'Screw Theory' from kinematics-dynamics.
Block 5: Actuation control accessed by Motor Control Interfaces differentiating between simulated and real environment.
This control arquitecture is a modification from the arquitecture presented in “A generic controller for teleoperation on robotic manipulators using low-cost devices,” [1]. The aim is to start a transition from YARP to ROS 2.
[1] B. Łukawski, J. G. Victores, and C. Balaguer, “A generic controller for teleoperation on robotic manipulators using low-cost devices,” in XLIV Jornadas de Automática, 2023, pp. 785-788. [Online]. Available:
The server handles multiple types of commands through ROS 2 topics:
: Processes Pose messages to send position commands to the controller.twistTopic_callback
: Processes Twist messages to control the robot's velocity.wrenchTopic_callback
: Processes Wrench messages to send force/torque commands.gripperTopic_callback
: Controls the robot’s gripper actuator (open, close, stop).
The server allows the configuration of several parameters, including:
- Transmission command type: Define the type of control commands (
). - Reference frame: Select between
frame for executing commands.
This file implements the main server logic for handling Cartesian control:
- Subscription Callbacks: Manages incoming messages to control the robot’s position, velocity, force, and gripper.
- Parameter Management: Dynamically adjusts the server's settings based on incoming messages to ensure correct robot control.
This file handles device-level control, including:
- Initialization and Configuration: Opens the Cartesian control device, sets execution parameters, and initializes the ROS 2 node.
- Publications and Subscriptions: Sends PoseStamped messages and listens for Pose, Twist, Wrench, and Int32 messages for gripper control.
- Robot Control: Defines callbacks for processing commands and sending them to the controller.
This file implements the run function, which updates the robot's state periodically:
- State Retrieval: Captures the current position and status of the robot.
- Time Conversion: Converts timestamps for ROS 2 message compatibility.
- Orientation Calculation: Computes robot orientation using the KDL library.
- Message Publication: Sends PoseStamped messages with updated robot state to the ROS 2 topic.
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the project. Contributions are welcome!