Community Vote

A voting tool for "Hic Et Nunc Community"

Originally developed with the help of TzConnect and Hicathon for hicetnunc

Currently deployed on mainnet at


  1. Nodejs
  2. Yarn

Deploying smart contract

  1. Create .env file using example.

    • cp .env.example .env
    • update the .env file
  2. Run: yarn deploy

  3. Update the .env file with contract address received from above command.

React App

Update the .env file to include below fields:

  • REACT_APP_NETWORK: Network where contract is deployed. Available options: "MAINNET" | "DELPHINET" | "EDONET" | "FLORENCENET" | "GRANADANET" | "CUSTOM"
  • REACT_APP_RPC_URL: RPC url to connect to. Default:
  • REACT_APP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: Contract address received from the deployment step above.

Available Scripts

  • yarn build: To build the production app.
  • yarn start: To start the app in local dev setup.