
This project is built with:

  • Vue 3 composition API
  • Vite
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS (for styling)
  • dayjs for formatting dates
  • chart.js for the line chart
  • vue-chartjs (a wrapper for chartjs in vue.js with typescript support)
  • Prettier (for code formatting)

Estimated time spent:

5 hours

My proposed solution

I matched the store and product info in the recommendation and delivery dataset in order to get the recommendation and the delivery_qty, then I subtracted the values to find the difference. The difference is the adjustment made by the client. With the adjustment value, I mapped the graph to show the adjustment points. Then, I mapped the graph with the actual delivery which is in the sales data set, then I compared the adjustment and the actual delivery. This comparison showed when the adjustment improved or deteriorated actual delivery. to find improved or deteriorated values, I checked the adjustment values to see if the adjustment was closer to the actual delivery or if the recommendation was closer to the actual delivery.


The implementation of the filter by date does not allow a flexible date range selection. A better approach would be to use a date picker so that users can freely select dates.


I assume that the actual delivery quantity is the data in the sales.json file

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint