A Web app written in Go to perform encipherment and decipherment of messages using old-fashioned field ciphers.
Instantiate your deployment pipeline as follows, adapting as necessary the parameter overrides (including any not shown here):
aws cloudformation deploy \
--template-file pipeline.yaml \
--stack-name pingaling-dev \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
BranchName=develop \
RepositoryName=gold-bug \
GitHubOwner=merenbach \
AlarmEmail='your_name@your_domain.com' \
The first deployment should trigger automatically. If it does not, simply push to the branch to kick off the deployment process.
- MASC casing preservation/normalization?
- Add shift and directionality to Trithemius?
- Nulls for rail fence?
- Add keyed vigenere (Quagmire IV)